Farewell to the Hogs


The Hogs are disbanding and joining various other alliances.

This disbandment is due to the fact that I can no longer spend the time needed to run such a massive alliance. I have easily been averaging 12 hours a day organizing/planning and responding to messages/forums. It has been affecting my real life negatively and so I must retire. I am (obviously) and OCD organizer and so I can't continue playing or I will get myself in the same situation again.

I am incredibly proud of what the members of the Hogs have done in their short time on Alpha. They rose quickly to the top in both size and power and they are leaving as the top conquering alliance. I have no doubt that hundreds of Hogs will go on to be key members in other alliances. They are great players, active, loyal and battle-hardened.

Personally, I am most proud of the fact that we have shown that small players, with some organization, can do big things. A players point total is a temporary stat. With some instruction and time, you can take a low point player and before long they can have several cities and be a real help to any alliance. This game is not one that ends in a few weeks, so when thinking about the future of your alliance, you should think long-term and see the big picture.

So anyway, thanks for a fun last few months!

Thats what you get for being an MRA. ;)


well everyone thats a hater always calls the hogs noobs,noobs of destiny so if there noobs they wouldnt have that amount of points so therefore they wouldnt have the invite right there still an mra of course


yea but they're below us in points and look at their profile


i never do it so i have a big list to delete and its too time consuming


im not an MRA just nobady has the time do delete all the invites


yeah, i was talking to you though, talking to all hogs out there. LOL


Honestly, why are people still bragging about ripping apart hogs? You might as well be bragging about killing off a bunch of inactives at this point


lol because everyone hates them. with hod dow a bunch changed eow split tgo merged with sap.


The TGO and SAP merge surpised me, course Im not involved with either alliance but still


I am in but i was off for 1 1/2 days and i come on and we are mergeing with them ask sethius