

so Kidiwa, how did Liverpoo do at Chelsea today? Spoiler alert: they didn't win))) What's gonna be excuse this time? Is Brandon Rogers gonna blame the refs again for ignoring lil Suarez flopping in the penalty box? At least no one got bitten today, that's awesome! Hahah, finally you can't argue against the fact that Chelsea is a superior team. GO BLUES!!

b;ah blah blah blah blah blah chelsea.

why is the team a girls name 0.o



Lol, whats the point of even trying to hide the city name....
Not that important and very easy to find out should have hidden your attack troops coz now we now it was a land attack from a city on the same island...
in fact the only city it could be is 45 - Mino which is yours from the same island



rofl... Fwmarta folks...

who the hell leaves 685 horses in a city :rolleyes:


some one planning to attack someone else with 600 horsemen I'm guessing? maybe just about to send the attack


Keep these coming. I had already begun to suspect that we haven't got a clue.


Lol and actually i'm leading a #2 alliance on the .us server... shows how much you know.

A friend over there told me they had a new world with nice settings and the worlds here have had terrible settings as of late.


It sure does show how much I know. Nobody cares about US serves or Romanian severs for that matter. Here is the big league. You can run away wherever you want and pretend to be 'DA BOSS' of some foreign noobs. Hell, you can be the top COD player on xbox 1. Nobody cares. You couldn't handle the big league, you failed and ran away. Now sit quietly and read the wiki while the big boys talk business, ok?


Oh my gawd, why do you have to resort to lame racist personal insults when you have nothing intelligent to say? This just shows your level of maturity. You are terrible at this game, yet you continue to be rude and disrespectful on external forums like that's gonna make up for your lack of leadership and communication skills. I'll be a better man and I will not resort to childish insults like some raging fake Rick Ross fan. And for future reference, if you wanna talk smack to your elders, do not spell your game name in caps, which is silly to begin with. Case reopened and you just got served kid.

hey tye tye? this is kinda insulting. just saying.... own advice and all that?


It sure does show how much I know. Nobody cares about US serves or Romanian severs for that matter. Here is the big league. You can run away wherever you want and pretend to be 'DA BOSS' of some foreign noobs. Hell, you can be the top COD player on xbox 1. Nobody cares. You couldn't handle the big league, you failed and ran away. Now sit quietly and read the wiki while the big boys talk business, ok?

Dude nobody likes you. You're annoying as heck, you think you're all that, you actually think you're respected, people hate you. You are honestly one of the most obnoxious people i've ever met and I think its hilarious how you are trying to get under my skin. Love you too <3


I love how you make outrageous claims about me yet you have like 10 times less friends than me. In fact, judging by you performance on EN servers, I'd say u have no friends at all son. Don't mix up your lame opinion with what people think. I don't usually call people stupid, but saying stuff like 'people hate you' is pretty stupid.


Lol dude I love how you say nothing in response when I called you "annoying", you know it don't ya ;)

TKJ, this guy's been annoying me for awhile (And the rest of the Grepo community)


hate, no, but i don't think anyone particularly loves you besides ricky here. treasure it.