

Obviously you get an answer when you talk about us..

This is not my opinion its fact, Your leader Spiller has 32 cities only 4 of them were taken from active players in other alliances the rest were all your own inactive members or other inactive players. 3 out of them 4 cities were below 5 k.

This trend is followed throughout your alliance. You are a sim city alliance who over the past 2 weeks has lost 17 or 18 cities to us from some of your most active members. While you were been support by at least 2 other big alliances near you (that we know of). We are attacking your strong hold while you are targeting our isolated or inactive members.

Your alliances new tactic is to retreat to ocean 57. As we take a city from hamwise in ocean 55 or 56 he takes one in 57, Your attacks are weak your defence is weak, your alliance is weak. Now if that offends you then join a good alliance because like I said these are facts which can be checked on stats, it is not me playing the propaganda game.


This is not my opinion its fact, Your leader Spiller has 32 cities only 4 of them were taken from active players in other alliances the rest were all your own inactive members or other inactive players. 3 out of them 4 cities were below 5 k.

or do you follow everyone's Grepo history? Personally I think its kind of weird. If you start talking about what kind of sandwich he had yesterday I think I'm going to have to delete my account.. lol.

Why do you have to criticize everyone else brotha? Why can't you let your skills and accomplishments speak for themselves instead of going around running your mouth about why everyone else isn't any good. To me it says you're not very confident but hey who am I to say anything. I hope we battle in game at some point, and I know that I might lose. But I have two things to tell you my friend, first I won't go down without a fight and second I'll have respect for you whether I win or lose.
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Firstly no I do not follow every bodies stats however I do constantly look up the stats of my current enemy. Stats can tell you many things about what your enemy is doing, for example that is how I saw hamwise was moving further south. I underestimate no enemy and study them somewhat compulsively. If you think it is weird to plan and try to stay one step ahead of your enemy then perhaps you are playing the wrong game.

Also I do not criticize everybody and I have often given respect to allies and enemies on these forums, but only where it is due. My assessment of your leader and your alliance as I have already said is fact not criticism. Though I must admit you did make me laugh there, I have been called a lot of things in this game but under confident that is a first :D


I was not aware that using grepostats to check up on your enemies was the trait of a stalker. Seems like prudent tactics to me. Maybe this (among other things) can explain Alpha's performance thus far.

It is rather amusing, to be honest. The moment things start looking tough your players start retreating or going Vmode (point in fact: evilnoodles after my recent attacks on him went Vmode).

Murt has the right of things, Alpha's performance in this war is less than exemplary. The only thing that has saved you thus far is your decision to turtle nearly every city. In the long run, this decision will only slow down our advancement and stave off the inevitable.


Vacation mode is, as the name of the function implies, a mode to use when going on vacation. You shouldn't think anything else of it. If you start to think that others are using VM in order to avoid your terrifying attacks, then there may be something wrong with you. I'd personally go and see a doctor or a psychiatrist if I were thinking that.:p But hey, if it makes you feel better about yourself to think that, you go right ahead big guy.;)


Interestingly enough, I majored in Psychology. Maybe I'll sit down and try a little self therapy and see what I can find.

That aside, in my experience people typically hide behind Vmode when things get tough. Perhaps this is cynical, and evilnoodles may in fact have gone on vacation for other reasons. If this is true, then I apologize and retract my statement about him. However, he is not the only one from your alliance who has gone Vmode once they came under fire. After a while, the argument you put forth (that being "Coincidence"), loses strength.


Your alliances new tactic is to retreat to ocean 57

For your info this is not "new tactic" actually very old tactic. If you look bodnapas post this world quite small now and expanding. According to my past experience in theta, holding the core areas means nothing, as the game progresses you could understand.
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Red Alliance:
Alpha Academy
Defiled Forest
Defiled Forest South
Defiled Forest West

Green Alliance:
Black Sea
The Unit
The Astronauts - Unit
Malestorm Academy
Red Dragon Reclaimers

Neutral / White Alliances:
Greek Empire
Greek Empire Academy
Blood of Death
Brotherhood of Justice

This is the world that i know off... If i am missing something then post it please

You forgot about Rulers (green) :(


Updated One. Please let me know if i have left out any other alliance.

Red Alliance:
Alpha Academy
Defiled Forest
Defiled Forest South
Defiled Forest West

Green Alliance:
Black Sea
The Unit
The Astronauts - Unit
Malestorm Academy
Red Dragon Reclaimers

Neutral / White Alliances:
Greek Empire
Greek Empire Academy
Blood of Death
Brotherhood of Justice


Hmm Aksak are you sure your suppose to be talking about that yet? Your kind of wrecking the "surprise"


I dont know who's side are they on.. can any of you confirm that?


I know for a fact that when The Unit were fighting Dogs of war Group, Hegemony was a part of it and then Alpha were their allies. But After their defeat. I do not know if they are neutral to both parties or they are siding with The Unit this time. No Clue..
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doing that... sorry.. i was away today so i could not do it. doing it now.


Seriously Woah!! Red Alliance spreading.

Red Alliance:
Alpha Academy
Defiled Forest
Defiled Forest South
Defiled Forest West

Green Alliance:
Black Sea
The Unit
The Astronauts - Unit
Malestorm Academy
Red Dragon Reclaimers

Neutral / White Alliances:
Greek Empire
Greek Empire Academy
Blood of Death
Brotherhood of Justice

So correct me if i am wrong again.

The Hegemony and Rulers merging into Alpha. Is that right?


The hegemony didn't join alpha and for armageddon they are neutral in all this idk about the islanders