
Just plucking your goats, my friends.

When new, MRA's are inviting for sure, and they will exist just for safety.
Don't underestimate new players and their survival tactics.
I'm tempted every day to join 'something', just to have 'someone'.
MRA's are not 'bad', they exist for a local purpose. Often essential.

From what I see, MRA's are the base of the game. And from reading the forums that all YOU experts have written over the past year, they sometimes become a true power to be feared and respected.

Peace my friends. I hope to meet you, in-game, as an ally.


From what I see, MRA's are the base of the game. And from reading the forums that all YOU experts have written over the past year, they sometimes become a true power to be feared and respected.

Give example's please. I play on Gamma and Zeta and i am yet to see a MRA prove to be even a small power. the fact that i have seen multiple MRA's of hundreds of players get owned (and thats putting it politly) by an alliance a 1/12 of their size shows me MRA's are as bad as they sound. I am willing to listen to reason though if you can show me a MRA that can be considered a power


My friend, I am new.
But from the posts, 420's is "an MRA with one massive player".
Deja Vu is "an MRA that has sort of survived to become one of the top four"...

I do not disagree that MRA is a handy acronym to make fun of opponents, but the term seems a bit mis-used when many so-called MRA Alliances seem to continuously appear at the top of the lists. For Months.

Forgive me, I am new here, but there seems to be dozens of Alliances below you folks. Thousands of players.
To call anyone up there in the top 12 an MRA seems... odd.

It is why, in my noobiness, I have left Gamma. It is folly playing on a server where 2000 people have 20+ cities.

Peace my friend.


First of all, 420's = Laughing stock. still not respected by any alliance of power and still not a power. They have a very very very..... (you get the point) long way to go b4 they can be called that.

DJV however is a good example. Former MRA members who left The ORginal MRA and taking the best to form a new alliance. Still borderline MRA size but they have proven they are not the MRA they used to be against one of the most respected alliance's.


I only have primary sources to deal with. And that... is what is written in the forums.
As an avid reader of other peoples writing, I've had a ball pouring over all of the material in Gamma, and believe me, the 12 months of Gamma is a fun read!
You folks have rocked!
But the term MRA pops up a lot, more often than not to down-grade an alliance that may be a mass recruiter... but still holding firm credentials as a power in the world.

I must ask... if a power wants to expand to an area of new players, is it wrong to invite 7 islands of new players to the Alliance? Sure, it may be MRA'ish, but heck, in a month you have a firm grip on a new ocean filled with potentially great (and awful) players.
MRA? Or solid strategy?


Comes down to if you can hold that teritory. In Fusion we literally took O74 overnight. So it comes down to can you hold that new territory. In fusion it would be called Stratagey, in an alliance that has no border near O74 it is MRA.

BTW are we talking about 7 islands of players on gamma or here. here i would say that is excesive and if you havnt msged a single one of them that is heading down the MRA way. Look at my alliance in game. i have invited every single one of them through PM b4 sending the actual invite itself.


Geeze all this talk about gamm on lambda.... didnt expect that coming in odd that its the only other world i play. but for real metalcore and chrss know what they are talking about apologia i would trust their judgement.


MRA = Mass Recruiting Alliance.

Personally I don't have a problem with MRAs and if the leadership good mass-recruiting is a very valid tactic. The term MRA more means "Bad Alliance" than it does "Mass-recruiting allinace".

I haven't read that other thread, but to me it seems MRA is a term for a spread out, poorly lead, inactive and unorganized alliance rather than a recruiting one.

Edit: Whoops, didn't notice there was a second page. (I use 20 posts per page)


2 so called MRAs that I've seen be quite strong and successful are Legion on Iota and ARISE on Theta

I agree the MRA term is well over-used.. we should judge alliances on their skills, fighting/defending style etc not how they recruit :)
ofc though I will join in poking fun at anyone that creates tons of branches on the first few days like Real Madrid in kappa


I take what I said at first back, looks like there are a few, such as THE GREAT EMPIRE, II, III and IV. Oh, and REAL MADRID ELITE, plus their 55, 45 and 44 branches. Is it just me or do all MRA's have their names in caps?


Give example's please. I play on Gamma and Zeta and i am yet to see a MRA prove to be even a small power. the fact that i have seen multiple MRA's of hundreds of players get owned (and thats putting it politly) by an alliance a 1/12 of their size shows me MRA's are as bad as they sound. I am willing to listen to reason though if you can show me a MRA that can be considered a power

The Hun, on Delta.
they were called MRA and all that, we're #1 both in points and BP.
yes, can happen, it's up to the leaders to cut the chaff


're crazy

I take what I said at first back, looks like there are a few, such as THE GREAT EMPIRE, II, III and IV. Oh, and REAL MADRID ELITE, plus their 55, 45 and 44 branches. Is it just me or do all MRA's have their names in caps?

Dear Forum members,

I am the founder of "THE GREAT EMPIRE"

My alliance is growing fast and we are lucky enough to attract experienced players coming from other servers. We receive many requests for joining to our alliance, so we decided to create new alliances sharing the name and image.

You KAS1, requested to join our alliance, and you were invited.
You KAS1, requested be leader and I trusted you.
And the first thing you did as leader was to delete the forums and Kick out to my friends.

That attitude is repochable and not at all honorable. It doesnt matter if you are agree or not with our alliance, you are not a honorable warrior.

My alliance is peaceful and worthy.

Before acting you should think a little.



Dear Forum members,

I am the founder of "THE GREAT EMPIRE"

My alliance is growing fast and we are lucky enough to attract experienced players coming from other servers. We receive many requests for joining to our alliance, so we decided to create new alliances sharing the name and image.

You KAS1, requested to join our alliance, and you were invited.
You KAS1, requested be leader and I trusted you.
And the first thing you did as leader was to delete the forums and Kick out to my friends.

That attitude is repochable and not at all honorable. It doesnt matter if you are agree or not with our alliance, you are not a honorable warrior.

My alliance is peaceful and worthy.

Before acting you should think a little.


Hahaha :p

Looks like KAS ruffled a few feathers. Firstly, he was thinking. He was doing the world some good by getting rid of your retched MRA smell.

Secondly, peaceful. It is a war game. Learn.

It was your fault that your alliance got disbanded. Trust the players you set as leaders and don't just set anyone. There are some leadership guides if you want some.

This sounds rather stale, but I'm pouring my feelings into this post. Good luck for the future and don't bring them back for a much more painful death.


I take what I said at first back, looks like there are a few, such as THE GREAT EMPIRE, II, III and IV. Oh, and REAL MADRID ELITE, plus their 55, 45 and 44 branches. Is it just me or do all MRA's have their names in caps?

Just like your name, you going to get rimmed muppet for what you did.