The Awesome Graphics Shop


This is my last shop thread, I promise. The others are just so unorganized and stressful, so this is a last straw for me.

I will be getting more and more active on photoshop now, so I can make more things.

I am going to be strict about these rules and format.

1. You can only request once a month. The only exception is if you want a matching avatar or CoA.
2. You can only request if you have 50+ posts, and positive rep.
3. Please do not spam, or post unnecessary posts. Also, it would help if you delete your requests after they are completed.

Request Format:
Format/Size: (Full Sig 700x120; Custom Sig ___x___; Tag 400x200; CoA 240x180; Avatar 80x80; other... Just be detailed)
Theme: (The mood. Happy, sad, evil, aggressive, energetic, rebellious, etc.)
Details: (Explain exactly what you want. Don't give too much instruction, as that makes it kind of hard to make, but give some, so I can match your needs.)
Text(s): (Whatever you want on it. You can explain where you want it, too.)

And please at least give me some +rep. It might sound selfish, but going through the trouble to make something, only to receive nothing, is quite maddening.

Do not rip or take credit for my work. Do not ask other artists to change my work. Do not abuse it in any way.






Type: Siggeh
Size: 700x120
Theme: Aggressive, energetic, and rebellious. you could use all of those or only 1 or 2, I trust you.
Details:Amish Rake Warriors is an alliance name. Use what you picture when you hear that name for inspiration. Posiden1239 is my name so that should be at the bottom and Amish Rake Warriors can be wherever.
Text(s): Amish Rake Warriors and Posiden1239


It's good, but I don't love the blood look, I like the right side and the text but I just think its a tad disturbing. If you can't change it then I will take it and not complain but if you have time then that would be amazing :) + rep for doing an almost perfect job though.


Here you go, posiden1239:


wow spydi this is really nice but I think if you had keep that blood splatter layer behind the text then it would have looked good

BTW second version is also nice


Yeah, but I liked the way that it "dripped" down the text. It made it look more BA. xD


Format/Size: Full Sig
Theme: Evil
Details: I want something similar to what I currently have, can't really explain much so just do what you think would look nice
Text(s): Just want it to say DreadFleet somewhere

( I like my current one but there is always room for improvement, just looking to compare the two)
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Request Format:
Format/Size: CoA 240x180
Theme:evil, aggressive
Details: How about some creative freedom? Take your pick from any of the following below and try making a CoA that is a little more aggresive and evil looking that what is already there. I prefer there to be emphasis on the serpent itself in images where it is not the only object present.

Text(s): I would like the the word "Krypt" to run down the left hand side of the CoA if possible. But if that would obstruct the design, anywhere on the bottom right or left will be fine, as long as it is visible.

I am in no particular rush to get this done quickly. So whenever you get around to it or find some inspiration is fine for me.

I look forward to seeing what you can come up with, I've been trying to catch your shops while they're open but always seem to come just a day or two late, lol. :D


Format/Size: Avatar
Theme: Greek
Details: zeus and kronus battling in the sky
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Please do not request until I can finish the current requests.

Current requests:

They will be done by the end of the week ^


Sorry guys, but I must close this shop. I'm too busy in my shop in FoE, and making other things in other places.

So, if you really need something made, PM me.