Psi Top 12- Shape of the World


I prefer 'Fisty' but people call me fotns....i cant help that :)


Bump! - Maps updated again for your viewing pleasure

Big change again eh?

anyone got an opinion on the world?


it certainly is changing all the time... and i cant see that changing any time soon. im sure the next update will look very different again


I call us BE all the time..

and I hardly ever call you fisty.. and only fotns on the forum ;) I have my own pet name - Prince Phillip Junior ;) lol


Hey guys, don't worry I will update this soon. I have kind of quit but it only takes 5 mins


Glad to see Wizz and Kmoz are doing well. Hope Rekoor wil accept we had a good defensive strategy


Glad to see Wizz and Kmoz are doing well. Hope Rekoor wil accept we had a good defensive strategy
Everything is relative I guess ^^ Ofc. I accept it, I've fought an alliance more or less on my own and I've never lost a city, taken 4(or 7) and I'm in the top of all ranks :)


so like who is darksypd and why is he mailing me

oops, forgot this place existed since I got that Psi bashing from you folks in November cause I looked for a merge and had about 15 people gang up on me.

I guess my prof pic and sig speaks for itself now... and most players including you my friend had so much to say to me and about my game play.

As petty as it seems I take great pleasure in saying that most who had so much to say to me and - repped me from Psi alone have all but gone and I still stand tall and a winner playing grepolis!!!! I still say.. Psi sucks!

I hope you are doing well haha!

Have a good day!



Current shape of the world well let's see

#1 Still the top the best the mean machine of death give it up for shaadooowwss faaalll.

#2 ORCA Recently merged OR + CA. Currently the #2 alliance that builds lightships and troops to attack next to SF

#3 4TRESS BLACK LOSES THEIR THRONE? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT it seems 4t turtle play has send them into a road of bad growth so bad that they have lost their #2 spot to ORCA an alliance that attacks :O. Lesson to be learned here turtles.

#4 Wargasm Turtle big mouth %$%# talkers. Nothing more can be said besides the fact they hide behind 4TRESS.

#5 ORCA II same as #2

#6 Ultimate Eye 4th aggressive alliance in the world very nice growth good players, respect.

#7 Bullseye 3th most aggressive alliance in the world good players nice growth winning all wars.

#8 4TRESS Red, Noob retiring home branch.

#9 Free Spirits The elite band of city suckers, they get what they attack. Sad that they are few in numbers but that's because their isn't much players of their caliber around.

#10 ORCA III same as #2

#11 Shadow Falls 2, lol

#12 4TRESS Noob refuge branch


Tbro5, thanks for the fair and balanced update free of your personal bias and based on actual stats.


Tbro5, thanks for the fair and balanced update free of your personal bias and based on actual stats.

Yes thank you for the carefull observation as everything stated here is based on stats. No bias whatsoever.


ughh. quiet in here.


Tbro: I enjoyed your shape of the world impression, any update shortly?


Didn't notice this before, but yeah I agree with Bob. Could we get some more updates soon? Apart from Tbro's listing, we haven't had one of these in a long time.