Grepolis 2.0 New farming system! Discussion


Why is everyone worried about losing population over this?
Everyone will lose the same amount of population for farming the villages effectively.
It is just a matter of deciding if you would rather have a high income of rescources or be able to keep more troops in your city.
For example: We all get somewhat annoyed having to choose what techs to research or choosing to put your pop towards buildings or troops but it adds strategy to the game and everyone has to find the best way to be the most effective:pro:.

Like the new idea, do we know when it will be put into effect?

It is making the farming system worse that is why, we all wanted a more efficeint way to farm. From what we have heard so far they have just made it near impossible for Aggresive players to farm succesfully and still be aggresive. (as you need troops to attack)

plus this will make the game alot more simcity because nobody will have troops =(. Man i so hope they have some information about this that we dont know that makes it worth it.

Unless it is a system where 10 troops can = 600 resource a day then this will suck hard IMO of course.


how much troops will it take to effectively farm these villages with the new system? it better be small else i can see this new system being alot worse now. i dont relish the idea of having even less farm space for doing something i can already do.

Yep, I don't think we can evaluate the new system in depth without having the actual numbers...which we don't. For everyone else crying and complaining about the change it is a little premature. Though if I had to take a wild guess, the new system will perhaps decrease the time needed to farm ten-fold while doubling the population costs needed. Totally unsubstantiated but just giving you my idea of what seems to be behind the farming change, which I would welcome.

Also, how many troops do you need to make the current full farm. right now, we can get 2k of each resource from each village. How many units would you need to get the 2k resources from the village?

Again we don't know exact numbers of the system. Troop levels don't directly have anything to do with resources, the amount of troops will affect only the mood changes(indirectly affecting resources I know). If we wanted to guess worst case scenarios, I think 600 total pop is the worst for full farming. I get this worst case (and I stress worst case) from the fact that the max amount of pop you can send in 1 strengthening run is 75.

75pop * 8 villages = 600 total pop.

Again these are almost assuredly not going to be the actual numbers used, but just my own worst case scenario, I don't see numbers going higher than this. It was stated that diplomacy will change, and it is very likely this will reduce the amount of troops needed to get the same desired mood changing effect, so this could put my worst case scenario at around 480pop.

If however, there is no cap on the amount of units you can use to reduce the loss of mood, then there will simply be another city build to add into your empire. Farming build, with merchant shop and maxed marketplace. The city will help augment the resources needed for your other cities, and those that refuse to throw in a farm city build so often will suffer because of it.

Like the new idea, do we know when it will be put into effect?

Yesterday the german CM said the system will be implemented on the public beta in a few weeks, and on the german servers a few more weeks after that. I would assume it would happen on the international server at the same time. So at the earliest we are looking at it coming live right before christmas, but I have a feeling it will delayed through the holidays and instead be put into affect in the first weeks of January. Either way in a few weeks look for it on the public beta.

A few other points to bring up:
-Uprisings will only kill the troops of the player who is having the uprising, not all the players with troops in the village
-Mood will continue to be a personal metric, not shared with other players on an island
-Upgrades made to a village will not be destroyed after an uprising


It is making the farming system worse that is why, we all wanted a more efficeint way to farm. From what we have heard so far they have just made it near impossible for Aggresive players to farm succesfully and still be aggresive. (as you need troops to attack)

plus this will make the game alot more simcity because nobody will have troops =(. Man i so hope they have some information about this that we dont know that makes it worth it.

Everyone will have less troops, you can still have the same ratio of different types. It would realy make no difference it will just make the game less complicated (i'm leaning in neither direction on this one:)

Unless it is a system where 10 troops can = 600 resource a day then this will suck hard IMO of course.
Like Aurave has said lets not talk numbers just yet

Yesterday the german CM said the system will be implemented on the public beta in a few weeks, and on the german servers a few more weeks after that. I would assume it would happen on the international server at the same time. So at the earliest we are looking at it coming live right before christmas, but I have a feeling it will delayed through the holidays and instead be put into affect in the first weeks of January. Either way in a few weeks look for it on the public beta.

Thanks, hope it comes sooner!

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The resource yield could be based upon the loot carrying capacity of the unit stationed at the farm, that would be good.


I like the idea--The current farming system is so tedious I hardly farm anymore, I prob still wont farm all that much under this new system either--Ill just use my bigger army to nuke your town and steal the resources your troops are providing you in farming villages, when they should be back in your polis defending it against blackguards like me.

Perhaps this new god (Hades?) will have some sort of "raise dead" divine power or some other such power which will mitigate the loss of troops to farming villages somewhat.


Any mechanics change during the life of a server will be hard to take. Reminds me of the discussions about adding Morale to existing servers.

One can hope they add this farming system to new servers and leave the existing ones alone.

One would be quite disappointed from the sound of it.



I doubt this idea will work out as good as the old system. Why can't we just make it so you only need one strengthening run to bring the village to 100%? This new farming method is a waste of population, more confusing for new players, and is barely even an improvement, I'd say.

For the new God, I can hardly wait. :)


This all sounds like its going to force people to hit smaller villages even more than before, i for One dont want to be losing troops in a farm village.


2 things come to my mind:

1) If this is implemented on old worlds as well, I can see many complaints of players who will have to completely restructure their cities' building and troops setup --> not advisable.

2) I don't quite understand how the troop-resource ratio is supposed to work: Currently, you can get 6k resources per run, multiplied by 8 farming villages this would total 48k resources per island, to gain that with the new system, you would need to station 48k troops in those 8 farming villages? Even if you own 12 towns on the same island (which nobody does) that would mean 4000 troops per town would need to be stationed in the farming villages. How would this work out?

I like the idea of stationing troops, but maybe this can be done by researching specialists called "occupants", and have those independant from the regular farmspace system. Recruit those occupants in an institution other than the barracks and we're fine.


This doesn't sound totally horrible but...

I don't like that you can't recall the troops stationed in a farming village. If, for example, you have cities that you have set up as "Farms" with maxed warehouses etc. you can easily ship resources to your offensive/defensive uses lots of resources cities so that you don't lock up farm space there. However, if you want to re-organize where your defense/fire is you might want to pull those troops to have them as mobile population. Also, I don't typically farm islands where my less demanding cities are. But...if I really need the resources I can chose to. This again takes that measure of control over how and where the resources come from.

Will have to see, but I think it takes some of the flexibility in game play away.


I really like this idea, sounds a lot more like how it actually would have been. However I believe that introducing this in conjunction with the wonders will see a huge surge in turtles - it removes a lot of the disadvantage of having multiple cities on the same island as it uses up permanent population, so more cities on an island means less pop lost from each city to fully farm (still less resources to city ratio, but I can't see many people using the max pop amount of farming from one city, it will cripple them too much) while also being closer for support and setting up an environment suitable for wonder construction.

These new features will definitely see a change in tactics in game. Whether for the better or worse I don't know, but it will certainly be more like it would have been in ancient Greece. I look forward to it personally, nothing like a bit of change to spice things up! :D


I really like this idea, sounds a lot more like how it actually would have been. ....

I'm not very failsafe in ancient history, maybe Sigismund can add a few details here, but:

- When the Greeks sent off taxmen to some village or province, did they send them there for good? Were they only allowed back home in a coffin?

- Could those taxmen only handle one tax payer? So if Greece wanted the total population of a town (example: 1000 inhabitants) to pay taxes, they'd have had to send 1000 taxmen to that town?

... because that's how the new farming system translates to me...


If you read into history what the greeks actually did to collect taxes from towns was to send exactly 25 horsemen to a village to strengthen it. They did this a few times, made sure the village was reinforced and prepared to repel invaders. When it was deemed sufficiently reinforced, the greeks would then send exactly 64.1559829059 horsemen to attack the village as part of war game simulations to make sure the village could survive possible attacks. In return for making sure the village was prepared for war, the villagers would then pay taxes by offering 6,005 cartloads full of either wood, silver, or rock in return.

....because that's how the current farming system translates to me....


i think the more gods the better, and u should make a god where building time takes 10% less time, cost maybe 375 favor i think it would be a good idea :p