!!!! End of the sinope war !!!!


in Short this is a Conflict between two Alliances and even though ErikWijmeersch had 10 chances to End this war he didn't Because him and his Alliances weren't the ones taking the biggest Loses it was Alpha et Omega and everyone else if players from that Alliance want to stay and Lose all there towns that's fine if not they should Leave they can always partner up with someone else in the ww from their own island if they want to

Unless I am missing the point why would Erik want to end this war? The war is the sole reason many of us are still playing in this world. If you want to lay blame for you and your former alliances current situation I wouldn't blame it so much on Erik's leading as much as I would on Alpha's leaders decision to follow.


Tea city Alliance members should support each other even when they leave their Alliance like i supported all those who left Alpha Omega when i was still in it, there were plenty of towns Holy Mayhem towns right on the Island where i was worth far more than any of my towns did still they chose to attack me after a very short time after i left

was that fair what they did to me ? what the player you say i insulted Mr SLiiCKsHoTzZz did

for me it wasn't, Since i Personally tried to End the War you know the War of Erik Chil and everyone else

i messaged Chilluminati on behalf of Erik both of them can Confirm it.

Since Alpha was Loosing a lot of towns but ErikWijmeersch said that he didn't care since it wasn't affecting Coming Soon he told my Leader to kick me out from Alpha

yes i do think Players will leave, they don't have to join me they just have to leave because ErikWijmeersch is lying to them his asking them everyday to help out his Alliance to risk troops and ships just so the members from Coming Soon (his own Alliance ) would be safe

he sometimes decides to offer help to 2 or 3 players from the Legion of Shadows and Alpha Omega but the more help is used to protect him and his Alliance

if you don't believe me than just ask Chilluminati i am calling you out to say if what i said was the truth or not

in Short this is a Conflict between two Alliances and even though ErikWijmeersch had 10 chances to End this war he didn't Because him and his Alliances weren't the ones taking the biggest Loses it was Alpha et Omega and everyone else if players from that Alliance want to stay and Lose all there towns that's fine if not they should Leave they can always partner up with someone else in the ww from their own island if they want to

Also i Heard that all Coalition Alliances to Coming Soon will be merging together into one Big Alliance (into Coming Soon) for the WW if you ask me it will be a Big Fail though...

You should have posted this at the start, we would have saved time.
You just made it clear you were a rat of Chill,and like others rats are throwing tantrum after tantrum on us.
Glad Alpha is safer without a rat like you who openly says you have supported their enemies.
The fact you appear a coward also reinforce the idea you are a Chill follower;)

Before lecturing us you better check another thread where the preferred monkey of Chill openly says he is a selfish arrogant prick who don't care about anyone else.
You picked the wrong side coward.
Alpha lost very few cities in the latest op of Chill dumbo and won more;)
Why fools choose to go in SS ranks on April 45?:d


Unless I am missing the point why would Erik want to end this war? The war is the sole reason many of us are still playing in this world. If you want to lay blame for you and your former alliances current situation I wouldn't blame it so much on Erik's leading as much as I would on Alpha's leaders decision to follow.
Champion of smartness in propaganda no doubt,lol


Unless I am missing the point why would Erik want to end this war? The war is the sole reason many of us are still playing in this world. If you want to lay blame for you and your former alliances current situation I wouldn't blame it so much on Erik's leading as much as I would on Alpha's leaders decision to follow.

I agree without this war most of us would be very bored and probably end up quitting.


I think I get it now - this player went to Chill offering peace (who declined) and went to Erik suggesting peace and he declined and this player was annoyed by them for doing so?

Am I right - if so what do I win ;)

CS will not be worried as the war with Holy isn't in their core, is good for bp as a result (particularly if the spy tips off OPS plans) and Holy want to expand as Alpha are in/around their core.


Mate,are you trying to justify the lame result of your op with a spy?
You are boasting all day long having spies in our ranks,why our op did not fail,lol


And yes,think you are right about this guy.
Maybe he will kill us both,lol


This guy did PM me on behalf of Erik lol.

I recon I forwarded it to Prae since Erik has me blocked.


Mate,are you trying to justify the lame result of your op with a spy?
You are boasting all day long having spies in our ranks,why our op did not fail,lol

Not me mate - never agreed with them, never asked/had one. It can cost you having that stance but I have no intention of changing.

I wish I had asked what the prize was for summing this post up before I got it - guess there will be nothing :supermad:



Unless I am missing the point why would Erik want to end this war? The war is the sole reason many of us are still playing in this world. If you want to lay blame for you and your former alliances current situation I wouldn't blame it so much on Erik's leading as much as I would on Alpha's leaders decision to follow.

I used to love your geit baard but now,i want to see you without it so we truly can see your face ;) ......Just to be like this if u do it :eek:


You know i just can't seem to understand it all of these Experienced players from Alpha Legion of Shadows not to mention everyone else imagine what would happen if 10 Players from Alpha and 10 Players from Legion of Shadows decided to form a Alliance together

they said the hell with the Merge we like how things are we don't want to follow Erik anymore lets make our own Alliance they will be ranked in the Top 20 right away with just those 20 players + if they manage to get support from the rest of the Coalition Alliances i cant really imagine how strong they would be...

No one seems to be fighting for that which is strange ok i get it making a Alliance is a big Step but no one agrees that making a new Alliance on Sinope would even be something good ?

there have to be somethings that are more important in this game than that WW thing right ?


You know i just can't seem to understand it all of these Experienced players from Alpha Legion of Shadows not to mention everyone else imagine what would happen if 10 Players from Alpha and 10 Players from Legion of Shadows decided to form a Alliance together

they said the hell with the Merge we like how things are we don't want to follow Erik anymore lets make our own Alliance they will be ranked in the Top 20 right away with just those 20 players + if they manage to get support from the rest of the Coalition Alliances i cant really imagine how strong they would be...

No one seems to be fighting for that which is strange ok i get it making a Alliance is a big Step but no one agrees that making a new Alliance on Sinope would even be something good ?

there have to be somethings that are more important in this game than that WW thing right ?

you need to get laid..

too worried about Erik atm..like the rest of these clowns.



Problem is a lot of these people...

Try to make it seem like TUS/Flutters crew are a bunch of noobs or something..


these people are all very good...their leaders just as good as Erik if not better...

don't worry about them, they will be ok...they don't need your pity...

..they know how to play..

They have ...had their spies...they have the fighters..the leaders..and everything needed to win...including diplomacy that not only matches what CS has done but goes above and beyond...so i really don't get this whole Erik bashing thing.

These Knee ground clowns..
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You also are not Macedonian Spartan for whom was intended the post;)


You know i just can't seem to understand it all of these Experienced players from Alpha Legion of Shadows not to mention everyone else imagine what would happen if 10 Players from Alpha and 10 Players from Legion of Shadows decided to form a Alliance together

they said the hell with the Merge we like how things are we don't want to follow Erik anymore lets make our own Alliance they will be ranked in the Top 20 right away with just those 20 players + if they manage to get support from the rest of the Coalition Alliances i cant really imagine how strong they would be...

No one seems to be fighting for that which is strange ok i get it making a Alliance is a big Step but no one agrees that making a new Alliance on Sinope would even be something good ?

there have to be somethings that are more important in this game than that WW thing right ?

Even if we aiming for WW win doesnt mean we aint doing the best thing on grepo FIGHTING - Alot of are fighting and not simming yes there are simmers but Who doesnt love a good fight.

I created a map based on my intel of the war. If you on these frontlines or near them you cant tell me them not fun.