Announcement World Pandosia - What would you like to say?



Im going to be sending a mass mail ingame to players to draw attention to the forums, and try and generate some activity. For our active worlds, I'll be doing customised versions of a standard template, to entice players from that specific world. What I'd love to know is, what would you guys say to the players of Pandosia to convince them to take a look at the forums? What is going on in here? Any wars/PnP I can mention?

I hope to send it either this week or next, so I'll check back on this over the coming days.

Thanks for your assistance!

Community Manager


idk why but grepolis forums are seriously inactive, maybe because of the too many restrictions...


That's quite a tough question one might say. Mainly due to the fact these forums have been pretty much dead lately. To be quite honest with you there's not a lot of interesting posts on here that are actually worth your/their time. If you really want to direct them to a certain post/thread I would say the top 12 thread would probably be your best choice due to the fact it's pretty much the only one with posts which are somewhat on-topic and recent.

I honestly think it's an awesome (and much needed) idea to get some more active posters on these forums, and I wish you the best of luck trying to figure out how to convince people to use the forums.

idk why but grepolis forums are seriously inactive, maybe because of the too many restrictions...

I doubt the reason these forums are coping with inactivity problems is because of too many restrictions. Quite frankly I do not believe there is even one rule on these forums which is not needed in order to run these forums in an organized manner.

My guess why activity levels have been this low would probably be the lack of variation. Every world has the same basic threads and the same 'forum games'. Seeing the same threads over and over again isn't that much fun if you ask me, even though it can be extremely informative. Another reason why people are no longer visiting these forums might be the amount of spam that's on them.


I will say personally that we need more worldwide competitions to retains those posters that are still active, and those that will be joining. Something simple and funny like name that pixel comp, or a crossword. We need like 1-2 of these per month even if the rewards aren't much.


Just thought about reasons why I personally joined these forums. The forums are pretty much the perfect way to meet people outside of your alliance/world. Besides that I personally have learned a lot by reading these forums, especially the gameplay question and player guide sections have helped me out a lot in the past. Might be worth mentioning, even though it is pretty much obvious.

I will say personally that we need more worldwide competitions to retains those posters that are still active, and those that will be joining. Something simple and funny like name that pixel comp, or a crossword. We need like 1-2 of these per month even if the rewards aren't much.

Something like this would indeed make the forums more exciting and should have a positive influence on the activity of the members. Problem would probably be the amount of time mods can commit to organising these kind of competitions. But it would be nice to at least see these kind of competitions happen more often.



Im going to be sending a mass mail ingame to players to draw attention to the forums, and try and generate some activity. For our active worlds, I'll be doing customised versions of a standard template, to entice players from that specific world. What I'd love to know is, what would you guys say to the players of Pandosia to convince them to take a look at the forums? What is going on in here? Any wars/PnP I can mention?

I hope to send it either this week or next, so I'll check back on this over the coming days.

Thanks for your assistance!

Community Manager

Awesome. As for wars we got Repossession Agents vs. *Killer Clowns*, Legion vs. Bones and Skulls, Black Ships vs. Elite, Silver Inferno vs. Elite. Can't think of any others off the top of my head, as for PnPs, we haven't had one here in a long time.


Ban the use of the word Noob lol

Really I think you should make the forums more interesting.

There are no structures to these forums and the Mods have no Idea about the World Forums they Mod. ( No Offence )

An Interesting questions is :

Why are the Rankings in-game not displayed automatically in these forums like the world maps

Why are grepo stats like cities won or lost by Alliances not linked to the external forums.

80% of the players have no idea even how to find this info and it should be available here rather then Grepo Stats , Grepo Maps and Grepo Intel.

People have no interest in coming to the external forums as its a Little bit of banter here and there but thats it.

There is no reason for any one to come here unless its to troll. Some people genuinely try to help by giving their Opinions eg Top 12's or Newspaper but thats as interesting as it gets. But they have to again go to loads of external sites to get the info.

You need a 1 stop shop for this and then people will log into this forum to get the latest info on their own alliances and others.

You started off with the updating maps. Thats the only useful part of this external forum.

No need to Bribe members to come over here

You need to make a reason to come here which are actual factual representation's of the Worlds we play.

It shows the weakness in the Mods here ( No offence again )

They ask whats going on in the world... I mean really? Inno games should be the ones with the Monthly newspaper and a Monthly top 12 considering the are neutral no playing in the World.

You are asking what people want in the externals. Well I as one would like a neutral view on the world.

There is also 2 forum rules which Mods an Inno games fail to monitor on the externals.

1. Attack the Post and not the Poster - People here can just insult each other because they have grudges against players and are stalked from forum to forum. You can spot it a mile away but mods don't look into this. Also I think everyone is a Noob at this stage.

2. Dont be a Dick - These are the trolls who like to bring all the threads off topic which kills nearly all threads. Again these people just keep posting and posting because the Mods cant see it.

These are the issues which make it intimidating for new members to come here and makes members who come here log back out again.

Also every world forum should have an Off topic section so people can Chit chat. It work on internal Forums like Off topic or Pub Tabs and that's really where bonds are made within Alliances.

So ending this post alot of people actually would like to get to know other members within the game or other Worlds but Inno Games has let the external forums go hostile

Us members monitor and control our internal Forums which makes successful Alliances because we Mod them, Keep the up to date , Archive old news.

Yet Inno Games have no idea how to do this. IF you want successful external forums Inno Games needs to show Interest in the Worlds that they have created and Hire Mods who care about the Worlds and have an Interest in the people playing them.

Your objective is to create a Community feeling so you need to be the Mayor and the police and not the security guard at the local teenage disco
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would love to see a thread who was the
attacked of the day
defender of the day
won most citys of the day

these players get a nice badge but nobody else on the server can see who they are, a nice bit of info that the mods can do and the rest of us get to say congrats, well done


Ban the use of the word Noob lol

Really I think you should make the forums more interesting.

There are no structures to these forums and the Mods have no Idea about the World Forums they Mod. ( No Offence )

An Interesting questions is :

Why are the Rankings in-game not displayed automatically in these forums like the world maps

Why are grepo stats like cities won or lost by Alliances not linked to the external forums.

80% of the players have no idea even how to find this info and it should be available here rather then Grepo Stats , Grepo Maps and Grepo Intel.

People have no interest in coming to the external forums as its a Little bit of banter here and there but thats it.

There is no reason for any one to come here unless its to troll. Some people genuinely try to help by giving their Opinions eg Top 12's or Newspaper but thats as interesting as it gets. But they have to again go to loads of external sites to get the info.

You need a 1 stop shop for this and then people will log into this forum to get the latest info on their own alliances and others.

You started off with the updating maps. Thats the only useful part of this external forum.

No need to Bribe members to come over here

You need to make a reason to come here which are actual factual representation's of the Worlds we play.

It shows the weakness in the Mods here ( No offence again )

They ask whats going on in the world... I mean really? Inno games should be the ones with the Monthly newspaper and a Monthly top 12 considering the are neutral no playing in the World.

You are asking what people want in the externals. Well I as one would like a neutral view on the world.

There is also 2 forum rules which Mods an Inno games fail to monitor on the externals.

1. Attack the Post and not the Poster - People here can just insult each other because they have grudges against players and are stalked from forum to forum. You can spot it a mile away but mods don't look into this. Also I think everyone is a Noob at this stage.

2. Dont be a Dick - These are the trolls who like to bring all the threads off topic which kills nearly all threads. Again these people just keep posting and posting because the Mods cant see it.

These are the issues which make it intimidating for new members to come here and makes members who come here log back out again.

Also every world forum should have an Off topic section so people can Chit chat. It work on internal Forums like Off topic or Pub Tabs and that's really where bonds are made within Alliances.

So ending this post alot of people actually would like to get to know other members within the game or other Worlds but Inno Games has let the external forums go hostile

Us members monitor and control our internal Forums which makes successful Alliances because we Mod them, Keep the up to date , Archive old news.

Yet Inno Games have no idea how to do this. IF you want successful external forums Inno Games needs to show Interest in the Worlds that they have created and Hire Mods who care about the Worlds and have an Interest in the people playing them.

Your objective is to create a Community feeling so you need to be the Mayor and the police and not the security guard at the local teenage disco

Maximise any posting to 10 lines and not more as 3 postings a day.


Maximise any posting to 10 lines and not more as 3 postings a day.

I'd like to say, being in this world. It's very refreshing to see someone take the time to write out ideas that actually had some thought put into them on how to make something better instead of a ONE line bash on someone's ideas. Explain why you believe such a thing, how you could make it better. Be part of the SOLUTION and not part of the PROBLEM!!

I have made a push with my alliance to get them into these forums more. I think alot of it, is the person themselves. By the time they deal with RL issues, or just life in general, scroll through the game forums to fulfil their obligations and help out, then set up their cities. Sometimes they are just too tired to come in here. But hopefully the landscape of that is changing and they will pick up coming in here more.



Its too complicated for akkropolis to have a logical opinion


First timer opinion.

I visit the external forum to get a feel for what may be hapnin in game. I haven't commented on stuff till now cos there are so many people who are quick to point out how (for use of a better word) "NOOB" someone is, and how much better they are.

The 2 highlights of the forum for me are the newspapers and the top 12.


First timer opinion.

I visit the external forum to get a feel for what may be hapnin in game. I haven't commented on stuff till now cos there are so many people who are quick to point out how (for use of a better word) "NOOB" someone is, and how much better they are.

The 2 highlights of the forum for me are the newspapers and the top 12.

Agreed the word Noob should be infracted by a Mod


I've tried starting a newspaper once and want to start one here sine no one is currently doing anything. Its not amaing and not as good as the one previously made. But i can certainly try.

This was the last one i made:!-Issue-1

I had to stop due to the lack of time and RL. But i can do a much butter job formatting and stuff than this last one.


I've tried starting a newspaper once and want to start one here sine no one is currently doing anything. Its not amaing and not as good as the one previously made. But i can certainly try.

This was the last one i made:!-Issue-1

I had to stop due to the lack of time and RL. But i can do a much butter job formatting and stuff than this last one.

Jest send a mail to top 20 alliances to get a story

You can contact me for the Repo news


Thats what i did and plan to do. I'll do one of them and see were to go from there.