The Argonauts - Unit vs Armageddon


Haha christian what would you know about a good structure? You had to surrender your alliance to Alpha 2 weeks after taking control of it! You can dress it up whatever way you like, call it a merger if you will but the truth is you lost so many cities at once you were left with no choice but to join your enemy. In grepolis that is called losing, so please don't come on this forum finding faults with other leaders/alliances.

Agreed , but as I recall , your tyrants.Remember ?


U call it surrendering my alliance to them now? I tought we were traitors for choosing to go to Alpha when it happened. Make up your mind Murty!


Hey christian did TS (TU's academy) have the good news as their academy? I guess the only difference is TA are a real alliance which has been run since day one by players who actually know what they are doing. They have a structure in place and I can't tell what a relief it is to be working with players who we don't need to babysit. They can attack and defend all by themselves, but I guess that what happens when there is a quality leader in place from the start. The players learn something about the game and progress to become good players.

Christan, remeber I said who was who's news in our rap battle?

I was reffering to this.

Oh yeah forgot about that Murty thnx. Bli set up that too.

I wont deny fungpi the right to be a good leader. I think all of TA success is based on him. But a structure in place? I hope to god the leaders stll dont have every1 vote on everything and keep polls there for two weeks cause that is not a good structure.

Also, No Fungpi is the founder but it Lavrentios who did all the work.
Giving credit where credit is due. Also, I forum mod along with my other postions and Much like Ts I basically do what I want then the alliance votes to UNDO things. Much better this way as no one really cares what I'm doing cause it helps out all of them.

I understand that, and would do the same, but he told me that here in the forum.
Unfortunately I don't remember which thread it was.

Here I am speaking to both you christian and Murtius.

About what Ts was, it really isn't signifigant, the alliance is gone. But...

I said that under me Ts was a Sister alliance because we were capable of protecting ourselves and acted fairly independetly with Tu in mind.
when it came down to it if something needed to be done I got it done, (Murty to say Ts had any council besides myself is ridiculous, Christian, and Kiminox, along with Flaminz were my "council" what did they do? Absolutely NOTHING! I did EVERYTHING, which is why Christian crictism of me is freaking BS because he had a chance to do whatever I wasn't, as council, but he did exactly what he did as founder, NOTHING!

So I've said it before I'll say it again Ts= Sister, Ru=Crappy acad that needed Tu to babysit. I think you can agree that the reason Ts was sister is because we were self sufficent. If tu "disappeared" I could have Kept Ts going, If Tu disappeared Ru would have eaten up twice as fast as they were.

Although this would be more an argument between myself and Murty but ATM I doubt either of us care.

U call it surrendering my alliance to them now? I tought we were traitors for choosing to go to Alpha when it happened. Make up your mind Murty!

You could have surrender up Ru, then joined Tu, which would have been both but you wouldn't be a traitor. You surrendered, lost like cowards, (good addition to an alliance of cowards if I do say so myself) and then joined them.

Therfore you are a bunch of loosing traitors. The two ideas really don't conflict eachother. It's not a paradox like jumbo-shrimp.
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(Murty to say Ts had any council besides myself is ridiculous, Christian, and Kiminox, along with Flaminz were my "council" what did they do? Absolutely NOTHING! I did EVERYTHING, which is why Christian crictism of me is freaking BS because he had a chance to do whatever I wasn't, as council, but he did exactly what he did as founder, NOTHING!

You could have surrender up Ru, then joined Tu, which would have been both but you wouldn't be a traitor. You surrendered, lost like cowards, (good addition to an alliance of cowards if I do say so myself) and then joined them.

Therfore you are a bunch of loosing traitors. The two ideas really don't conflict eachother. It's not a paradox like jumbo-shrimp.

Nice essay Bli

Saying you did everything is BS!You sat onthe throne of the Council and orderedus around. What was I? Opps Amin, Scout, Claims Mod, Forums Mod, and Recruiter??? Soundslike im doing the founder's job x10!!! Where as you just said: Christian "keep track of lost cities, make opps for them, and get them back". Flaminz was a blessing in that time cuz he actually helped! Bli I wont dny that you arent a good founde but their is something you lack: pay attention to the people in your alliance, and what they want. Maybe ask them whatthey want to do once or twice. Did you noice some of your top players werent frum actve? Well they were b4. But then u moved in and sucked all the life out of them. Here in Alpha, they are forum-active again where teir words are ctually listened to. Where they arent just pawns in a game called TU Omicron global domination.

I was surronded? Maybe I was but I didnt receive an attack from Alpha. All my BP before turning sides came purely from attacking.


Nice essay Bli

Saying you did everything is BS!You sat onthe throne of the Council and orderedus around. What was I? Opps Amin, Scout, Claims Mod, Forums Mod, and Recruiter??? Soundslike im doing the founder's job x10!!! Where as you just said: Christian "keep track of lost cities, make opps for them, and get them back". Flaminz was a blessing in that time cuz he actually helped! Bli I wont dny that you arent a good founde but their is something you lack: pay attention to the people in your alliance, and what they want. Maybe ask them whatthey want to do once or twice. Did you noice some of your top players werent frum actve? Well they were b4. But then u moved in and sucked all the life out of them. Here in Alpha, they are forum-active again where teir words are ctually listened to. Where they arent just pawns in a game called TU Omicron global domination.

I was surronded? Maybe I was but I didnt receive an attack from Alpha. All my BP before turning sides came purely from attacking.

Your such a two faced liar christian.

First off, Mr. Ops Admin. That is the position you were running for when I had my founder seat put up for review. You were never Ops Admin, because you became founder before the votes were official and the postion were handed out. (so you ran for founder not Ops Admin) Claims Mod was in Tu (So was ops admin, (RTL)), once again your a liar, Kiminox was Forum Mod, (which he didn't even do I did), so it leaves the two postion you were, Recuriter and Scout. Scout consisted of looking at the homepage to see if any cities were lost. WOW So hard? I did that every day and still do without it being my postion and as recruiter you recruited a total of what? 3 people.
Kelini, pbhj, and one other guy. All were three little guys in Alphas stronghol who got eaten alive because you couldn't do anything.

I recruited Masen, Doo, Ohen, Johno, Insaneward, along with evrything else I was doing.

Way to make yourself look like a fool as all of this can be confirmed by another player.


U call it surrendering my alliance to them now? I tought we were traitors for choosing to go to Alpha when it happened. Make up your mind Murty!

Why does it have to be one or the other? I consider it to be both, you surrendered your alliance to the enemy and stab your allies in the back all at once. Your are a coward and a weak player/leader, no matter what ever happens to you in this world, you will always be remembered as the guy who left the winning side to join the losing side.

Your girlfriends come on this forum daily and call me untrustworthy and underhanded, if that is true what does that make you? How dare you come on this forum and try to point out faults in other alliances or other leaders when you have proven to be the weakest leader in this world.

Your Rulers of Ocean 66 alliance joined our family as a small weak alliance then bli took it over a grew it in to a top 6 alliance. You regained control of it and within two weeks ran it into the ground, surrendered it to your foe and stabbed the only alliances who you had to thank for still having an alliance (because lets face it we could have just wiped you out) in the back.

Now you have the cheek to come on here and criticize TA and how they do things? Hang your head in shame you silly little boy.


Why does it have to be one or the other? I consider it to be both, you surrendered your alliance to the enemy and stab your allies in the back all at once. Your are a coward and a weak player/leader, no matter what ever happens to you in this world, you will always be remembered as the guy who left the winning side to join the losing side.

Your girlfriends come on this forum daily and call me untrustworthy and underhanded, if that is true what does that make you? How dare you come on this forum and try to point out faults in other alliances or other leaders when you have proven to be the weakest leader in this world.

Your Rulers of Ocean 66 alliance joined our family as a small weak alliance then bli took it over a grew it in to a top 6 alliance. You regained control of it and within two weeks ran it into the ground, surrendered it to your foe and stabbed the only alliances who you had to thank for still having an alliance (because lets face it we could have just wiped you out) in the back.

Now you have the cheek to come on here and criticize TA and how they do things? Hang your head in shame you silly little boy.

I must agree with with you murty , chirst has to learn to fix his own faults before pointing out others.

I still do not understand fully the reason's for his actions , but from the way it seems it is sear stupidity.But what do I know , I only know what I read.


fungpi on 8/19/11 at 2:48 PM

Thought you would be interested.

(This message was forwarded)

fungpi on 8/19/11 at 12:19 PM

Why would it bother me?? Its the truth. Larry did most of the work on the forums. Unfortunately I don't have the time. So far bli has done nothing wrong as far as I can tell.

christianisbeast on 8/18/11 at 10:51 PM

Bli zankity has written the following:

Also, No Fungpi is the founder but it Lavrentios who did all the work.
Giving credit where credit is due. Also, I forum mod along with my other postions and Much like Ts I basically do what I want then the alliance votes to UNDO things. Much better this way as no one really cares what I'm doing cause it helps out all of them.

Doesnt agrivateyou in the least

fungpi on 8/18/11 at 10:55 AM

Gday mate, well I should firstly clear a few things up. We were never exactly allies but one of our leaders was in discussions with them regarding a pact or other arrangement but it basically fell through because I felt we could come up with a better arrangement and it just didn't feel right. Its pretty simple really. Don't get confused with the misinformation out there as there is plenty of it.

We certainly weren't forced to fight Arma and so far TU have been really good. We pretty much have the freedom to do what we like. At no stage have they told us to do anything. The situation all started when Arma attacked a couple of our cities. At no stage did we attack them untill after at least the second attack. Obviously we were not going to put up with that so we retaliated against the main culprit Novembre. I'm also not exactly stupid and new exactly what they were doing. Taking an educated guess that there plan was for one member to attack us to see what would happen and perhaps slowly take city by city without us really knowing. Pretty obvious really.

Other Arma members have attacked us so it is now on. All good fun anyway but they did start it and now we are aiming to finish it.


christianisbeast on 8/18/11 at 5:19 AM

How do ur peeps feel about fighting armeggedon? I know they were past allies and I know how it can be annoying. I thought one of the terms of the merge with TU is that you wouldnt be forcd to fight them???


Christian, only you are weak enough to betray your allies. Unlike Ru, Ta is a functional alliance, they don't buy into the propoganda and lies of another alliance. They have eyes, and see the truth with them. Fungpi is founder because he's worthy of the position, which means he will admit the truth when it is presented to him. (feel free to show him this quote)

YOU! will deny it, lie and backstab. I would advise making a new account as now that I can see your so lousya player as to have to take External forum information into the real game (because EVERYONE can see it here) I will always be watching you and informing the leaders or players of what ever alliance you are in (whatever world) that you are such coward and so weak to have to stoop to such a level. I said it before "Way to make yourself look like a fool as all of this can be confirmed by another player."

Once again you've proved me right. Not wrong. Why you even try to compete with me intellectually, diplomatically, or in anyother manner will always result in failure on your part. So quite trying.


Btw this topic was suppose to be about TA v/s Armageddon. Seems like everyone has forgotten about them lol :p


Yeah, If I didn't get a warning last time, I'd post my arguing over the internet picture again :D


Well my post links an attempt at getting Ta to betray Tu ally with Armageddon and then give Tu a massive two front war.

Another failed and dirty tactic.


Moving back to the actual discussion,

Obviously I am biased on this topic but TA should win because we are stronger, have more active players and the Armageddon game plan is seriously floored although they will disagree on this matter. I will post later why they are floored because I don't want to make things harder then need be by pointing out why there weaknesses. By all means Armageddon will be hard to beat but I think with a bit of time they will be beaten.



I am kinda surprised by Armageddon's actions. Althought They were a part Of UWA and they were allies of Red Dragon but they never did anything over there just some whining posts about TU attacking them or BOJ attacking them etc etc. So My thoughts would be TA would have no problem Conquering them. I would give them max 2 weeks. Althought i should admit they have some good players but TA is experienced.


Moving back to the actual discussion,

Obviously I am biased on this topic but TA should win because we are stronger, have more active players and the Armageddon game plan is seriously floored although they will disagree on this matter. I will post later why they are floored because I don't want to make things harder then need be by pointing out why there weaknesses. By all means Armageddon will be hard to beat but I think with a bit of time they will be beaten.


It's not Bias. We know we'll win easily. Armageddon is in a bad postion and HB knows it's his own fault.


Read bottom up.
HEAD BENDER today at 3:36 PM

This conversation has drawn no conclusion and is finished .

HEAD BENDER today at 3:30 PM

P&P (Politics and Propaganda)
The idea of P&P is to post about ongoing conflicts in the attempt to spread information, ideas and even rumors in order to help yourself or harm your opponents. P&P can be a valuable tool on the forums and bring a new element to the game. For a thread to qualify as P&P, please ensure when creating the topic the P&P prefix is used. All P&P should be done in character. No personal attacks or flaming are allowed. For example “Player Joe is a coward because he hides his troops from our attacks.” or “Metropolis is full of noobs who can't shoot their slings straight” Unacceptable examples: “Player Joe has a court ordered psychiatrist and really needs to get a life. “

HEAD BENDER today at 3:26 PM

bla bla bla . if they want to join i wont stop them . i dont do that to members they have a choice ,as far as quotes and messages also bla bl bla really over the trivial $hit , and your threats are shallow "DUDE" because i really dont care what you say its a game . and if i am getting to you and anoying you . then i am winning "), i only care about our members and nothing else unlike other alliances , who think they walk tall and are full of themselfs , and who dont have the ability to really build something worth while , they try to bully and push others because in the real world they are nothing but unsucessfull small people , and need to feel big in here LMAO what a joke , your threats mean nothing what so ever .
at one stage i did think you were a decent person . ahhh whatever . bla bla bla bla
all you do is take oxygen from those who deserve it .

Bli zankity on 8/27/11 at 10:38 PM

Dude. HB you are the biggest annoyance in the game. I know when I'm being lied to, exspecially when half your players want to join us, and the other half are in- exsperienced.

I know you were aware of it, the quote down there proves it. That wasn't a PM it was posted in your forums. You knew what he was up to and you let it happen. Stop lieing. You've been spreading propagande and lies about Tu for so long now and it's proven to be enough. Watch where you step because you won't be stepping for much longer.
HEAD BENDER on 8/27/11 at 2:09 PM

Your really not all that bright are you , that was sent to nov after he had already attacked , he had even messaged me saying he was being a bad boy , that he had been takeing citys of inactive players , the seed had already been planted , and i was in a corner , what would you do ? when you already knew the had hit the fan before you even had a chance to stop it . why dont you ask if he has that message as well !
he was the first to attack without orders now he spys as well , "theres your patsy"

Bli zankity on 8/25/11 at 9:23 PM

XXXX has written the following:

HEAD BENDER Jul 29, 2011 12:15 PM
I firmly believe in picking off citys on islands we have total control of or that we could take control of quickly , and gain control , however the unit as an alliance is currently off limits but the argos are a target, pick a single city and take it out one by one , only on our controled islands , but this has to be done in a sly manner one city every few days just to test the water , and i do sugest it is done by one player , this way it can be said to be a rouge attack , and the player will be diciplined , then another player can have a shot just to see what the reaction is
these citys must be in our inner circle ,so they are difficult to take back

See the way he lies? The way he acts? This is their leader, (along with some reports of his alliance attacking, this is how I know Ta will win.) That and we have only been playing games with Armg to get our Bp rank up. They can't even keep up with us for fun.

Also look at the way he exsplain the quote? He says it was msged to Novembre, it was actually posted in their forums and that was their plan to "test the waters with Ta," He can't even come up with a good excuse to cover his own actions. It's clearly in different contexts then if it had been msged to Novembre.

In the quote of his post he supports Novembre actions, then he tries to tell me its was a msg to novembre telling him to stop.

And I'm the one who isn't "bright." Sheesh, this is coming from Head Injuries, the black crayon in the box.

He claims we are bullying them but his quote, (along with grepostats) will prove that his alliance, specifically Novembre, and he was aware of Nov actions. Started the conflict with Ta!

He's a joke! I want you all to know it.

Exspecially Alpha who feeds them information they can't even use, and helps them create their own lies and nonsense.
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A serious discussion between 2 high ranking alliance members, and the best response he can come up with is "bla bla bla"? I feel pity for the other members of Armageddon, they are clearly led by someone who does not possess the maturity or the intellect to lead.

But what's wrong with the black crayons? I use them to draw outlines in my pictures. They are important for creating boldness and separation of colors. That, and the other kids always took the good colors first.


It's a joke.

He said I'm not bright, so what crayon am I, Dark brown, Blue, Indigo?

Fine by me but atleast I'm not the black crayon. Which is the darkest crayons.

Like "he's not the sharpest tool in the shed." I'd say " Atleast I'm not the hammer."


So it was.

I have not, nor will I imply that you are not bright. That would be disrespectful, and as of yet, you have done nothing as such to me.

As to what color of crayon you might be, according to Christian Symbolism, brown represents the earth and humility. So in regard to another statement you made:

#2 That's my humble honest opinion of your leaders.

you would most qualify as Brown.


It certainly does. I take it you like the color green? I prefer a nice, bold blue myself.

On a side note, I like your cat. My brother has one that looks just like it.