The Awesome Graphics Shop


Right, so none of you should tell other to stop posting off-topic. It's actually against the rules to impersonate a mod so don't do it. (Y)
If you feel like someone is spamming feel free to report the post.

That said, this is a shop, let's keep it on-topic. :D


God, I haven't been here for a reeeaaallly long time. Well it seems that gimp isn't really working for me right now, and I'm without any other tools for GFX creation. So I thought I'd roll into the first relatively good shop in this forum to get myself two CoA's for my profile and my alliance profile in Heraklion world. Haven't been in these forums for almost a year, and haven't touched grepolis for a good year and a half at the very least.

So my 1st request is a Format: 240x180 CoA, Theme: featuring an assassin of some sort (please no assassin's creed) with dark colors, preferably black and very dark blue. Text: I'd like readable text saying "The Faceless". If you can come up with some sort of theme loosely based on my preferences, great. If not, surprise me. I remember that you were a pretty good artist.

My 2nd request is another Format: 240x180 CoA, Theme: with a white wolf with red eyes (look up "Ghost, the direwolf from Game of Thrones TV show") on a dark background, Detail: perhaps a pine forest in the snow, and the main Text: being "Bianh", my username. If it fits, I'd like secondary text with the words "Night gathers, and so my watch begins." If that won't fit, just do "so my watch begins". I'd like to have the full text if possible, but you're the artist. :D So have fun, don't sweat it if you can't get it exactly. Thanks, Spyder.


I find it about time for a sig, although I'm not good with details but I'll give it a try..

Format: I'm not familiar with the sizes so any will do, or whatever is medium lol.
Theme: Evil/darkness.
Detail: A cloaked reaper in mist/fog, sort of like my avvy.
Text: My name in blood writing, or close to that, on the bottom.

I'm new to all this sig stuff so if I did something wrong or made it confusing, improvise, I'll be happy as long as I get a sig lol.
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Shadis the sizes are Spoiler or Fit.

Fit= 120 by 700 pixels.
Spoiler=Can be any size (in pixels)

Images that are fit always show but some people do not click the spoiler button if you have a spoiler sig. So some may not see your sig. I prefer fit. That way everyone see's my signature :)


Those are option you made up, luke, nothing official. A sig of the size 500x120 would be shown as well. 400x100 too. The only thing you need to remember is that anything higher than 120px will need to be put in a spoiler.


i don't know about you, but i love our luke !!! i am sure other forums don't have what we got.


Shadis the sizes are Spoiler or Fit.

Fit= 120 by 700 pixels.
Spoiler=Can be any size (in pixels)

Images that are fit always show but some people do not click the spoiler button if you have a spoiler sig. So some may not see your sig. I prefer fit. That way everyone see's my signature :)

Technically you are incorrect. :)

Anything that is inside a spoiler has to be no larger than 640 x 480 otherwise you get a nice little message. :)

~ Lane


Oh lol. That must have changed. Well Shadis you got two mods telling us both how to get it right LOL


I'm so sorry guys. I'm done with grepo at least for now.


It is the same old thing in every world. I try to make an alliance. It fails.

Same with building my stupid city. It has no variety.

I can be convinced easily though... :p


Well, Red Nation wouldve been awesome...but you left :rolleyes:

Care to try again?


noooooooooooooooo you always quit before my order is done!!!!!!!!!!! I won't let you leave!!!!!!!
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If I tried making another premade, hardly anyone would want to join, and I'd probably end up having more RL problems. If I ever come back, I will probably just make fun, not so serious alliances. I've been playing Grepo for so long that I've just gotten tired of it.

I'm really starting to get off the computer more and have a life, which is what I want. I only really get on at night (or when it's too hot outside). Leading takes too much time.


yeah true leading an alliance is a difficult task but you are not supposed to start an alliance in every world you play in,I enjoy grepo more when I am not the founder.Quitting is yours decision and its important to have some change in life but be back soon :)


Screw it, this shop is open again. I might make it through a few requests before I decide to close it again.

All requests posted before this post will now be ignored, so if you wanted something re-post it.


Well since ur leaving,and I havent got a sig from u(i hope xt doesnt mind cuz ive got and order for him too) but this isnt a chance i would like to pass..
just anything platypus rex..No blood no gore,something less serious but not anime plz...
Sig and CoA... I give u the freedom of choice..