Xi Top 12 Alliance Discussion


rank ....alliance..................points (average) ... cities (average)

1.. Project Venom .............. 11983000 (153628) .... 1,146 (14.7)
- 12 in and 11 out, so a bit of a shuffle of the pack for PV over the last 9 days. also lost 2 cities in those 9 days :eek:
2.. Atlantic Confederacy ... 7680669 (89310) ..... 763 (10.0)
- BK with some new CS and gotcha guys, also 2 losses in the last 9 days. they must be pretty happy with their new setup because attacks have already been launched on PV :D should be pretty fun if that's what they want.

3.. S.H.I.E.L.D ................... 3947155 (35883) ..... 513 (4.5)
- they may still have 110 players, but they've lost quite a few. it seems these guys broke away to form 'the new agrippa' :D (as if the old one wasn't bad enough). shield has lost 18 cities to PV in the last 9 days. 'nuff said.
4.. Confederate States ..... 3446481 (95736) ...... 424 (9.2)
- players in and out like something unmentionable, but they're down to about 36 players at the end of it, losing some to PV and quite a lot AC (the old BK). OKC must be some leader, because CS have virtually disintegrated in every world after he has left. they started losing cities rapidly in the last 9 days which has prob resulted in the majority of them leaving for new alliances.

5.. The Grim Reapers .......... 2557793 (26924) ...... 344 (3.6)
- they've been recruiting up a storm on the rim by the looks of it. 5 cities lost to the olympians in the last 9 days, which could be better, but could be worse too.
6. The Olympians ............... 2267204 (51527) ...... 276 (6.3)
- they've gone the opposite way and trimmed down on members. the result? only lost 1 city to the reapers. seems that quality over quantity has yet again shown itself to be a better grepo philosophy.
7.. the new agrippa ............ 1826290 (60876) ........ 213 (7.9)
- pretty new so not much happened with them yet. looking at the member i expect that not much will happen in the future either.they do have a good average now though (better than anyone outside the big 3), so we'll se how their conquests and ABP go from here, it's a chance to turn things around for themselves.

8.. SharkBite .................... 1345918 (17255) ......... 214 (2.7)
- their alliance changes sheet is actually too crowded for me to even look at properly, sorry. conquests page is littered with red, although they did take one from AC, which might cause some embarrassment :D
9.. Mythical Order .............. 1112124 (23662) ........ 166 (3.5)
- they've recruited a fair amount lately, but their conquests for the last 9 days still fill less than a page (wins and losses together) which is not good.
10. Brothers in arms ............ 863797 (13289) ...... 147 (2.3)
- lots of recruits and quite a few bootings too, the brothers in arms seem to be easily replaceable :D also a very slow conquest rate.
11. Knights of Hekatonchire ... 831967 (7775) ........ 185 (1.7)
- they seem to get their buns whipped by everybody on the rim...
12. The Survivors ................ 774282 (10607) ...... 139 (1.9)
- much the same as some of the rim alliances above them, v slow rate of conquest.

top 3 colonisation winners and losers: these numbers will show the cities gained by conquest over the prior 9 days.
(note: internals conquests are counted as both 1 gain and 1 loss)

winners! ............................... conquest gains
1.. Project Venom ............. 80 : net gain of 77
2.. Confederate States ...... 74 : net gain of 25
3.. S.H.I.E.L.D .................. 68 : net gain of 34

losers :(
1.. Cenfederate States ...... 49 : net gain of 25
2.. Gotcha ....................... 35 : net loss of 24
3.. S.H.I.E.L.D .................. 34 : net gain of 34


It's a shame confeds were backed into a corner but merging into the enemy is never a good idea because when the going gets tough you former enemies are the first to jump ship because they never see that alliance as their own, my guess would the former black fleet members were the first to jump. Anyways welcome Atlantic Confederacy good times ahead, no 24 hour notices straight into red.


some of the confeds did jump ship into BK ( now atlantic confederacy) in some reasons like most of there friends in CS join that alliance and disregarding that they were once an enemy


I've been quietly watching this forum for some time and laugh about every time I read it, the gloating, the smack daizan puts forth, and granted he or she, seeing they hide behind the hockey mask, may be a decent player, but still, give me a break.

Things that have come to be, have happened for a reason, perhaps PV's security is now feeling a bit insecure knowing a tribe, let me rephrase that tribes, has stepped forth to put aside their differences to go up against them instead of a one sided freak show of smack talking and dominace that is seen within this forum on a weekly basis by PV.

I guess time will tell, wont it.


Things that have come to be, have happened for a reason, perhaps PV's security is now feeling a bit insecure knowing a tribe, let me rephrase that tribes, has stepped forth to put aside their differences to go up against them instead of a one sided freak show of smack talking and dominace that is seen within this forum on a weekly basis by PV.

I guess time will tell, wont it.

Did you say...WAR?

With that news I might just have to engage in a little spontaneous dance of joy!


Oh yes, Pythie... your characterization of us as the agressor makes me smile. Of course, The three of you always seem to come up with fodder for my funnybone.

I believe you were one ones that were scheming to break OKC & Dai's pact. I'm too much of a good sport to proffer documentation to that end.

Also, for Noobs from Black Fleet - some of us have done RATHER well, methinks. Deob, DrBob etc., are good solid players and better Friends... (INCLUDING Toriah, who's under orders from you lot)

Even silly noobish me has done rather well with "a little help from my Friends".

The union of any two warring Alliances has its difficulties, but we seem to be meshing well - lack of paranoia helps, actually. :cool:


Oh yes, Pythie... your characterization of us as the agressor makes me smile.
oh, i could have sworn that BK/AC/whateveritisnow attacked first, which prompted dai to hit the big red button. i guess i must be wrong though...

I believe you were one ones that were scheming to break OKC & Dai's pact. I'm too much of a good sport to proffer documentation to that end.
too much of a good sport, or perhaps the aforementioned documentation doesn't exist :p


I've been quietly watching this forum for some time and laugh about every time I read it, the gloating, the smack daizan puts forth, and granted he or she, seeing they hide behind the hockey mask, may be a decent player, but still, give me a break.

Things that have come to be, have happened for a reason, perhaps PV's security is now feeling a bit insecure knowing a tribe, let me rephrase that tribes, has stepped forth to put aside their differences to go up against them instead of a one sided freak show of smack talking and dominace that is seen within this forum on a weekly basis by PV.

I guess time will tell, wont it.

Meh Arnor its more that PV need to get people angry with it, Daizan's smack talk being a speciality, as we are yearning for an actual fight! We haven't had a balanced or exciting fight that hasn't been 1 sided in favour of PV. We were all physched for a nice fight with Nemesis before that crumbled, hopefully AC won't do the same before we get some action! Yee ha!


Well, when I look at grepolis maps, there is a solid sea of Project venom, then below it is another solid sea of Confederate Knights. This will most certainly not be a boring world in the upcoming months :)

And I agree with Jimi, mainly because I was a Black Fleet guy, and I'm still around :p


Meh Arnor its more that PV need to get people angry with it, Daizan's smack talk being a speciality...

I'm not angry with PV, Toriah.. there are some reasonably good players over your way, and I'm finding that SOME of y'all are rather good blokes, to boot.

However, that being said - it's our responsibility, as enemies, to keep emotion totally out of the equation, eh? :cool:


rank ....alliance....................points (average) ... cities (average)

1.. Confederate Knights ........ 11585410 (111398) ..... 1,200 (11.5)
- the new #1 alliance in xi. they've had a fair start in the war vs PV, although they've picked up a nasty habit of booting active members who have too many cities under siege, which is not necessarily great for morale. either way, i'm sure they'll make the fight for ocean 45 interesting!
2.. Project Venom ................ 11398798 (180933) .... 1,066 (16.9)
- inactives and soloists have been booted in the hope that only the war machine remains :D losses in recent weeks have been massively higher than usual, which might worry some, although still going pretty well in the wars.

3.. S.H.I.E.L.D ..................... 5870076 (49328) ........ 687 (5.8)
- still recruiting and booting massively and still leaking cities - particularly to the grim reapers it seems. nothing much has changed here since my last update other than the fact that one of their players managed a quickfire grab of 4 PV cities (although he's no longer with shield)!
4.. The Grim Reapers ............ 4827772 (36028) ........ 635 (4.7)
- very much like the SHIELD of the south, except that they're not losing that many cities to the grim reapers :p (or are they...)

5.. The Northern Kingdom ...... 2959156 (72175) ........ 330 (8.3)
- most of the best of the old shield and agrippa combo, they've got a pretty healthy average and city count for their size. it's just like i always said, a good rim alliance ;)
6. The Olympians ................. 2807007 (68464) ........ 316 (7.7)
- seem to be enjoying themselves, taking cities on the rim and a few internals mixed in. also a healthy average and city count.

7.. SharkBite ...................... 1734406 (21151) ........ 265 (3.2)
- they seem to be leaking cities to some degree :S
8.. The Survivors ................. 1535445 (14350) ........ 240 (2.2)
- surviving, yes. thriving, not really. their conquests page seems very much like unallied cities and internals.
9.. Mythical Order ................ 1528366 (27788) ........ 215 (3.9)
- the most interesting thing about them is that at the time of this post they have had the same number of alliance movements as conquests.
10. Dementia United ............. 1432630 (17687) ........ 147 (2.7)
- a fair amount of recruitment to get into the top 12, but in the top 12 nonetheless.
11. Knights of Hekatonchire ... 1004294 (10461) ......... 200 (2.1)
- punching bags of the rim? methinks.
12. Agrippa ......................... 826623 (12717) ......... 156 (2.3)
- meh

top 3 colonisation winners and losers: these numbers will show the cities gained by conquest over the prior 9 days.
(note: internals conquests are counted as both 1 gain and 1 loss)

winners! ............................... conquest gains
1.. Confederate Knights ..... 79 : net gain of 52
2.. Grim Reapers ............... 49 : net gain of 42
3.. Project Venom ............. 49 : net gain of 36

losers :(
1.. Confederate Knights ..... 27 : net gain of 52
2.. S.H.I.E.L.D .................. 21 : net gain of 21
3.. SharkBite .................... 15 : net gain of 8


Been a while.

Confederate Knights - Longevity 6/10 - From what I have seen over the past week it's pretty much Deobfuscator and the bat carrying that alliance, if history has taught us anything, it's the top players grow tired of the bailing out inactives, especially the ones that don't participate just ride on their coat tails, this usually results in the top players quitting one by one like in Nemesis or results in a huge implosion.

Project Venom - Longevity 7/10 - When Tommy quit dai stepped up (I am dai btw), when JP quit soc stepped up, when Kr1m quit Arthur stepped up, when Diesel quit Milos stepped up and so forth, which is good indication of a alliance with durability, however 2.0 is better, revolt is more fun, standards are hard to maintain and every alliance falls sooner or later.

S.H.I.E.L.D - Longevity 2/10 - They lose cities to the The Grim Reapers Academy :D they have no real leadership in place anymore, their bromance with Agrippa ended badly. I think the beginning of the end was this and I am sure if you asked any of them they would swear socrates34 is the antichrist.

The Grim Reapers - Longevity 6/10 - Stats can deceiving they are obviously better alliance than their stats show them to be. The name The Grim Reapers isn't very clever nor is taking in players like Stelios.GR.

The Northern Kingdom - Longevity 7/10 - Probably the second best alliance on the server IMO, especially in terms of longevity but if they really want to take the spot from Confederate Knights in everyones eyes, they need to steal the best players from shield and expand to ocean 43 because you can't grow without expanding. The Forgotten Kingdom is a better name.

The Olympians - Longevity 4/10 - They all laughed at Lumi when he said...

I'm glad Shine will be in the same ocean as project venom. The alliance that controls that ocean will also control the Core.

but look how true that statement was and same thing will happen in the war between PV and CK the alliance that come out of it alive will be a lot stronger for it. The Olympians are the only alliance opportunity to face both and make themselves a contender by either taking 55 from venom or 46 from CK while they are fighting each other but they don't seem to grow and let CK walts into their base in 56.

SharkBite - Longevity 5/10 - Late comers need to pact with The Olympians, MRA for a while and a need to take big cities off inactive of players because they need catch up before anything else.

The Survivors - Longevity 5/10 - Ocean 33 noob alliance, irrelevant really.

Mythical Order - Longevity 3/10 - Ocean 43 inactive alliance and slow growing alliance probably fall to PV someday if they don't fall to The Forgotten Kingdom first.

Dementia United - Longevity 4/10 - Ocean 47/56 noob alliance, irrelevant really.

Knights of Hekatonchire - Longevity 4/10 - Ocean 63/64 noob alliance, irrelevant really.

Agrippa - Longevity --/10 - the real forgotten kingdom lol, not want to kick people when they are down so no comment.
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i'm chopping the number of alliances i'm doing from 12 to 8 so it doesn't take me forever to do, also since the 9-12 alliances aren't generally doing much :p

rank ....alliance....................points (average) ... cities (average)

1.. Confederate Knights ........ 13738372 (118434) ..... 1,399 (12.1)
- points up a lot, but average not up by much, same with cities. a lot of recruitment since my last update, but all credit to them - in amongst the ghosts, internals and inactives they have taken a fair number of PV cities! it'll be interesting to see if they will try to push into PV territory or if they will just continue to defend ocean 45.
2.. Project Venom ................ 11959849 (196063) .... 1,112 (18.2)
- good average increase, but not much points gain, same with cities. still leaking cities here and there, but overall goin pretty well for the number of players. def could tighten up on the city losses though :|

3.. The Grim Reapers ............ 7310050 (54149) ........ 851 (6.3)
- big increase in points and average, same with cities. huge amount of booting and recruiting (MRA :p) but generally looks like bigger players joining than leaving, which is good. rather a lot of internal conquests, but they are doing fairly well in overall conquests, although they did lose a city to the hand of hekatonchire, which has to be a little embarrassing!
4.. S.H.I.E.L.D ..................... 5088496 (57824) ........ 576 (6.5)
- dropped in points and cities since last time due to a lot of players leaving. they seem to be having a rather tough time with TGR and PV taking quite a few since last update!

5.. The Northern Kingdom ...... 3885959 (74730) ........ 437 (8.4)
- points total up a lot, average not so much. same goes for cities. probably down to them recruiting quite a few new players since last update. their conquests sheet looks very nice actually, even a few PV cities taken!

6.. The Survivors ................. 2075232 (18529) ........ 308 (2.8)
- still surviving without really thriving! high player turnover and slow-moving conquest sheet with mainly ghosts and inactives taken. yeah...
7.. Bloodlust Knights ............ 1719720 (27297) ........ 244 (3.9)
- oh no they didn't... yes they did! they've stolen BK's old name :D dropped in points and city count, but the averages are up with quite a lot of players leaving since the last update. it appears as though they're being owned by SHIELD?!
8.. Mythical Order ................ 1605637 (32768) ........ 213 (4.3)
- city count is fractionally lower, but points and averages are all up (a couple of the larger players left). as for the conquests - "if there's something weird, in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? MYTH ORDER!"

top 3 colonisation winners and losers: these numbers will show the cities gained by conquest over the prior 9 days.
(note: internals conquests are counted as both 1 gain and 1 loss)

winners! ............................... conquest gains .... (per 100 players)
1.. Confederate Knights ..... 92 : net gain of 63 (54.3)
2.. Grim Reapers ............... 76 : net gain of 55 (40.7)
3.. Project Venom ............. 57 : net gain of 43 (70.5)

losers :(
1.. Confederate Knights ..... 29 : net gain of 63 (54.3)
2.. Grim Reapers ............... 21 : net gain of 55 (40.7)
3.. S.H.I.E.L.D .................. 16 : net gain of 32 (36.4)


i'm chopping the number of alliances i'm doing from 12 to 8 so it doesn't take me forever to do, also since the 9-12 alliances aren't generally doing much :p

rank ....alliance....................points (average) ... cities (average)

1.. Project Venom ................ 14163968 (244206) .... 1,291 (22.3)
- too lazy to write a comment here atm, i might edit one in at some other stage
2.. Confederate Knights ........ 13619916 (132232) ..... 1,339 (13.0)
- too lazy to write a comment here atm, i might edit one in at some other stage

3.. The Grim Reapers ............ 8897882 (83942) ........ 939 (8.9)
- too lazy to write a comment here atm, i might edit one in at some other stage

4.. The Northern Kingdom ...... 5413334 (106144) ........ 568 (11.1)
- too lazy to write a comment here atm, i might edit one in at some other stage
5.. S.H.I.E.L.D ..................... 5380149 (69872) ........ 591 (7.7)
- too lazy to write a comment here atm, i might edit one in at some other stage

6.. The Survivors ................. 3379274 (45057) ........ 397 (5.3)
- too lazy to write a comment here atm, i might edit one in at some other stage
7.. Mythical Order ................ 2203342 (62953) ........ 248 (7.1)
- too lazy to write a comment here atm, i might edit one in at some other stage
8.. TGR Academy ................ 1981840 (18697) ........ 291 (2.7)
- too lazy to write a comment here atm, i might edit one in at some other stage

top 3 colonisation winners and losers: these numbers will show the cities gained by conquest over the prior 7 days.
(note: internals conquests are counted as both 1 gain and 1 loss)

winners! ............................... conquest gains .... (per 100 players)
1.. Project Venom ............. 77 : net gain of 48 (82.8)
2.. Confederate Knights ..... 52 : net gain of 11 (10.7)
3.. The Northern Kingdom ... 46 : net gain of 40 (78.4)

losers :(
1.. Confederate Knights ..... 41 : net gain of 11 (10.7)
2.. Project Venom ............ 29 : net gain of 48 (82.8)
3.. Grim Reapers ............... 13 : net gain of 29 (27.4)
-.. Heroes of Xi ................ 13 : net LOSS of 1
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hey why is CK there twice with different numbers...Nice to see (TNK) we are doing well.
Again thanks Pythagorus good stuff as usual :)
glad you like it :)

i'm not sure what you mean about CK, they're on once in the ranking section, and then in the colonisation winners and the colonisation losers. the winners and loser are obv different coz one is the # of cities taken and the other is the # of cities lost, but the net gain is the same on both posts.

pls let me know if i'm missing something and i'll fix it up!


as i was looking through this topic i've seen that i started in firelord's alliance LOL
good stuff on the top few alliances overview. this Xi world forum section has a lot of views comparing it to other worlds' views :cool:

At least for once I'll make my top 8 alliance discussion and because no one has actually done it since the latest update

1.. Project Venom ................ 14163968 (244206) .... 1,291 (22.3)

No way up north, but to the west like everything is for free. CK cities fall one after another and PV is trying to grab them like a group of gypsies after you drop a dime out of your pocket

2.. Confederate Knights ........ 13619916 (132232) ..... 1,339 (13.0)

A crisis period definitely. Will they reorganize themselves after a couple of members leaving, gone to V mode, gone for good or changed an alliance flag? We will see

3.. The Grim Reapers ............ 8897882 (83942) ........ 939 (8.9)

Someone said an MRA is a bad idea? Looks like the leadership of this alliance has taught fresh flesh on how to fight and how to play and things in here are looking good. There are so many players in here that they made an academy that is run by a couple of experienced players. They don't lack numbers, but they lack the firepower, specially while defending. Berserkers

4.. The Northern Kingdom ...... 5413334 (106144) ........ 568 (11.1)

Reorganized and more experience gained with all the problems behind them, they march primarily south to save themselves from the new ice age like mentioned in the profile. Will they face new problems and how fast will they solve it? We'll see

5.. S.H.I.E.L.D ..................... 5380149 (69872) ........ 591 (7.7)

After being a naive MRA without being exposed to danger for a very long time, they finally reorganized after mass bootings, internal conquests and new leadership. Remaining players are facing PV to the west and TGR to the south of their HQ ocean 64. It will be interesting to see what will become of this alliance, but one thing's for sure and it that things are looking good in terms of internal alliance organization

6.. The Survivors ................. 3379274 (45057) ........ 397 (5.3)

What they need to survive is to survive themselves. Mostly internal conquests or taking ghosts is everything you will find out about them

7.. Mythical Order ................ 2203342 (62953) ........ 248 (7.1)

I'd rather call them mystical order. Not much fighting, conquering or developing. Looks like they enjoy the game in their own way

8.. TGR Academy ................ 1981840 (18697) ........ 291 (2.7)

Already mentioned TRG academy is a naive MRA where changes happen drastically specially in terms of recruitment. I consider academies like a trash can. If someone's not doing something right in the main alliance, then he gets recruited to the academy. On the other hand if an academy recruits a capable player then they pull it out of the trash can, wash him up and prepare him to be useful. Just the usual academy here
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well since no one else is doing it:

1.. Project Venom

Lost a city to CK yesterday, breaking the PV spree, which ended with PV taking around 130 cities from CK without losing 1. Despite the loss of a figurehead, Soc is back, meaning the powerhouse to the north is back and in action (yay).

Since PV is pretty much in control in all core oceans, I will split it up:

54: As I said soc is back, bringing a morale boost, the inactives NK were taken have either been kicked or are back, and they have regained their cool, taking a few NK cities, back to usual.

45: Cleaning up CK some more, trying to get the 4 core milestone, its not a war now... its a massacre, PV taking nearly 200 from CK

55: Recent bit of aggression from TGR :eek: so curly replies by taking 3 of their cities :cool: not sure if this is a war, if it does turn out to be, can't see it being 2 sided considering only 2 people bothered to try breaking my siege, depsite them knowing over 10 hours, and it being in the middle of them.

44: erm, not really an ocean worth saying anything about, (look at ocean rankings, you'll see what I mean)

2.. Confed Knights

Being cleaned up by PV, not much of an alliance, mostly inactives and VMers

3... TGR

Meh, knew they weren't very good before, now know its worse than I thought, unco ordinated, mostly simmers it seems

4... NK

second best alliance on the server, without a doubt, lifted by a few players, but holding up


yea.... like PV O44, not worth commenting on

6.. TS

Don't really know, don't seem amazing

7.. MO

Only still here because PV have bigger fish to fry tbh

8.. TGRA

see 3

9... 46 Ronin

I have no idea at all

10.. HoX

Meh seem bad

11.. MOA

see 7

12... Agrippa

Really, they still here?


Nobody is doing it so i may as well

1.Northern Kingdom
2.The Grim Reapers
4.The Survivors
6.The Olympians
7.46 Ronin
8.The Order of Olympians
10.Northern kingdom Academy
11.Dark Legion
12.Confederacy Reborn

Still no chaos or fighting between alliances either


Any New Top 12 Alliances?! If so tell us and let's get a discussion started.

I'm going to clean out this thread..Oh & remember to keep within the rules. I will delete OT posts. ;)

~ Lane