Rules of War fair


My ally on gamma (Othar) has created these rules over the years of playing games like this. If you like them, use them and pass them on

1) The enemy is human: Yes it is true. There are other people out there just like you playing this game. I know it is hard to believe, but they have the same thoughts and feeling as you.

2) Be kind in your victories(and defeats): If you lose a battle, Send a note to the victory along the lines of "nicely done", never whine. You may be shocked at the reply, as most folks that play games like this one that they are battling computer bots at best. Also in victory send notes like "Better luck next time", never gloat.

3) It's only data: It is the nature of the game to draw you in, make you want to play. You might have 20 attacks in-comming and are do to hit you at 3 am. How many of us have set our clocks to be up at 2:55am to avoid those attacks? Home many times have we called off going out with freinds to be online for that big push at 10:00? In turth it's only data. The game is not real. There is nothing to get worked up over. Take time out for yourself, go out and enjoy the world around you. When you are readly, the game will be here for you.

4)There is aways someone bigger than you: No matter what game you play, there is aways someone bigger and badder than you are. I have seen games where 10 very good players have taken out groups of 200. Never burn your bridges for today's enemy may just be your ally next week.

5) Have Fun: It is the reason we are all here. :) Talk to folks get to know your allies... you never know you might even make a few friends along the way.


i fully respect No. 2 and try to follow it out to the letter. if every1 followed it this game would be unbelivibly fun


Now if only people remembered all that for being here on the Forums as well. :rolleyes:


7. Please, try to spell if you are American, it's your native language *facepalm*
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7. Please, try to spell if you are American, it's your native language *facepalm*



Surely its not very nice to poke fun at people who can't spell?

I certainly don't , I don't see why you posted this to try and get people to laugh at it.


There is NO reason you can't used word, or a program with a spell check if your english is really that poor. +rep :)


And if you realise that there's a mistake you should just edit your post.