EOW Vs. Hogs ,decendants of leoniudus war


a good plan of war for the hogs would be to defend first and have only fe players attack at once to make eow not know if your inactive or not


That is why we have Grepo stats, the thing is there are too many of them, and they're growing, there was this guy with 5k points and now he has 40,000


Hog is just for roasting fun, their city make nice farm, and that is all. We have other urgent matter to deal with.


exactly Eow is the best aginst orthia now that tw nonsence went on


I'm not actually afraid of EoW I welcome the war I need something to wake me up lol. Though smart idea using Randy to play spy.


EOW are excellent at taking out isolated cities. But they are crap at defending their lines. We're biding our time until we are in position. But you all think what you will. We'll just work our plans.


your right consult with the stats EOW can KILL every one of you hogs


Umm that is why they made a restart button, you know in case you do lose you just start over lol, but at least if I lose I know they will lose a lot in making me restart lol


EOW are excellent at taking out isolated cities. But they are crap at defending their lines. We're biding our time until we are in position. But you all think what you will. We'll just work our plans.
We're not going to get bored, or break and run.
So keep bidding.


Than how about this, why don't you actually show yourself for being good and stop ignoring a challenge which I've been sending out since the beginning lol, and actually attack more than a few players at a time. you got the power than show it. I personally see nothing but you taking on noobs who can't even dodge a simple attack, based on what I see on the forums in my alliance, so I'm waiting for you to show us that true power you have.
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lol i had this guy who attacked me 3 times over the time he played i lost the first to personal war we waged thn on the third i burned his army to the ground killing 2 cyclps and nearly his whole army and navy. from then on no one has attacked me so i find my own action


Than how about this, why don't you actually show yourself for being good and stop ignoring a challenge which I've been sending out since the beginning lol, and actually attack more than a few players at a time. you got the power than show it. I personally see nothing but you taking on noobs who can't even dodge a simple attack, based on what I see on the forums in my alliance, so I'm waiting for you to show us that true power you have.
who are you????
Ive got more battle points in the last week then youve ever got.

Come back and challange me when you've learnt the game.
Look at your alliances page on grepostats.
You've lost 10, gained 8 and cannibisied 2 ........

You're out of your league little boy. Now behave or I'll have you rimmed.


You seem to believe I actually take this game serious, this isn't TW and this is certainly not real life, you rim me I'll restart and keep at it, that is the name of the game to keep going even in defeat at least to me, so what you got better bp and stats, you think I'm afraid of you cause you can rim me so what lol. Maybe that is what I want, I've done nothing but sit around and build since I've joined this game I restart twice hoping for some action and still got nothing. So i'd welcome you taking me out at least it would spice the game up a bit, so care to make me behave or should i set a place at my tea party for you and your men and if so do you like your tea cold or hot and what kind ^^.

So i invite you to come play with me.
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I'm not sure I'm a noob as I've said it once and I'll say it a million times i actually suck at this game, I don't think I'm better than anyone and on this game I know EoW is far better than me no denying that. But you will find that at least even in defeat i have a good time, this is a game after all, why in the world must i take it farther than that? i love winning like the next guy but losing can be just as fun. So call me a noob all you want but i'm not saying i'm better than anyone in this game.

And by the way you don't see me insulting your intelligence please don't insult mine, game wise yes i'm stupid, but that is in the game, it may just be a game but let us at least keep the respect we have for our fellow man and women alive and well on the public forums.
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