Top 12 Noob's Top 6


It makes perfect sense...being a 'good' timer doesn't make you a superior player. Actually, it is one of the aspects that has taken skill out of the game and reduced tactics use...makes me think that maybe you are the one that sux at the game or actually has a very limited understanding of all the tactics available.

I wasn't talking about just sniping...i was talking about getting mass birs in before attacks because if they are all timed to the same second how are you going to snipe with 1-2 bir nukes.

I mentioned timing bots as like it or not they are part of the game and lazy or low level players still use them

Once again you continue to lose time and energy writing about a game that you dislike and think shouldn't exist about mental cases.

PS...thanks for the pick up on ari v aphro...typo.....corrected

Deciding to throw in my 2 cents cause I have nothing better to do and cause this seems like such a heated debate that i'm officially interested enough to partake in it.

Timing to me is one of the things that makes the game interesting. As a defender and the attacker... Take away the anti timer and all support would just be same second and all attacks would just be one sec before. It would become a matter of who sent their support/attacks first (unless they changed who lands first to luck instead of who sends it first lands first). Sometimes a defender will get luckier than you with one try than you will with 10 tries. Sometimes you'll be the lucky one.

As for the game being shut down, I think that's a ludicrous statement to make. I know plenty of people who would gladly play if they felt like they had time to play. Myself included in that. To play this game seriously is a serious time commitment thing, not many jobs out there are cool with "hey boss, I have a cs incoming so i'm gonna need a few minutes maybe a few hours before I get that draft to you. Hope that's cool with you." So to feel you have the (for lack of a better term) ability to speak on behalf of thousands of ppl who have come and gone from the game is kind of a joke tbh.

As for gold, it's great when you have it and sucks when you don't. I made about 2k gold on one world from just logging in maybe 4 times a week and just checking to see if there was any gold to be made (There almost always was). I really like the old school way of having gold just reduce the time in half instead of instant completion. Really thought it brought some semblance of balance to the game. A dude can still spend 2k in gold for his nuke but it'll take a bit longer. Gives ppl who don't really use gold much or don't have much gold a fighting chance. All of that is moot anyway though, not like they're ever gonna change it so really no point in even discussing it. things are the way they are, no point in beating it like a dead horse.

Bottom line, it's just a game so honestly who the hell cares who's right and who's wrong. Drink a few beers, maybe conquer a city or two, make a lot of money. Idk about you two, but that sounds like one helluva day to me. End of rant.
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Deciding to throw in my 2 cents cause I have nothing better to do and cause this seems like such a heated debate that i'm officially interested enough to partake in it.

Timing to me is one of the things that makes the game interesting. As a defender and the attacker... Take away the anti timer and all support would just be same second and all attacks would just be one sec before. It would become a matter of who sent their support/attacks first (unless they changed who lands first to luck instead of who sends it first lands first). Sometimes a defender will get luckier than you with one try than you will with 10 tries. Sometimes you'll be the lucky one.

As for the game being shut down, I think that's a ludicrous statement to make. I know plenty of people who would gladly play if they felt like they had time to play. Myself included in that. To play this game seriously is a serious time commitment thing, not many jobs out there are cool with "hey boss, I have a cs incoming so i'm gonna need a few minutes maybe a few hours before I get that draft to you. Hope that's cool with you." So to feel you have the (for lack of a better term) ability to speak on behalf of thousands of ppl who have come and gone from the game is kind of a joke tbh.

As for gold, it's great when you have it and sucks when you don't. I made about 2k gold on one world from just logging in maybe 4 times a week and just checking to see if there was any gold to be made (There almost always was). I really like the old school way of having gold just reduce the time in half instead of instant completion. Really thought it brought some semblance of balance to the game. A dude can still spend 2k in gold for his nuke but it'll take a bit longer. Gives ppl who don't really use gold much or don't have much gold a fighting chance. All of that is moot anyway though, not like they're ever gonna change it so really no point in even discussing it. things are the way they are, no point in beating it like a dead horse.

Bottom line, it's just a game so honestly who the hell cares who's right and who's wrong. Drink a few beers, maybe conquer a city or two, make a lot of money. Idk about you two, but that sounds like one helluva day to me. End of rant.
Kind of agree with everything you said apart from the timing issue. Once upon a time it was a sign of skill and made things interesting. With sirens and so many other ways to allow dozens of attempts in the space of seconds it has just become a matter of commitment, not skill. Either keep the anti-timer (to maintain the luck you mention, which i like too) and only allow minimum attempts (lets say 1 click every 10-20 seconds) or get rid of anti-timer completely and have everyone perfectly time


Kind of agree with everything you said apart from the timing issue. Once upon a time it was a sign of skill and made things interesting. With sirens and so many other ways to allow dozens of attempts in the space of seconds it has just become a matter of commitment, not skill. Either keep the anti-timer (to maintain the luck you mention, which i like too) and only allow minimum attempts (lets say 1 click every 10-20 seconds) or get rid of anti-timer completely and have everyone perfectly time

Hmmm lowkey I would argue it still kind of is in it's own fascinatingly unique way. I played a revolt speed 6 about a year ago now and I was kind of surprised about how subpar of the play I encountered was by some of the "top" alliances. I remember thinking "5 clearing attacks with a 4 second gap between cs, that's the meta now??"

IMO a lot of people that still play don't give enough effort/attention towards timing. That's why you see such huge gaps between the number 1 and number 2 alliances nowadays. It's not just gold.... When you fight alliances that have been together for a long period time that just dominate, gold is not the only thing that separates them from the have's and have nots...


Valhalla....trying to be like their big brothers and spamming like mad to try and take cities yet unfortunately just gifting bp to the enemy. Poor leadership starting to show.
Kleos.....walking into Valhalla's back yard like a stray dog yet Valhalla fail to see it. Many in sim mode.
OV.....stagnant yet continue to show their defending skills in progress, watch this space


Valhalla going backwards. But from what I hear, that's not surprising given their attacking ability. Can someone please hand them a Grepo users guide.....kek


OMG...those bp ratios are horrible for Kleos and Valhalla. I really have to find out who schooled them this time. I can have a pretty good guess looking at the dbp.

I really can't wait to see the valid islands when they come out.....
OMG...those bp ratios are horrible for Kleos and Valhalla. I really have to find out who schooled them this time. I can have a pretty good guess looking at the dbp.

I really can't wait to see the valid islands when they come out.....
To be honest getting close to 170k dbp was good, but losing 4 hurt more. WP to Kleos&Valhalla.
However, Darth and Cursor shouldn't be around because of their Spam but well, it is what it is.


To be honest getting close to 170k dbp was good, but losing 4 hurt more. WP to Kleos&Valhalla.
However, Darth and Cursor shouldn't be around because of their Spam but well, it is what it is.
Spamming and botting all world. They already have 2 players, one of which was their leader banned and out of the world for it. In the end, no matter how this world ends, the group of players currently known as Kleos will only ever be known for their spamming, botting, mass gold spending, mass hugging and inability to break down an opponent initially a third their size. The entire grepo world is already labelling them Klowns instead of Kleos, which got a good laugh out of me.


Spamming and botting all world. They already have 2 players, one of which was their leader banned and out of the world for it. In the end, no matter how this world ends, the group of players currently known as Kleos will only ever be known for their spamming, botting, mass gold spending, mass hugging and inability to break down an opponent initially a third their size. The entire grepo world is already labelling them Klowns instead of Kleos, which got a good laugh out of me.

world is getting to an end so I take the liberty to drop here like I've said.
what are you saying here is Equal with True Fear from Pylos....they had more alliances, cities or BPS than us at one point for what ? bro bps are not everything in a game. strategy is everything.
do you think someone cares in our alliances OV has more bps ? what are they doing with that bps OV or black sails and rising tide together ? nothing.... we don't mind them being 10000 times with more bps than us, at the end of the day AREA of expansion and strategic city count in the right DOM area matters.
regarding ( Puppy as u mentioned him indirect he wasn't banned for "botting " as everyone is bullshitting around, 5-7 players that I'm aware got banned from something else in a few different worlds in 10 days period and I assure you is not botting - it was something else. ) u are master spy so figure it out or find out before throwing with mud in one alliance or certain players.
again, ( Us hugging nobody's problem ) Kleo's broke Rabbits fair and square took some players ( most of them joined OV/Rising tide etc )

you want hugging ? listen here :
Ov recruited Originals entire alliance, OV took everything from Strins/SP etc, OV played with black sails alliances together since day 1 + legjia sending them support late in cities that we took over + other alliances
who do we hug bro ? Valhalla ? that same alliance Marto played dirty again and tried to take control over Valhalla alliance and demanded free cities ? come one let's be realistic and serious here mate....look at other's people garden not in ours ;) we just defended ourselves and played our game. this here are facts and nothing else


world is getting to an end so I take the liberty to drop here like I've said.
what are you saying here is Equal with True Fear from Pylos....they had more alliances, cities or BPS than us at one point for what ? bro bps are not everything in a game. strategy is everything.
do you think someone cares in our alliances OV has more bps ? what are they doing with that bps OV or black sails and rising tide together ? nothing.... we don't mind them being 10000 times with more bps than us, at the end of the day AREA of expansion and strategic city count in the right DOM area matters.
regarding ( Puppy as u mentioned him indirect he wasn't banned for "botting " as everyone is bullshitting around, 5-7 players that I'm aware got banned from something else in a few different worlds in 10 days period and I assure you is not botting - it was something else. ) u are master spy so figure it out or find out before throwing with mud in one alliance or certain players.
again, ( Us hugging nobody's problem ) Kleo's broke Rabbits fair and square took some players ( most of them joined OV/Rising tide etc )

you want hugging ? listen here :
Ov recruited Originals entire alliance, OV took everything from Strins/SP etc, OV played with black sails alliances together since day 1 + legjia sending them support late in cities that we took over + other alliances
who do we hug bro ? Valhalla ? that same alliance Marto played dirty again and tried to take control over Valhalla alliance and demanded free cities ? come one let's be realistic and serious here mate....look at other's people garden not in ours ;) we just defended ourselves and played our game. this here are facts and nothing else
Talk your talk but stop putting words in my mouth. I never said Puppy was banned for botting, I know exactly why he was banned. Same as BZ. 3-4 more of you should have gone for the same reason.

You guys hug and always have. Who did you fight against in this world? I never said your strategy doesn't work, I just think it sux and takes all fun and spirit out 9f the game. Crown at all costs isn't my way and never will be.

A ww world should be about strategy and city placement but dom was originally made for rewarding bp players (fighters).

In the end I'm still enjoying myself here, trolling as I do and gaining everything I need for future worlds. Karma will come to karma, of that I'm sure.


Talk your talk but stop putting words in my mouth. I never said Puppy was banned for botting, I know exactly why he was banned. Same as BZ. 3-4 more of you should have gone for the same reason.

You guys hug and always have. Who did you fight against in this world? I never said your strategy doesn't work, I just think it sux and takes all fun and spirit out 9f the game. Crown at all costs isn't my way and never will be.

A ww world should be about strategy and city placement but dom was originally made for rewarding bp players (fighters).

In the end I'm still enjoying myself here, trolling as I do and gaining everything I need for future worlds. Karma will come to karma, of that I'm sure.

bro' I really find you funny love the banters, but so much hate hahah why are you refusing to see the truth ? who are we fighting ? For the entire world watch this S***T here and Hold my Beer ;) Sharing time :) hahaha ----------->>>>> PLEASE STOP THE B***S @MasterSpy and watch the below SS with who we fought entire world ;) WELL DESERVED WIN :)







We'll played by some, cheating by others...that's what it takes for you to get your crown. Not to mention more gold spento than all the other alliances combined. So yeah, take the win through all those means but please don't claim it on skill.


We'll played by some, cheating by others...that's what it takes for you to get your crown. Not to mention more gold spento than all the other alliances combined. So yeah, take the win through all those means but please don't claim it on skill.

you can't please everyone bro' hatters gonna hate no matter what we do lol


you can't please everyone bro' hatters gonna hate no matter what we do lol

we dont need validation from no one about this server :D who cares if people get upset about the server's end result, wipe the floor with their tears :D they mad? too bad, be happy :D



ps. to everyone i wish all the best