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Ouch. That op hurt
Really was tragic that we were fighting 5 alliances this weekend. Now Kleos has the points of the next 4 alliances combined
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first of all, look at your own self and reword your comments , be a little bit more humble, because its not like youre in frontline with kleos... youre so far away that you feel comfortable enough typing this to an alliance that just took over 50 cities in 1 day. Be grateful and humble that youre hiding behind other's back.

secondly, out of everyone in this server you and your ally are the ones with 0 absolute sense and i will give you real logical facts, unlike your delusional thoughts. When you saw rabbits and kleos merged, it was obviously clear what a powerhouse that made us. And what do you guys do? you guys recruit all ex-OG players and left your team without having enough food to grow in o44 and you guys did not even rotate your frontline players and just let ex-OG to deal with kleos. Whoever thought of that ; youre an absolute genius. 1st mistake!!!
2nd mistake is you fight with pericles instead of allying them and opening a joint front against kleos... you guys would lose either way, but still worth a try no? The only people for whom this war with pericles would be a surprise are those who have lost touch with reality, even pericles leader admitted that they knew this was coming. But perhaps it flew over your head filled with genial ideas.
3rd mistake is being the first and only dude in the server commenting to external forums, with intentions of shittalking to kleos, about the absolute domination we had in just 24 hours against pericles, by wording your own sentences in a way that makes you look even worse and makes us look even better.

To your council and leadership and to OV leadership : you guys are absolutely unfit to lead an alliance, you made the most terrible decisions in the server dragging the rest of the team down with you. you disappointed and let down your team with the weak decisions that you took and you are holding them "hostage" of your insanity... i hate leadership like this... i was in alliance with bloods and no matter what you told them, they would stick to "their decisions" which turned out to be a disaster on elis, you guys are even worse. The alliance that these players thought was going to be led by competent people, you have turned it into a place where only the select "few" get access to FF and you hide behind FF. Whereas timmins hides behind you. None of you can put up a plan of attack, none of you can provide proper direction for your teams and none of you are a menance for kleos.... and if i was in your alliance, on top of everything thats wrong, i would feel embarrassed having you here commenting the way you do.

To all OV & Black Sail players : your leadership and the path they forced you on is a complete disaster, you deserve better and it sucks that you have been dragged into a hole by an incompetent leadership. So many of you spent a lot of $$ and time in this server and its unfair that you are being lead in a direction that leads to disaster and not getting your money and time's worth. What happened to Pericles is because your leadership fault, they decided to fight pericles instead of allying them and now they made it easier for me and my alliance members.The leadership that forces you to follow their policies are forcefully dragging you down and being inconsiderate. Do not forget when kleos was oping in o44, none of you guys received proper support exept the "select few"... This tells you that you are fighting for people who are not and would not fight for you.
@Albozzz I agree with your summary, only issue is Rabbits and Kleos did not merge. It was Rabbits' leaders who weren't up to the task so they bailed on what they started. That "dick move", and to summarize @Darth Legacy 's own words, ensured there is no fight for the crown but an easy sim to the crown. Unfortunately, at the cost of other active members.

As for those that point fingers at Kleos for what happened to Strings last 2 days - what are you complaining about? Kleos went OP on 20th February, almost 4 weeks ago when a few rabbits took their last hop off the ship. The OP position Kleos is now in is due to that date, but also to your inability to unite and fight them. Grepolis is a war game, and strategy is a part of that. The only alliance that has been thinking strategically since 20th Feb is Kleos. OV, Strings, Angels etc - if you wanted to bring back some competition for the crown in this otherwise decided world, you would have united and brought the fight to Kleos. You've had 4 weeks to prepare and organise. You would have opened up multiple fronts on them, but you didn't. So all the finger pointing about what Strings just went through, don't blame Kleos, blame yourselves. You failed at the strategic thinking, planning ahead and organising a proper response to them. If you despise Kleos that much, as is evident here on the forum, why are you not taking it to them in-game? This addictive game is more than just revolting and conquering cities, it's also about thinking 5 or 6 steps ahead, and brokering alliances, setting up strategic partnerships. There is just over 3,5 months left until Domination starts - if you want to stop Kleos, put your words into action and unite against them.

warlord of nulgath

@Albozzz I agree with your summary, only issue is Rabbits and Kleos did not merge. It was Rabbits' leaders who weren't up to the task so they bailed on what they started. That "dick move", and to summarize @Darth Legacy 's own words, ensured there is no fight for the crown but an easy sim to the crown. Unfortunately, at the cost of other active members.

As for those that point fingers at Kleos for what happened to Strings last 2 days - what are you complaining about? Kleos went OP on 20th February, almost 4 weeks ago when a few rabbits took their last hop off the ship. The OP position Kleos is now in is due to that date, but also to your inability to unite and fight them. Grepolis is a war game, and strategy is a part of that. The only alliance that has been thinking strategically since 20th Feb is Kleos. OV, Strings, Angels etc - if you wanted to bring back some competition for the crown in this otherwise decided world, you would have united and brought the fight to Kleos. You've had 4 weeks to prepare and organise. You would have opened up multiple fronts on them, but you didn't. So all the finger pointing about what Strings just went through, don't blame Kleos, blame yourselves. You failed at the strategic thinking, planning ahead and organising a proper response to them. If you despise Kleos that much, as is evident here on the forum, why are you not taking it to them in-game? This addictive game is more than just revolting and conquering cities, it's also about thinking 5 or 6 steps ahead, and brokering alliances, setting up strategic partnerships. There is just over 3,5 months left until Domination starts - if you want to stop Kleos, put your words into action and unite against them.
Finnaly someone said what is correct - now can everyone stop crying and play.

All prople just cry cry cry here - ffs play the server or quit and go do something more productive in life than sitting behind a computer and posting on forum.


Lmao masterspy if you aren't in any of those mentioned alliances, what are you doing in this world chat my guy? Like no offense but we have enough idiots here (cc timdick).

Timmins, I call you an idiot because you just pull stuff out of your ***. I don't know where you get your info. Strings can attest no pact was in place. I go back to simming my way to this crown now.
Take a look at the alliance list, there are plenty other alliances out there too.


Take a look at the alliance list, there are plenty other alliances out there too.
Mod/ Et al,

I normally do not post Mod, allow me this privilage.

Perhaps you might come out behind your shadows on here ?

You can take this whichever way you like, but the next time you send me unwelcomed PM's on here....without knowing the true facts....I will make it my business to find you.

I can only speak for myself in saying...I'd happily leave the alliance, will not spend an ounce of gold, and meet you on the Oceans.....seems fair to me !?

Can you do this ? If no....I can understand your cowardness....and hope you get EVERYTHING you seek both on here and in RL works to your advantage.




Mod/ Et al,

I normally do not post Mod, allow me this privilage.

Perhaps you might come out behind your shadows on here ?

You can take this whichever way you like, but the next time you send me unwelcomed PM's on here....without knowing the true facts....I will make it my business to find you.

I can only speak for myself in saying...I'd happily leave the alliance, will not spend an ounce of gold, and meet you on the Oceans.....seems fair to me !?

Can you do this ? If no....I can understand your cowardness....and hope you get EVERYTHING you seek both on here and in RL works to your advantage.


OK, ill pm you next time asking if i can pm you.

And fyi, things are going great for me here. It's fun sitting back watching some think they know it all. This is a war game, not a hug game while watching others do everything. There is no way Pericles, OV, Valhalla, Angels etc should or could ever team up as many say and take it to kleos. Can you imagine trying to co-ordinate 150-200 players - no chance.

This server was decided when Rabits leaders sold out, plain and simple. Fortunately many players still play for the fun and the challenge and not only the crown. More credit should be given to those players that even when they are smashed, op'd, underdogs etc keep playing and do it in the right spirit.

Darth Legacy

Master spy you raise a great point. What I want to emphasize is this. Kleos has been faced with coalitions of alliances from the start. We did not complain, we smashed. Our war with Rabbits and Black Dawn began the first day out of BP. As it progressed, Originals and Myrmidons joined the frey. At this point, we were at most 40 players against hundreds. Myrmidons were cleaned up quickly. Originals fell when only Zip Zap and I retaliated. They went on to become Embers and ashes.

We continued to fight Embers and rabbits at the same time. We were winning against both. For our last OP on Feb 18th we broke into Rabbits core. We landed on multiple of their all-blue islands after one of their players ghosted post-OP. Our next OP could have hypothetically had hundreds of rabbit revolts. It was infeasible for them to continue to fight. We would have taken any city we wanted at that point with hundreds of revolts going on.

At that point, rabbit leadership surrendered and god bless them for having the tactical vision to know it was over. Now it is true they left some players behind. If they had 80 players in their 2 alliances that all deserved to not be abandoned then they wouldn't be in that position in the first place. Not to take away from our player's quality but we were outnumbered against Rabbits and they were still losing badly. They had a problem, too much dead weight.

Anyways forget rabbits and their leadership, I won't read into their actions any further. My point of all this is the following. The fact that you need hundreds of players to take on Kleos attests to our strength. Even pre-rabbit merger. Everyone on this forum who speaks negatively always associates this strength with "hugging". We have had 0 pacts this whole world. If not hugging the negative remarks go towards "backstabbing". Which we have not done. For every NAP we have broken we have provided time for the opposite team to prepare. Those are the facts.

The remaining hate and negative connotations that are being thrown at us are thrown out of envy. We will always be a better alliance than any others present in this world and they know this deep down. At the moment we are fighting another premade, OV, and their 4 sister alliances. They have at the moment 113 players to our 54 and are losing 108-8. Our city counts are close but they are still losing. Now I didn't tell them to drop late. I didn't tell them to keep their players at low points for morale boosts. They chose to do so. Their tactics have put them in a losing position, not us. So the hate & slander coming from their players is coming due to their inability to perform in the game. Most of their players doing the actual fighting are not out here blabbing. And I am sure the ones that are here doing so are not a representation of them.

Kleos has been outperforming everyone from day one. We have done so with our superior structure, coordination, leadership, and players. Like us, dislike us, hate us, spread lies, and belittle your self we do not care. We are simply better in this game. Those are the facts.

Having said that in the end, it is just a game. Invalidating your skill at this game does not invalidate you as a person! So please choose peace and let go of the hate.


bro can you get off peoples d!4ks already? you sound like a crazy girlfriend
you been pacted with everyone in your ocean since the beggining of the server and you hide somewhere in o44 corners
o albozzz you poor little boy, if u had even a small clue to what you speak of you might be worth listen too lol sadly you are a clueless fool who really isn't worth the time of day ;)


bro can you get off peoples d!4ks already? you sound like a crazy girlfriend
you been pacted with everyone in your ocean since the beggining of the server and you hide somewhere in o44 corners
You talk so much brown stuff that people must get confused what's your mouth and what's your butt. I'll listen to valid comments from original Kleos players here and those that play with respect but there is no way I'll take any notice of what comes out of your jumping ship, non talented, botting mouth.

If you knew anything about BS you would know that they dont pact. They work on contracts and apart from that just do their own thing. I should know, I've been on both ends of them.

So I'll give you some advice. Let the real kleos players/leaders do the talking and keep your mouth shut. You just make yourself look like a fool and portray a bad image on your alliance.

PS. If i was a leader of your alliance I would have kicked you and rimmed you weeks ago.


o albozzz you poor little boy, if u had even a small clue to what you speak of you might be worth listen too lol sadly you are a clueless fool who really isn't worth the time of day ;)
Yet still you feel the need to reply to him.


Kleos off to their old ways of bp boosting, that’s a SURPRISE. Karma up 100k DBP and only Kleos as attackers for the day… The lead just is never enough for them. Sad alliance.


The only thing I want to add here is Kleos' use of an ex-rabbit as a spy on us before their op. I can get over most everything else, but I really just wanted a fair fight. It probably wouldn't have saved us much, but I'm still salty about it now.
Check out Botvid, who was active and online all weekend - sent no defense to allies, attacked allies on Monday, then donated all of his cities over Kleos without a fight.

As for the other alliances in the race for second place - you're only safe until Kleos get bored


The only thing I want to add here is Kleos' use of an ex-rabbit as a spy on us before their op. I can get over most everything else, but I really just wanted a fair fight. It probably wouldn't have saved us much, but I'm still salty about it now.
Check out Botvid, who was active and online all weekend - sent no defense to allies, attacked allies on Monday, then donated all of his cities over Kleos without a fight.

As for the other alliances in the race for second place - you're only safe until Kleos get bored
Kleos aren't that good, they just think they are. It's easy when you're 3 times as big as everyone else due to hugging and back stabbing. Going on the numbers though, they got schooled over night by OV. That is some ugly bp ratio to Darth, Blk, etc.

I agree with you about the spy part but what should we expect from a few certain players (luckily the majority of kleos aren't part of it) that are known botters, multi-viewers, spammers etc.