Pnp Victory VS Scorpion Elite


im not a picture fan so i wont bother

we started this world to play for fun then we hit a challange known as virus they threatened us and told us to merge we resisted this merge and started war before we could take villages! the war slowed us down a little as we didnt have the abilty to take villages but we won the war we made virus disband :)

it then become away that another group took the players of virus when they realised this and they apporched us with some stupid threats! again that we merge our better players into them!

now im a sneky twat so i went around finding out who was at war with this group and seeing hwo wanted war!! i also found a freind in there alliance and normaly i hate spys but i felt this was needed we set about framing one of there leaders for our spy ;) and got him kicked weaking scorpion elite a little!

now we have decided that we need to declaire a fall out war with scorpion elite to take them away from our oceans :) we are going to spread into there oceans as its the only option we currently have!

LET THE FUN COMMENCE a top 10 alliance vs the smaller guys!!

david vs gloth

got my sling shot ready and i like a uphill fight more fun :)


Isn't posting about your plans on the forum a bit counterintuitive?


Well, I think he is posting to try and get false glory. SEF have recently had a splinter group form in O-74 where over half of the alliances cities were. If any alliance can take credit for that it would be Elite, although the reasons why we split are more complex and not down to any one factor.

To give credit where it's due, they did have a spy in our leadership until he was found out. He since admitted his part. You have to respect dedicated spy craft even when it's against you :D
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lol mr codfish dear sir :) have u not been attacking a few of our players for a while now and a failed CS attempt earlier plus others :)
thats ur active section losing against us! ok yes u splintered away but thats just proves what i said to you in game!

i told you the elite was attackign you and you said they wasnt
i told you that you better of without the main scorpion elite
i told you elitest is better then MRA
and now u seen the light :)

also i did not reveal any plan we have in the future if u read what i said it was plan in in the past and im declaring as the future :)

and to the guy that dereped me with the ur a mini allaince WOW so a smaller allaince cant write a PnP on here then ? at least sign your name so i can argue my case to you!!
we declared against a allaince that was 4 times our size! that alone takes some respect! but not only did we do that we have been fighting a codl war style with them now for like a month its just we decided today was the best time to step up and say we going to attack you back hard for what you are trying to do to us!

i changed the flag color yesterday before the splinter allaince started! we started attacks back yesterday!
today the splinter group happens!!

whats up guys ?? couldnt take on Elite and us at the same time ?

ooooo no lets get this right u could take us on u just preferd to be more elite :)

the reason why scorpion elite is failing

its fighting at least 2 the top 10 allainces its got other smaller allainces that are jumping on the band wagon becuase they see lack of activity form scorpion elite
also the commincation in scorpion elite was poor at best you didnt support each other you didnt help each other!!
how can a top 12 alliance win when its founder is spending half the time AFK and goes on V mode for two weeks a month in the first few months of server?
then out of V mode he gets conqoured without any request for help :)

could point out a few other things about scorpion elite but im reframing from doing so!!

codfish i respect you as a player and wish your new allaince all the best :)


No offense rocky, but your alliance never factored into any decision. You never attacked us once. The Exiles also have half your players & more points. Well done on that defense though, it was a good team hustle.

In fairness, we are small rim alliances. It's never going to be as entertaining as the action the other more active forum posters are surely seeing.


I honestly can't see SEF being around much longer. Taking cities from them is too easy. They can't handle ELITE in 64


Oh, you rimmed Nishant Dhar ?

When i started in Oropos, i was in his alliance first... total failure, didn't do anything, didn't name leaders, and he was the first to get farmed. What a joke :s

Anyway, there's no glory in destroying Nishant Dhar's alliances.


now we have decided that we need to declaire a fall out war with scorpion elite to take them away from our oceans :) we are going to spread into there oceans as its the only option we currently have!

It looks like it's your Ocean that's holding all the tea parties, we can't stay away. :p


Hehe, hopefully we will see some more action in our little area of the pond!


Are you guys fighting or making out? Where are the unnecessary insults, the bad grammar...and most importantly, the lies! Or is this the war of the gentlemen?


Looks like a little bit of both... But don't worry, the WRECKLESS v Elite thread makes up for all the niceness here ;)


I just don't feel the need to kick people when they are on the ground :D

Have you watch "Enders Game" yet? The point of kicking someone when they are on the ground is to permanently disable them from ever getting back up again. :D


Don't wound something you can't kill. Kick, punch. and destroy while you have the chance. Who taught you guys war tactics sheesh haha.