Top 12 Noob's Top 6


been here since day 1

just expressing my opinions and calling out the boosters, golders and huggers

Like they say, all's fair in love and war, I just dont see how anyone can get any satisfaction of that game style and win at all costs attitude. Boring and ZERO skill involved.


keep talking yourself up were bp boosting before BP even ended and have been doing it since. Like i said, if that and mass golding is how you like to play, that's your decision and there is nothing disallowing it. Just be the man you say you are and admit it. By the way, you are exactly right, what brought me to that 'correlation' (i think you mean conclusion) is my experience over the years with players exactly like you. I have never bought gold or bp boosted and still have crowns in every type of world.
Telling people to man up and admit something when you can't even admit who you are in game, definition of hypocrisy that is hahaha I bet you never even won a world let alone been a top fighter. We should call you scardey spy


keep convincing yourself that. We all play this game and know how it works and we all know that Rabbits while they were still around didn't have the skill or firepower to how did he get all that dbp. C'mon guys and gals, Kleos (also known as Cuddles) and especially Reimu as you call him do nothing but bp boost and hug. In their defense, it works, but at least admit it instead of trying to convince and believe that it's not happening.

You're right, I have absolutely no skill at this game. I've never figured out how to play it. What is an attack? How do I do that? Can you DM me in game and teach me? If you aren't playing the server let me know, I'll invite you to be my neighbor.


not that anyone asked or anything but here:

#1 Kleos - sure
#2 Ocean Veterans - meh
#3 Strings of Pericles - wake up
#4 The Deadly Angels - chillin
#6 Polemarchs of Pericles- exists...


1. kleos.. going strong and will swim on unless fiasco drop and they mass ghost..................... again
2. ocean veterans solid team that have taken on a mix of new recruits some of whom wont make the cut but doubtful anyone will dislodge them form that 2nd spot
3. Strings of Pericles - one or two half decent players in there but most of the team are food so expect them to sink hard
4. The Deadly Angels again some good players in their line up but doesn't look like their putting a great deal of effort in so expect them to continue to float around the same level
5. VALHALLA. likely to fold and their top order merge with some other team as there's not much going for them, they might make it if they swim to the rim but very doubtful
6. Polemarchs of Pericles - second string of no.3 little going for them in terms of talent, mostly turtles in there expect them to sink and fade away over the next few weeks


Wow, feel the love. I'm not here to be liked so you can create whatever type of button you want to express what you think about my comments.

Decent summary by Timmins, I still feel there are a few twists left in this world.


1. kleos.. going strong and will swim on unless fiasco drop and they mass ghost..................... again
2. ocean veterans solid team that have taken on a mix of new recruits some of whom wont make the cut but doubtful anyone will dislodge them form that 2nd spot
3. Strings of Pericles - one or two half decent players in there but most of the team are food so expect them to sink hard
4. The Deadly Angels again some good players in their line up but doesn't look like their putting a great deal of effort in so expect them to continue to float around the same level
5. VALHALLA. likely to fold and their top order merge with some other team as there's not much going for them, they might make it if they swim to the rim but very doubtful
6. Polemarchs of Pericles - second string of no.3 little going for them in terms of talent, mostly turtles in there expect them to sink and fade away over the next few weeks
Timmy you make me sad :(
Turtles are very cute!
But I think you're just disappointed we are defending our cities in this world
Its funny, a lot of guys defending another one and telling us how big of a fighter and brave he is, when we all know what way he chose to go, merging with their enemy, and making the team 4x bigger than the nr2 spot.

So, unless OV is able to do a miracle, this world will be boring.

Oh and hopefully for Kleos, Fiasco dont drop here.
Lol Where did you see the threat in here? We are just stating some facts from the last world Cuddlers/Kleos played. If you feel threatened if the others just mention Fiasco to you, then you have huge issues.

I hate you cuz I aint you? Mate, with all due respect, Im here to fight and have some fun, not sim my way to the win, thats why Im on a 10-man-team.


this is true, it would be a great shame after all that back stabbing and BP boosting and hugging to be wasted by kleos ghosting on mass and the first sight of fiasco dropping in..... AGAIN
i dont give a $h!t about you, your alliance or your history in grepolis, i dont get involved in that useless drama, but ill reply this one time.

At rabbits i feel sad for the handful of people who were actually active that didnt get the invite, its true that its unfair to them and thats why me and a handful players were against merge, but i dont think thats worse than OV who recruited all ex-Original players knowingly they are unprepared for Kleos and using them as buffer between them and kleos without any support or help?? Thats where the real backstabbing is.

OV is the alliance you been hugging since day 1, whereas we been fighting Kleos since day 1...... All your food got recruited by OV... you are ranked 62 in attacking, 502 in defending and 100 as a fighter (congrats making top 100). Who have you been fighting the past 2 months? Ghosts and internals?

The war just started for you guys and until this point all you were doing was hugging in o44. The OP isnt even finished and external forum is already getting flooded by tears lol

Darth Legacy

Im here to fight .

With all due respect, fight who internals mate? The difference is clear. I have taken more cities off of OV today than OV & their sister alliances (pirates, etc..) have taken from Kleos. You might not hate us but you hate that you will never be a formidable alliance like Kleos & your favorite scapegoat Fiasco.


the last time we had a fight with cuddles or kleos as you are now calling yourself was en137Pylos 1677359043692.png the end game i think was WW that they won easy due to their bloated size from all the BP boosting but they couldn't fight and leaked cities to a 4 man team. Shameful score card give the difference in size. i guess size isn't as good as talent of which they have 0...........

Darth Legacy

This will be the last time I respond to anyone from pirates. I just want to pop the bubble you are living in timmins. With all your "talent" you took 1.3% of their cities. Trash. Im willing to bet they were inactive too. The funny part is they took 1.4% of your cities despite morale which is hilarious. Your most significant achievement isn't even a dub. Wonders test your ability to move resources and maintain your territory, They did that. In DOM, the city takes and scorecards matter. So let's see how you guys test up in this world.

In one OP we took 7% of OV DOM valid cities. Now if that is untalented then f*ck it you keep all the talent in the world to yourself we'll keep crude force. The day you take 35 cities a day from us is when I will bow my head and show you respect. Until then sim in the rim taking internals. This server's crowns are ours, you can try and deflate it all you like doesn't change the facts.

Also, why are you so proud of your no pacts no diplo. I sure hope you don't need diplomacy when you spawn in ocean 1 with all that talent. Shush timmins let the people who are actually playing this game enjoy it. Go be hung up on Pylos elsewhere. I wish you the best of luck and hope I never see you crying about Kleoss' win in another world years from now.


Bruhhhhhh, why is Kleos getting Cuddles rep. This is my team name, if you wanna bring Kleos history up talk bout Pseira or Onchesmos or Nagidos lol. Yeah I got Cuddles players in the team. Don’t mean its Cuddles #2. Disrespect towards my alliance name. Been player under Kleos since 2016. How would you feel if I called OV fiasco or another alliance name cause its got a few of its players haha. Smh, Kleos OG players rolling in their graves I tell ya. Bloody fought OV in Rhammus! Let’s talk about that, although my mind don’t have the foggiest memory as to what happened. Funnily enough, my memory of Rhammus is having an argument with Vasilios the Great on forums moderating and cleaning Tracey out, something bout cowboys and poison too? Or was it venom? Ohhh but I remember Nagidos!! Great world, we fought against Bloods while they got spanked by TINAD hahah. Then we got spanked by TINAD. Great game, great world. I even got mentioned in Bears Newspapers! Damn I was proud of that hahah. Then Onchesmos where we fought against House of Pain and we learnt pain. Made some new friends, made some new enemies. Lost and got internalized haha. Then kinda jumped from world to world till Covid hit and we landed in Pseira. My fucking god, what a world that was! Crazy **** every single day. We even had a crusade. Funny time. And then I’ve just kinda swam along until I decided to bring Kleos back to life this server for a last hurrah. Most of the OG members have deleted their accounts. Not many left. So had to recruit from old and new friends. Kleos has a long history, you guys disrespect it by ignoring it. Acknowledge it aye? Keep up the good stuff and kill dem reds! Jesus, I went down memory lane. Been an experience this game has. We should have an annual vet day to talk bout past worlds, would go well with a glass of cognac.