Apoc's deceptions are no longer vague


If everyone wants me to break my silence , print everything i've got and let you make you own mind up i will otherwise i can leave( as i tried to do in Jan at OL ) with a bit of dignity if TD allow it. But leaving with dignity? if we're past that point i'll make sure we're really past that point. as much as i have tried to save this server i can also burn it to the ground .

I say go for it Jams...and by requesting to lay it all out, I'm not suggesting that I don't believe you. I would think you, along with Tartan and Kirky have already burned your bridge with OL. So you won't be loosing out anything with that particular situation. I also believe in this world, certain alliances are more resilient than what people assume. By you coming forward, one could look at it more of a service than anything else. It may enlighten those of us that have different opinions of events that changed alliances courses of actions. Though I believe it will be one-sided and it could very well re-enforce others arguments, but would also be a interesting read. At the very least it will possibly bring new topics to chat about- or re-hash old ones. Especially for those who like to play the PNP game.



So this is something that is going to make TD look really bad? *evil grin*

Could be Arch...but we're big boys and can handle it. Who knows, maybe he has some dirty laundry from your side to make it interesting. Though, I suspect it will have more to do with OL/TD going ons.



I say go for it Jams...and by requesting to lay it all out, I'm not suggesting that I don't believe you. I would think you, along with Tartan and Kirky have already burned your bridge with OL. So you won't be loosing out anything with that particular situation. I also believe in this world, certain alliances are more resilient than what people assume. By you coming forward, one could look at it more of a service than anything else. It may enlighten those of us that have different opinions of events that changed alliances courses of actions. Though I believe it will be one-sided and it could very well re-enforce others arguments, but would also be a interesting read. At the very least it will possibly bring new topics to chat about- or re-hash old ones. Especially for those who like to play the PNP game.


yup your right at this stage i have nothing to lose if thats the opinion running in spite of what i tried to do here although it has very little to do with OL, as those players it affects have left the game(which further exonerates our design to leave) so there is dirty laundry on all sides let it all be aired before i ghost. Infact as i said in message they (OL)were the ones who actually UNDERSTOOD why i left , all the cr*p i got was from TDR -and as red pointed out yesterday, continues to be so..so if it means i get a little revenge a 1 or 2 of your top players get ban for breaching rules, i think that revenge sufficient probably to bring down the rest of TDr at this stage. Jamo times issue 5 on tuesday.


edit - actually tuesday is a week away aint it? make that friday :)
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@Arch...the show will never be the same if he is cut from the program:(

Sir Cod quote:
"As an intern at Archileaks an anonymous tip into beavermissed was sent to my desk, apparently he recently got sand where it wasn't wanted! Beaver led the op to take the infamous WW city which culminated into the Battle of TDs Folly. He declared his intent to quit shortly after this spectacular failure... of course, I'm not suggesting the two are related."

Actually it was snow and since snow doesn't leave you needing to itch...it was hardly a issue:)

Apparently being an intern at Archileaks one has to be inept with non-fiction and more prone to writing fiction. I don't recall leading an OP to retake a screw up unless you consider sending in a few small attacks. Perhaps TD's own version of Edward Snowden passed on misleading info.. Such as him/her assuming a council member sending out a mass mail to assist in attacks is the same as leading an op:rolleyes:

However, I did take advantage the situation, I carried through with my own little OP. Which lead to taking one of Apoc's city's whilst you sent your support to the WW city I was conquering Apoc. Considering all the blow-hard about supporting your own, I was surprised to find how easy it was to take it with minimal effort. I believe PNP rules dictates that I go on and on...and on about no support and what a horrible alliance you have, blah blah blah. But I won't.

Finally Sir Cod, of course you're not suggesting the two are related...you're implying it, which is the same thing in most people's minds. The decision to leave was made back in November, but I suppose having anyone from our council confirming this would be meaningless for you folks. I can tell you that Ait, King Briedis and Jonny the B have been aware of it just before or long before the WW fiasco.
Exhibit A. Comms with Jonny...

Jonny the B on 2014-12-22 at 20:30

I'll let you know if i need anything and will speak with you again before you leave.

Thanks John.

beavermissed on 2014-12-22 at 20:23

Thanks for getting back to me Jonny...I was beginning to think that maybe a shower was needed:)

Edit: deleted paragraph...since it does not pertain to our current topic.

I took the game up as an alternative to other gaming. At first I enjoy the comaraderie which reminded me of my old AG2 gaming forums, where I was an admin. Right around the time Nate told everyone of his fake Nap with ZT I started loosing interest. One players bad decision in other games generally would not effect other players interest or views on his character. But in this case it started me questioning my time here and why I was playing. Bottom line is that I no longer spend the time that's needed and I rather not let down my team mates down by playing half . Let me know if you need anything if not, I will say good bye before I leave.


Please note the date of the correspondence. Once again Apoc's credibility has taken a hit. Note to Froggy...sorry bud credibility is definitely important with PNP, no one believes people who continuously misinform others with false accusations and innuendos.



ah.. beaver will be missed... always a gent ..but 2 months before ww? why it maka no sense..


ah.. beaver will be missed... always a gent ..but 2 months before ww? why it maka no sense..

I've heard that a few times Jams. Please believe me when I say wish I could hang on till WW. As I mentioned in my comms with Jonny(and others) that I don't want to let team mates down with half-a$$ playing.



@Arch...the show will never be the same if he is cut from the program:(

I like May and Hammond, but they are a supporting cast, after all.

However, I did take advantage the situation, I carried through with my own little OP. Which lead to taking one of Apoc's city's whilst you sent your support to the WW city I was conquering Apoc. Considering all the blow-hard about supporting your own, I was surprised to find how easy it was to take it with minimal effort. I believe PNP rules dictates that I go on and on...and on about no support and what a horrible alliance you have, blah blah blah. But I won't.

That's up to you if you want to. As I said in the other post, kledi never made a defense request, which was quite surprising. Perhaps he/she thought that a newly conquered city wouldn't get taken over that quickly, I'm not sure. In any case, you can believe that or not. I'm not making an excuse, as GGN will accuse me of...it's still a conquest and I credited it as an "active" one.

Please note the date of the correspondence. Once again Apoc's credibility has taken a hit. Note to Froggy...sorry bud credibility is definitely important with PNP, no one believes people who continuously misinform others with false accusations and innuendos.

You do have to admit it is one of the longest exits the server has seen, though. :p


I don't know either why he did what he did...I just know it was a rather easy task. I'm generally not one for rubbing salt in wounds but...what the hell. The icing on the cake was having Eff take out 1.1k of dlu that arrived after my CS. Poor guy had them there for nearly 12 hours before they were wiped. Could be a refresher course may be in order.

I also sent this off to one of your players who attacked my smallest city the other day. I won't mentioned names, as I'm not one to purposely embarrass others-note I did not personally mention Bliedis name...I actually don't recalled it being mentioned up to now. Could be wrong though.

PM to Apoc player:

beavermissed on 2015-03-18 at 16:43

Hey ******

I don't mean to be rude in regards to your attacks. If you don't mind I thought I would suggest a few changes for the next time you attack someone.

-always send attacks as a revolt. Even if you don't plan to take the city. This keeps the foe's city guessing as to what you're up to. Support needed elsewhere may be sent to the revolted city.
-always send land assaults with LS- even one birm can take out a large nuke

I won't get too much more into detail...since technically you're the enemy. I might also suggest, if you have a chat with one of the more experienced players on your team they may help out.

Cheers Beaver

Anyway thought may be of interest to some of you.



You do have to admit it is one of the longest exits the server has seen, though. :p

It could very well the longest, at least I will have some notoriety after I become a mear after-thought in Grepo. Didn't want to be one of those players who VM and never come back.

Sorry ladies...I got sidetracked with Kledi/support topic and I left this thought off the last post.



I meant to say that that was indeed a classy message. I barely knew you, BM, but if that's an example of how you carried yourself in-game, then the server will certainly be at a loss with your exit.


Man, over a week has gone by since the threat of exposure from Jamo yet nothing is to be seen?

Short version: Jam leaves OL, screws with GGN's op and Red calls him out on it. There is a miscommunication between Red and Jamo that lead to hard feelings, which was resolved (and those messages saved) yet Red gets reported to Grepo anyways. I got "docked" 6 points for some stupid rule and life went on.

Bottom line: Jamo is innocent, Red is the same a@@ (seriously grepo blocking bad language now?) that he always was, and nobody cares :)

Once the rest of you see those comms between Jam and myself, assuming you haven't already, and are righteously indignant about what an awful, horrible, person I am, please feel free to look up the BB codes to my cities and fire away. lol I've been offline completely since Wednesday and not so much as a sniff from the almighty apoc. Makes me feel like you guys have forgotten about me :(


Sir Cod quote:
Since you've recognised me as your leader, I think it would be more appropriate for you, my peon, to address me in a manner befitting your station

Has Sir Cod forgotten? You had been ousted as "Most Supreme Being" and "Grand Chancellor" by the masses. We peons opted to replace you with Any Old Hooker though I recall it being a close race with a box of breaded cod fish sticks :)

"I'd deny leading that op if I were you too. We'll just sweep your involvement in encouraging your members into the catastrophe under the carpet, shall we?"

Your call Sir Cod, makes no matter to me:p

"Though, I must say, your mail from many months ago does little to add weight to your reason for quitting just after one of the worst ops the server has seen, you clung on till just before WW, what a shame. Again, I make no suggestion of a link - we all know everyone quits due to RL and or lack of time, lol."

Again...makes no difference to me. Though having one trying to suggest a player is leaving due to a perceived flaw in his character, simply reflects back to the person making the suggestion. This must be why our new chancellor 'Any Old Hooker is shining in your absence.



I meant to say that that was indeed a classy message. I barely knew you, BM, but if that's an example of how you carried yourself in-game, then the server will certainly be at a loss with your exit.

Thanks Arch, much appreciated.

As well, KB, much appreciated.
