

It's a war game , what do you except? Should I send love messages to you and some flowers? Get over it , this is a war game. Wars happen , pacts are dissolved , allies are betrayed , alliances disband or split. If you can't be man enough to handle this war then you may delete your account.

Can you send me a personal message saying which alliance youre on? I realy dont care about your warrs, I wont tell anyone. I just want to know which alliance I shouldnt join. Tks.


Do you think I'm that dumb? You'll see my name when you read the message and bam , you'll tell everyone. And next thing I know my city will be like this:

lol, it's clear anyway, he's that fake colin guy

How moron? Are you that dumb to realise that I would have been banned straight away? How can I be using 2 forum accounts? They would have banned me on the spot. Jesus christ , moron these days.


psst.. it's alright, I won't tell anyone. I want to be your first friend.

I'm sure it's somewhere on the milestone list - Player to first tame firelord0001.


It's a war game , what do you except? Should I send love messages to you and some flowers? Get over it , this is a war game. Wars happen , pacts are dissolved , allies are betrayed , alliances disband or split. If you can't be man enough to handle this war then you may delete your account.

I am not trying to stop the war. I am wondering why you are being a baby about it?


You are criticising me because I declared war? Seriously grow up.


You are criticising me because I declared war? Seriously grow up.

I don't care that you declared war! I care that my enemy mans up and shows himself instead of declaring war, and not doing anything. You are just trying to draw attention to your "alliance".


What alliance lol? I was joking I never joined world sigma xD


Am I?o_0 I may be lying or I may be telling the truth.

Read this carefully and you will find your answer.

Pick your choice carefully.

I ate my Ice cream , now sigma revolution invented a magic alliance.

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Shut up and let your troops do the talking, that is if you even exist on Sigma, firelord.
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I am sad , no one has bothered to read my secret message.
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Am I?o_0 I may be lying or I may be telling the truth.

Read this carefully and you will find your answer.

Pick your choice carefully.

I ate my Ice cream , now sigma revolution invented a magic alliance.


Is your name Anagram? Or is there someone named Anagram who you are framing for being you so that everyone will attack him??? Huh?


I prefer other alliances fighting for us and doing my dirty work.

I am one of the best diplomat in grepolis

If you really are a good manipulator then you shouldn't say out loud that you're going to have them do your dirty work while you sit back. It's usually a good idea to a good idea to just let them think otherwise.

I have a way with people , manipulation is the way to win in my books.

Manipulation is not "a way with people"

Should we all follow the rule book and keep wars cleans? Heck who cares if we started war when BP is finished. Wars is in our blood human nature.

No, war is not an honorable thing nor did I say it was. I just think that starting a war with someone who is bigger than you is a bad idea considering they have allies and you are bluffing about having allies of your own.

If you don't like wars I suggest you go and play Sim city.

I love wars. Come on over to my gates and you'll see how much I love wars.


Am I?o_0 I may be lying or I may be telling the truth.

Read this carefully and you will find your answer.

Pick your choice carefully.

I ate my Ice cream , now sigma revolution invented a magic alliance.


Aah the sentence is an anagram. Pretty intense statement though. I invented a magic alliance. Swag :cool:


More importantly that that though, im curious to who this guy is.


Hahahaha I'd say there is a good chance he's not even in this world and is just trolling


Jash why do you still have the ML signature lol. You haven't been with us in over 6 months.

Also this thread is stupid and everyone who has posted in it should feel ashamed (myself included).