Evolution vs. The World


CB correct me if I'm wrong here but weren't you once an enemy of BS who joined them after losing a war to them? Seems strange to me how a brave warrior such as yourself would join an alliance who's players were obviously superior to the alliance you joined them from considering your objection to having all the best players in one alliance. It is common in every world for the winning side to pick up worthy enemies who have proven themselves in battle. I mean if you don't then all you do is expand your own cities and not grow your alliance, which I think maybe somewhat of a sim city tactic.

Any team player would see that this game is about the alliance and not just one player. Even still I think you are wrong and I think we had many good enemies before the upgrade and still have a few to this day. I know I have battled many good players in my time in this world, sure I'll admit more of them were noobs than great players who I have conquered cities from but that's due to my location rather than my choice. Now if you don't like how BS/TU/Evo do business and wish to give our enemy a helping hand then feel free dude, perhaps that way you can have a shot at me and find out for yourself how good or bad I am. I'm sure they would be only too happy to take a great player such as you.

Lastly your claim that this world has slowed down due to the merger appears a little like an excuse as BS and TU were on the same side before the merger so that hasn't changed much. As of yet you are the only player who I have heard saying the slow down is due to the merger or recruitment or anything other than 2.0. I guess its possible that you may be right while everybody else is wrong but honestly I don't see it.

Murty, as usual you are the queen of propaganda. When I left Lynx they were ranked 1# in the world. When I joined BS they were ranked 8th in the world and falling. I joined BS for fun, I didn't find out until later how good they were.

I didn't want to merge with TU, I wanted to go to war with them, however I didn't get my way and didn't want to leave all my friends. You wanted to merge so you could build ww.


And as normal you don't know as much as you think you know, I don't think it would be fair for me to give the exact facts of how the merger came about on the public forum but if you'd like me to pm it to you feel free to ask.


And as normal you don't know as much as you think you know, I don't think it would be fair for me to give the exact facts of how the merger came about on the public forum but if you'd like me to pm it to you feel free to ask.
I was forwarded some of your PMs during that time, so I know more than you think. But if you feel the need to explain yourself you can PM me.


If you know so much then perhaps you just chose to ignore the facts about the merger just as you chose to ignore the facts which show 2.0 is killing the world. More power to you kid I mean as long as you believe you're right who cares about facts, right?


If you know so much then perhaps you just chose to ignore the facts about the merger just as you chose to ignore the facts which show 2.0 is killing the world. More power to you kid I mean as long as you believe you're right who cares about facts, right?

I'm not ignoring the facts, the fact is you didn't have the bottle to fight a real opponent. In the end you were the leader of TU and it was your decision to merge.


No mate I was founder of TU but I was no leader, the council ran TU I just done what I was told for the most part. RTL told me who to attack, rmoller told me who to have diplomacy with and ng told me I was stupid :p


LOL.....aren't you guys on the same team? Anyways it is interesting how it all came to be. We all have little bugs in the closet but that's besides the fact that we can still make this world a bit more interesting. I only have one question: What if the all the alliances went to war with each other? no pacts just simply an all out war. After that, everyman-woman for him-herself. Now that would be a game-stopper wouldn't it?


As I see it right now, Evo is wiping the floor with every other alliance in the world save a few alliances that they have befriended. How would creating more enemies for Evo's enemies solve any of the problems with the server. 2.0 aside (I like Murty find it guilty of the mess we are in), the only real way to change the world would be shuffling the players and alliances that are currently in place, but since people made friends with their alliance mates, the chances of players shuffling who they play with are slim at best. Therefore, unless players are willing to take a leap of faith and cut many of the ties they have established in this world and create new alliances, with a more even distribution of power, the chance of boosting Omnicorn's excitement level is far at best.


NG is probably one of the smartest guys I have met on this game so I'll have to agree with you there cb.

Sab you don't always have to agree or be seen to agree with or even like everybody who you work with, as I have said before when I'm on this forum I represent only myself and my views and opinions. So unlike members of Alpha I will disagree with my own members if I believe they are wrong, selfish, hypocritical or trying to blame the slow down on anything they can just to side step admitting they were wrong.

As for all out war that is my idea of a good world but sadly I do believe it is too late to bring it in here as friendships have been made and DF for example would never turn on Alpha or stand by and watch somebody take their cities. So removing all pacts would only work as a disadvantage to alliances such as GS and CN. It would just give you powerful enemies on 2 fronts and lord knows you guys don't need that. We did consider a while back taking 10 of our best and breaking away from Evo to make things interesting but again due to strong personal allies it was a no go, so I do understand what lines your thinking along.


I have to say that I believe it's the combination of the downgrades and the WW era, fact is I lost several friends when it went to 2.0 as many alliances did, this forced alliance to spend a considerable amount of time cleaning up backwaters for safety, secondly look at the WW's, everyone is trying to fortify islands to be ready for it taking up valuable city slots that would have been used for conquesting, third off, atleast in my part of the world, colonizing in enemy territory seems to be the new in thing to do, as alpha has colonized many cities in O55, and who's going to conquest a 3000 or less pt city, at this point in the game it seams a weak tactic that only continues to reduce the activity of the game, this world sadly is close to over, especially since the great consolidation of alliances, so many have left that how many merges have we seen over the past couple months, academies disappearing left and right along with smaller alliances filling into Older alliances that are low on membership, I would not be suprised if in the near future, DF and Alpha are merged into 1 as people leave. Bad times in Omicron.


On top of that I see some new players coming in, and people are already staking out thier cities for conquest instead of recruiting them and helping them grow into the world. Sad days ahead my friends.


Every rim alliance should be taking in those players as to help to bolster the ranks of the world as a whole.


Yeah, but the new areas are right in the middle of the world, like Ocean 55 for instance, one of the originals has a new settlement mixed in with old cities, makes no sense, unless the world only gets so big.


The latest map of us and our enemies, seriously I have to wonder how we haven't been wiped out by now? I mean I know we have some great players but we are now truly at war with the whole world...........



When I seen it those epic words from the film 300 rang in my head "The world will know that few stood against many" :)


Nice propaganda map Murty but we both know how deceptive those "alliance" maps really are. Take away the inactives and SIMS and its a whole different picture. Forum readers should take a look at the world with just EVO cities marked and it becomes clear why you're a great alliance.

Of course if portraying yourself as the oppressed underdogs helps keep your guys motivated, I understand. Others may hate you, but honestly your continuous BS is what makes you one of my favorite players.


Wow one of your favourite players? That would be pretty sweet bro only I have no idea who you are so its doesn't really matter what you think :)