Here is your REAL EOW in all its fine tactical glory!

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Ginormous they mean putting people in an alliance they are fighting to relay mass mails, whats on the forums, and whatever they can find that would help them. Cave spies are perfectly acceptable and a vital part of the game


..i guess i don't know what you're talking about. so some spies are okay, but others are not? guess i didn't know about that line. was there a memo i missed or what? it seems pretty arbitrary. i don't like these spies, so they're not okay? ......bees. bumble bees.
i hear whining and then i see 'honor'. i read 'cheating' but i don't see any rules being broken. i've seen a lot of 'fair' play but i don't understand. i agree with you guys. i don't understand. where and when did you guys draw the line at 'fair'.
you guys have 5-10 guys attacking a player who is individually weaker than all of the attacking guys.... 'fair'?
or one of you guys get attacked by one or two players and the you have another 10-15 guys send you support to fight those TWO guys ...fair? 15 against TWO??

I agree with you that i dont' comprehend your logic and self-righteous 'high-horse-ness'.
All's fair ...or none of it is fair. you guys don't fight on equal ground. with one player against another One player of equal strength.
All's fair in love and war.
i don't want to disrespect your honor, cause you might upset and send 50 guys to send 100 attacks me. you know, cuz you guys are all fair and honorable.
so when you send your 300 biremes to help defend your ally who already has 2000 biremes to defend against another player's attack, or when help your ally conquer somebody by adding to their 3000 biremes and 1000 hoplites and 1000 archers, OR even when you attack a city to help your ten friends to clear that one city, then come back to this post and remind me of where the line between 'fair' and 'villains' is.
cuz OBviously i'm oblivious to where you guys think the 'honorable' line is. and where the 'villains' line is. cuz for now, for me at least, i'm thinking it's either all fair or none of it's fair.


..i guess i don't know what you're talking about. so some spies are okay, but others are not? guess i didn't know about that line. was there a memo i missed or what? it seems pretty arbitrary. i don't like these spies, so they're not okay? ......bees. bumble bees.
i hear whining and then i see 'honor'. i read 'cheating' but i don't see any rules being broken. i've seen a lot of 'fair' play but i don't understand. i agree with you guys. i don't understand. where and when did you guys draw the line at 'fair'.
you guys have 5-10 guys attacking a player who is individually weaker than all of the attacking guys.... 'fair'?
or one of you guys get attacked by one or two players and the you have another 10-15 guys send you support to fight those TWO guys ...fair? 15 against TWO??

I agree with you that i dont' comprehend your logic and self-righteous 'high-horse-ness'.
All's fair ...or none of it is fair. you guys don't fight on equal ground. with one player against another One player of equal strength.
All's fair in love and war.
i don't want to disrespect your honor, cause you might upset and send 50 guys to send 100 attacks me. you know, cuz you guys are all fair and honorable.
so when you send your 300 biremes to help defend your ally who already has 2000 biremes to defend against another player's attack, or when help your ally conquer somebody by adding to their 3000 biremes and 1000 hoplites and 1000 archers, OR even when you attack a city to help your ten friends to clear that one city, then come back to this post and remind me of where the line between 'fair' and 'villains' is.
cuz OBviously i'm oblivious to where you guys think the 'honorable' line is. and where the 'villains' line is. cuz for now, for me at least, i'm thinking it's either all fair or none of it's fair.

Plus one.

Great post


Its simple really....

When YOU do it... its mean hearted and unfair....

When ***I*** do it... its clever and smart gaming.

GEESSSSHHH... its NOT rocket science.



Its simple really....

When YOU do it... its mean hearted and unfair....

When ***I*** do it... its clever and smart gaming.

GEESSSSHHH... its NOT rocket science.


I might have to start doing it then, I'm feeling left out lol.


...well then... would either one of you like to start by telling me your battle plans. ..i mean, i dont' want you guys to feel left out either. you can do it. tell me your plans and your targets and the color of your underwear. ... and whatever else you spies do that's so clever and smart gaming. ...gesh. i hear that it's not rocket science but gee golly it sure does seem like it!


nice to hear from you again gino once more insulting people our plan is simple. CONQUER YOUR ASSES


lol how's that plan working out for you Irjene? I see EOW's taken 7 of your cities, and you've taken 2 from EOW. One from whyikit and one from menasdaddy (who's account no longer exists)


awww. smelljeans is getting killed? ...are you gonna quit?? wouldn't be as fun when you come into the forums after you get knocked out. but don't worry. i'll keep in mind about how tough you said you and your alliance were. and how they're better than others. just didn't mention the part that it was "-with you as an exception." ...your alliance is tough, ..with you as an exception. ...your alliance is great ...with you as an exception. how your alliance is kicking asses and taking so many of your enemies' cities...with you as an exception.
...i'm sorta tempted to look at your stats, ...but that'd just make everything more sad. even if you hadn't quit yet, it'd just be even sadder... (sad-face emoticon)

ellipses are cool.


awww. smelljeans is getting killed? ...are you gonna quit?? wouldn't be as fun when you come into the forums after you get knocked out. but don't worry. i'll keep in mind about how tough you said you and your alliance were. and how they're better than others. just didn't mention the part that it was "-with you as an exception." ...your alliance is tough, ..with you as an exception. ...your alliance is great ...with you as an exception. how your alliance is kicking asses and taking so many of your enemies' cities...with you as an exception.
...i'm sorta tempted to look at your stats, ...but that'd just make everything more sad. even if you hadn't quit yet, it'd just be even sadder... (sad-face emoticon)

ellipses are cool.

just a bit of advice,
1. too many "...", it makes it look messy and hard to read
2. 100% of the time you are not supposed to do ". ..." (period *space* ellipses).....ellipses signify an ellapse of time and therefore the period is not needed.
3. refrain from using contractions like "don't" and "didn't" it is seen as messy as well
4. do try to use the "enter" bar makes it look nicer

That is all.


just a bit of advice,
1. too many "...", it makes it look messy and hard to read
2. 100% of the time you are not supposed to do ". ..." (period *space* ellipses).....ellipses signify an ellapse of time and therefore the period is not needed.
3. refrain from using contractions like "don't" and "didn't" it is seen as messy as well
4. do try to use the "enter" bar makes it look nicer

That is all.

just a bit of advice, smell.
-that is all.
multiple "..." helps convey tone. i would rather stay away from the typical "lol" or 'emoticons'. my "..." are what i do. get used to it.
i apologize for you having trouble reading. it is not my fault. if i knew who you were, i would have put your lack of reading ability into consideration. -so that i would've known to inform you that it wasn't meant for you to read.
i AM supposed "to do ". ..." (period *space* ellipses)". my period signifies the end of the particular thought. and my ellipses show a pause, as in speech, which help to show a new idea without leaving the context of the post. the period is needed.
i apologize again. i didn't realize your lack of ability to read contractions. i would've made it even messier so that you wouldn't be able to understand it at all. ..but irregardless, i would still, probably later than sooner, suggest you refrain from criticising others on their forum speech. it is in bad form. ...the bible preaches against it. ...and i said you smell, so you should stop.
15. do try to keep quiet. i don't want to hear you or see you whine and complain. and in your absence i will try to keep things neat and tidy. know, keep things 'pretty' for you. First step: Remove skullhunter.... remove the spelling mistake that is you. ....less ugly already!
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Calm down there buddy, i was giving helpful advice. and just noticing you skipped from 1. to 15. which is not correct.

anyways back to buisness,

Do not be sad that Synergy had hit a plateau and started to go down, do not be sad that Synergy has over 3 million more defensive points more than attack and a much highest percent difference between the two with defense being higher than attack than ANY of the other top 10 alliances in Alpha, (except for The Agoge System in which i did not want to calculate that since there is not as big of a change in numbers the past 30 days to see the trend.)

Synergy had its few moments of glory and now there are working their way and stepping down from the top. So wipe away those tears Ginormous and put a smile on! :)

PS, I do not smell, i take a shower every day.

PSS It is skullhunte20 (not skullhunter)

PSSS I am quite qualified to read, thank you for your concern, as to you I see that they have improved their trainning of monkeys to read as well, i shall congradulate the scientist that taught you except i must scold him for not teaching you proper manners.

Thank you and have a nice day.


Gee skullhunte20, I love how you make fun of other people's grammar and clearly make mistakes in your own. "a much highest percent"? Derp. I suppose you also think Unity is superior to Synergy lol, with 30 more members, 50,000 less average points, and slightly more than 1\3 of the battle points, I'm going to have to dispute that.


*higher percent* did not catch that on the review, my apologies. And yet ratio wise Unity attacks more than it is attacked as opposed to Synergy. Considering the much higher ratio compared to the other top 10, one can argue that they are the "punching bag" of the top alliances.


Synergy also has more attacking BP (11 million) than Unity has total BP (9 million). We also have 30 less people. You have about 1:1 attack\defense BP , Synergy has slightly less (11\14) Don't feel like calculating it out right now. I have yet to see any evidence of Unity winning any major victories, but I've seen them lose in oceans they have 2x the points as their enemies in.


ratio-wise or individually, attack as a percentage or a whole number, doesn't mean anything. it just means they send their units to attack. some people use their units to defend. you seem to not grasp the concept of defence.
even if you compared the ratios, your argument is flawed. you smell. individual attack points compared to individual defensive points are of no indication to whom the attackers are. defensive points show that there were attacks and there were troops present to defend. it does not show which side has the advantage. does not show 'skill', or 'talent', or whatever other 'self-important' adjective you can think of. you're a nobody. go send your biremes to one of the cities that your friend is conquering and keep thinking about how strong and skilled you are at this game.

Your advice is not helpful. you should calm down. you smell. i went from 1. to 15. purposely. it is not incorrect in any way except in your head. ..where you still smell. -but! in the interest of helping those who need it, i'll enlighten to you.
2. you smell. ...
3. you smell. ...
4. you smell. ...
Calm down there buddy, (you forgot the "...". that is incorrect)
5. you smell. ...
6. you smell. ...
7. ....(i'll let you guess this one. ....don't'll figure it out...... you know what? nevermind.)
anyways, back to my business that you weren't invited or welcome to be a part of,

do not be sad that you're a nobody. that your alliance isn't much to speak of. i didn't check which alliance you're a part of, but your statements suggest there isn't much to boast about. defensive points suggest that we defend against attacks. some people dodge, some people don't have units to defend with. high defense points means defense. it does not mean 'plateau'. or 'much highest percent' anything. Calm down there buddy.
No one can be no.1 forever. "[They]? are working their way". That's how winners work. they lose their title and work their way back to face the new champion. that's how it works. i'm not sure if i could explain it to you so that you could figure it out. ...but while you're thinking about it, don't forget to wipe yourself. ...cuz you smell. no kidding. you smell.

PS. you do smell. ...a lot. glad you take a shower everyday, but it's either that imaginary showers don't count, or you're gonna have to get someone to explain to you on how to shower p-r-o-p-e-r-l-y. smell.

PPS (, or PSS, lol,) It is misspelled. i know. ..but i might be drunk or something. cuz i'm pretty sure i won't remember it by tomorrow. some people aren't worth the effort. maybe you're just too ugly. -and i don't want to remember. at least i'll just tell people i don't remember. ...b/c you are so ugly. ...i think some people call it Coyote Ugly. ..there was this one chick. oh bejeezus! she was a little chunky... ..and she had the same last name as you.... oh dear. .....

PPPS (,or PSSS,) i'm glad you're qualified to read. must be so glad that you can get those diplomas printed straight off the internet, huh? well maybe you can stop complaining about your difficulties in reading my posts. You should congradulate my teachers. i'm sure they'd all find it amusing. but i don't think any of them have their doctorates. so you'd have to use a broad definition of 'scientist'. wiping for the first time makes you a scientist. you know, with friction and the transfer of substances. -both smelly and non-smelly.
and i must scold your mother the next time i see her for not teaching you proper manners. i guess it's hard for her to do that since she already has trouble getting up from the chair in front of the tellie. chunky. ...but still. so when you hear screaming and moaning coming from her bedroom, it's cuz you're rude. ...and mean. and cuz you smell. take a shower!! ...a real one!!

PPPPS (, or PSSSP...Q? ..gosh you're not smart,) you smell. ...refer to number 16. throught to 25. ...this time get someone else to explain it to you. i know you're qualified and full of advice to give out, but i'm tired of helping you to understand ....english. patience for the underqualified isn't my strong suit. not that some peole don't have the potential to learn, but you're taking your sweet time with it and i'm not sure if you're at all capable. ...just ask someone else. maybe you should PM rikurocks...or solipi...-ter? ...-ker?... Jerry. Private Message Jerry. can't remember everybody's name.

Smarten up. at least enough to know that you should keep quiet. that's it. but don't worry. not much is expected from you. response needed. ..nor wanted.
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