Another Mayhem OP kicked a bunch of enemy cities in the . 30+ takes so far, seems like we are the only one actively fighting and having a decent leadership. Cities taken from Independant, The Merge LoS, The Merge Alpha and The Merge commings. Seems having 5 alliances tied to one isn't helping anyone
I pity all the enemy players who have wasted 6 + months to get this imaginary crown. I Mean common, my WW city is close to empty guys... come get me and play the damn game as it's supposed too.
Holy Mayhem will.
Edit: /me waves @ Erik in VM. This one week at the seaside seems to be taking some time mate, you sure you will be back or did that promes to your wife about retiring just diden't sit right and have you been telling lies / excuses to those 300 players waiting for their free crown to be delivered?