Top 3 (final).
1: HERT (RTHE) :
Build all 7 WW and did it amazing fast. Got the best Byzantine members in the team to finalize the win. Having 300% higher BP points than the others, not a team of simmers.
2: Hellfish : Honnorable runner-ups. Unlucky they got the worst selfish part from byzantine members, Have 7 WW islands but lost in building them against HERT.
3: Enigma BC : 3th place (choclade medal). Amazing to see this turtle soup ranked 3, giv them sme credits for it, but they never were considered to win the world where others GA, BE, HH, werre on people minds. they have 5 out of 7 WW islands. Therefore they ranked 3.
Chocolate medal? Thanks Erik, better then the you shovel daily here.