EN136 Community Vote Part 2

What settings should the new world have?

  • Unit Speed 1

    Votes: 23 9.5%
  • Unit Speed 2

    Votes: 21 8.6%
  • Unit Speed 3

    Votes: 60 24.7%
  • Unit Speed 4

    Votes: 145 59.7%
  • BP 5 Days

    Votes: 96 39.5%
  • BP 6 Days

    Votes: 34 14.0%
  • BP 7 Days

    Votes: 119 49.0%
  • Alliance Cap 25

    Votes: 62 25.5%
  • Alliance Cap 40

    Votes: 77 31.7%
  • Alliance Cap 60

    Votes: 115 47.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


it seems that big cap is winning unfortunatelly. not that the small cap would have prevent to see again alliances with 3-4 academies. what i dont understand is why a player chooses to be part of an academy without any chances to be in main alliance instead of joining another main alliance. whats the purpose of playing if not to win the world?


why people love play with 60 cap and 8h conquest??? for me the best 30 cap and 4-6h conquest
because when you have big cap plus several academies and long duration of conquest, you can afford without concequances the lack of skills and activity. you can post your siege after many hours and your alliance have the time and massive numbers of players to kill everything


yes i know, for this I only play worlds with 4h and 6h maximun, and 30-40 cap, my ally only 20 players cant do nothing in 8h vs a lot of allys with 60 players and ares XDD


yes i know, for this I only play worlds with 4h and 6h maximun, and 30-40 cap, my ally only 20 players cant do nothing in 8h vs a lot of allys with 60 players and ares XDD
this is exactly the problem BZC faces in every world. playing against 3-4 times more players. its frustrating to try to respond to every alarm in order not to lose cities and your opponents to sleep without having to wake up because they know that the morning they will post live and their alliance will kill everything no matter how stucked it is


yes, i want play here but i only see 8h conquest 12h conquest, i prefer 6 or 4h in my server, i like x6 with 4h x4 with 6h x3 with 8 and x2 with 12 i think is the best


100 cap, 60 cap, 30 cap, 10 cap. It doesn’t matter. People will make branches, people will join those branches and support the main alliances. It doesn’t change the overall game play or alliance size. Just who wins the world rewards.


its the same 4 alliances with 60 members or 4 with 30? if you put 30 only 30 can win if you put 60 a lot of people from the branches can win


I’m serious by the way I totally want to see a 1 ally cap wonder world/dom world. It would mean that you have to eventually compete against friends and that you have to pick the right time to attack them.

Also would require being efficient in your city placement. Would limit boosting. And would make diplomacy more important than just having a last min merge.
Nice FFA idea, but a lot of problems come with it. Multis would give a massive advantage. Having friends who are only aiming to help you win also. Heavy emphasis on solo play - you have to carry everything. Needing to VM would be a problem.


I disagree here - many alliances (even the known bigger/better teams) always end up having sub-teams with smaller caps. Even at 60, a large number of teams will still have subs and not be an MRA. Look at 130 for example - lots of great and known teams that are actually good, almost all have subs, world ally cap is 60....

That exactly is the point...Look at those alliances lmao.

Ok ST have a good few known players and a good part of their roster is actually capable and not just a bunch of simmers (even if half still are), but look at the others. All just happily simming hoping they'll get a crown if their team wins by doing pretty much nothing all world lmao. This is the problem with higher cap. More simmers get crowns so therefore are encouraged to be part of larger alliances and alliances are more likely to keep them due to needing to fill the cap. In worlds with lower caps alliances are usually smaller even if you add up their branches etc.


to me being an academy amounts to being someone's...well...let's just say i've never been comfortable with it. that said i do like smaller caps. they're more manageable, especially when everyone is relatively on the same page and has close to similar levels of experience.


That exactly is the point...Look at those alliances lmao.

Ok ST have a good few known players and a good part of their roster is actually capable and not just a bunch of simmers (even if half still are), but look at the others. All just happily simming hoping they'll get a crown if their team wins by doing pretty much nothing all world lmao. This is the problem with higher cap. More simmers get crowns so therefore are encouraged to be part of larger alliances and alliances are more likely to keep them due to needing to fill the cap. In worlds with lower caps alliances are usually smaller even if you add up their branches etc.
But this is the problem that EN has... All these simmers are acceptable from many alliances....
If alliances stop getting all these simmers and give them crowns for free you will see that in future many alliances will be created with lower caps and stronger players...
Greetings everyone

King Soos

But this is the problem that EN has... All these simmers are acceptable from many alliances....
If alliances stop getting all these simmers and give them crowns for free you will see that in future many alliances will be created with lower caps and stronger players...
Greetings everyone
Darth is here, no point dropping the winner is already decided <3
darth unbeaten in 10 years of grep


Can't believe 7 day bp is winning right now....Seriously?
Who needs/wants 7 day bp on a speed 4 world?

5 days is way more than enough to be cq ready in a speed 3/4 world.

Everyone needs to get their brothers, sisters, mom and dads, hell even your cousins, ant's and uncles, friends, dogs and cats to vote to not make this a 7 day bp.


Can't believe 7 day bp is winning right now....Seriously?
Who needs/wants 7 day bp on a speed 4 world?

5 days is way more than enough to be cq ready in a speed 3/4 world.

Everyone needs to get their brothers, sisters, mom and dads, hell even your cousins, ant's and uncles, friends, dogs and cats to vote to not make this a 7 day bp.

Probably because it’s a safety net. You can easily come out of BP at 4-6 cities with 7 days BP and so can everybody else. This means your alliance is more likely to break sieges, establish its core, have support, and be able to stay active through city losses.

Sure the wait is longer, but it’s also a bigger bloodbath.