I Sincerely hope someone else follows through and does another one, but i figure i may as well share my thoughts again.
In as neutral a way as i could this is my attempt at assessing the Top 12. I Do NOT believe any player in the top 12 has not used gold. I do not mean to offend anybody in the making of this listing.
Gythiums Top 12 Players
"The Grimm Sleeper Wrecking Ball" Continues to create havoc with brute offensive strength. Has recently shot up in points with the conquering of 6 Azema cities in 3 days. As before he looks to continue a solid position in the Top 12 and likely hold the #1 position for weeks to come.
Interestingly enough Gythiums #2 ranked player is ranked its #43 Fighter. This leaves little doubt that this rank is inflated buy shiny metals... Will likely remain in Top 12 as long as they are willing to pay for it.
3.Starfish Bear
"When you mix a fish, a polar bear, and a star u get.......... a Starfish Bear!!!" Solid Player that has remained in the Top 3 despite battling with inactivity issues. Ranked as the #32 Overall Fighter only time will tell if Grimm sleepers favorite mutant will sizzle or fizzle. Will likely remain in Top 12 for weeks to come.
4.Pool Guy
"bwaahhhahahahhaahaahaha." Once again, Excellent all around player. Ranked #4 Overall Attacker and #5 Overall Fighter Pool guy performs "One Man OPS." Dont get mistake for bacteria or you will be swept up quickly! Will likely remain in Top 5 for weeks to come unless he suffers from inactivity.
This experienced grepolis veteran co-founded The Musketeers. Leading by exampled she has gained in rank quickly, while superbly leading The Musketeers to the #1 Alliance Position. Gythiums #10 Fighter and #7 Overall Defender, this is no woman to mess with. Will likely gain in rank and take a position in the Top 3.
Has moved from the #12 position since my last rankings so certainly is doing something right! Gythiums #30 Overall Fighter seems to be balanced team player that keeps to themselves. Will likely remain in Top 12 in coming weeks.
7.Shaka Khan
Fighting in honor of the great warrior Chieftain Shaka Zulu i have been emboldened by his spirit to help maintain my squad leadership position with The Musketeers. As #9 Overall Attacker i hope to continue gaining on those above me in the coming weeks.
Another Musketeer in the Top 12, BcBear dropped 4 positions since my previous rankings. Solid all around player and excellent team player this warrior will continue to fight to maintain a position in the Top 12 for the coming weeks.
Co-Founder and Father Figure of The Musketeers this experienced veteran consistently challenges his members to reach for greater heights. Gythiums #14 Overall Fighter and #10 Overall Attacker also has the ability to disperse his army of pitbulls at a moments notice. Will likely gain in ranking in the coming weeks.
Gythiums #20 Overall Attacker represents the highest ranked Alpha Centuri member. This self proclaimed general seems to rule Ocean 56. Will likely fall from the Top 12 in the coming weeks.
"Big stick diplomacy - Walk softly and carry a big stick." This Grimm Sleeper Is ranked #17 overall Attacker and #21 Overall Fighter proving that they walk the walk and talk the talk. Will continue to revolve in and out of the Top 12 in the coming weeks.
Dont cut yourself on this sharp razor, Currently ranked #34 Overall Fighter this new Musketeer will be growing quickly without the TT/Musketeer war to worry about. Will Likely revolve in and out of the Top 12 in coming weeks.
Of my previous Top 12 Ranking only 5 of the original 12 remain. 6 of the current players are Musketeers, 4 Grimm Sleepers, 1 Moemento Mori, and 1 Alpha Centuri.