The longest running joke in Omicron!


hey evic guess what thanks for giving me over 20000 abp plus attacker of the day:) your the old buddy old pal


I wouldn't dream of it pal, but I am right here when I say the above post is you admitting you hit VM to avoid our attacks, right?

Haha whatever. So what if I did? Don't fall in to the trap of thinking that I fear you guys. I don't, I'll take my lickings when I have to. This time I chose to enjoy myself outside of Grepolis, without having to bother with it. It happens... To be honest, I just now checked grepostats and saw that I lost 4 cities to you bozos... Scavengers man... I admit to not being surprised with TGI's swipe but you Murt? Mr. Alpha's Only Take Inactives and Ghosts? What the heck do you think that was? Opportunistic? Poor sportsmanship? Dishonorable? Oops, forgot about that whole deal... I pmed you to let you know what my status was. You responded with intensified attacks. Serves me right I guess. But mad props for the awesome display of skills on those conquests! I wonder how many reports I'll have when I log in? It must have been a formidable force to get through that d lol. I really hope I get the chance to build up when I get back. Knowing you guys though, you'll know within hours that I'm back. It sucks that I jumped ship to you guys. I gained knowledge but I lost faith and trust...

hey evic guess what thanks for giving me over 20000 abp plus attacker of the day:) your the old buddy old pal

Keep it coming little buddy, you'll get there soon enough. Your ball busting is improving, maybe one day you'll be able to throw insults like a man instead of like a little girl :D

And bodnapa. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I would enjoy a good battle with you. We are more alike than I initially thought. We both destroyed something that is not easily regained. We are outcasts who are proud and foolish. bcae is like us too. I suspect that is why he wasn't doing much the past few months. It's sad to see that you are all still under the control of Big Brother. I am really going to make an effort to move in your direction. I hope you do the same.

Thanks Murt. For proving a point. You guys are bullies. You say, join us and do as we say or be destroyed. That's what The World is fighting. The World fights to allow the freedom to be what you want. Yes Big Brother offers you a rigid and ruthless structure that is effective and intimidating, but you sacrifice individuality. You have no voice, no power, no control just an empty promise that if you keep up the good work, you'll keep your job. And it is indeed the full package. You have your underhanded tricks, your spying, your sabotage, your stealing, your cheating. It takes serious discipline not to want to take a peek over the fence. It looks like a sure thing. But it isn't. The World may not be winning at the moment but good always triumphs over evil. All the different styles that you're going to get from players that are free to expand their skills how they want. Talents that develop on their own for their own reasons. The World will come together and Big Brother will not be able to stop it.

One more thing, I see you trying to train more goons in your new alliance. The "brother" or "sister" alliance that will supply more drones for the upcoming WW era. Please understand that that is all that Evo cares about. Evo is in it for themselves, once the training is done, Evo is going to take the cream of the crop from CN then leave the rest to fend for themselves. Look it up, I dare you.


Ok your the one talking smack and I was the one kicking your a$$ in game. Real players can back up there words with well time powerful attacks and guess what I cleared over half you cities so eat it evic. my conquer was fair same with murts. Plus murty take mostly active. Everyone must take inactives at some point and I really hate doing it but it must be done so that people like you or the rest of alpha don't get your hands on them and turtle the hell out of them. You guys wait for inactives to pop up and then jump all over them. And just letting you know I made the op against you evic. It wasn't murty I hope you come back so you can see what we have in store for you. And yes I know that your in trouble and what might happen to u.
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@Murt ROTFL wow! That was awesome. Public Kudos to you my friend. I couldn't have put it better myself. I'm even going to plus rep you hahahaha man that was good.
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Keep laughing evic you think I'm kidding and your smart just wait if you come back or ever come back


Hahaha seriously kid? You do realize this is a game right? Take it easy tiger, don't get so worked up. I'll be back soon enough, don't worry. This what you're teaching your goons now Murt?


What to tell it like it is? I don't need a teacher for that. Theres an old saying you can't see the tree because of the forest and I'm just pointing out what every person can see lucidly. If I sounded bellicose in my statement that's because I really don't like people that have the capacity to think yet they do not use that ability, better known as stupid people. I have no tolerance for that. You say we are brainwashed then what are you? Evic you used to be cool now your siding with people like zodd!! You joined us on the aspect of rimming t-storms and when you couldn't you went dormant. Honestly I think you were a spy because one why didn't you get attacked more almost all of your cities are in the heart of alpha territory and I don't remember once when you asked for help. I also know you are almost all offense so that means there was no way you could have held there attacks of for long. And now no one in your alliance will help you, you got fleeced haha.


Evic... there is no similarity between us. you jumped from Alpha to TU because you had a problem with Alpha leadership but me i had planned it right from the days of RDR. I was working with Murtius all along ;) when i saw the opportunity to jump i did. For a moment i had grown fond of Bcae but when he asked me to quit along with him Oh man It was blessing in disguise!!! Sure i had some losses but that was the price to pay and i earned my way into BS. I worked Day and Night for the spot. I made tough choices to be the player that i am right now. you can never compare me with you. I work hard on my cities and my account!!!



And the kid steps up his game. Take it easy on the big words, it sounds forced; not natural. I'm not denying you your opinion. You took a city since I was unable to defend it. Grepo is a game of intel as much as it is anything else. You had the intel and you capitalized on it. No one is denying that.

When you say I am siding with Zodd, you are mistaken. I only give my opinion on the matter. No one tells me what to think. Many times, my opinion is the same as the opinion of an ally, but that's kind of the reason why I am allied with that particular person. Also, the fact that my opinion is usually the opposite of my enemy's opinion explains why we are not allied.

Trust me you do not want to open the can of worms labeled "t-storms". TU stole the account and gave it to a player who was banned... Yes I had a personal vendetta against him when I was in TU but what TU did was not a resolution to the problem. It made me realize that regardless of what opinion I had on any matter, I ultimately had no control over it.

You are welcome to have whatever opinion you want. Think of me as a spy or stupid or whatever you like, I know who I am. You are free to believe whatever Big Brother allows you to believe.


Cool. Let's move closer so we can do a real comparison. Just for Murt, I'll admit to making an honest mistake on judging your position. I forgot that you are just simply an @$$. Pretty much no one likes you. There is no appealing to your kind. Sorry for the mistake though bud
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We at TU didn't do anything our spy was offered the account and took it. We at TU/evo had no control over that person and how he gave it to warms.


We at TU didn't do anything our spy was offered the account and took it. We at TU/evo had no control over that person and how he gave it to warms.

That reply seems like it belongs in Orwell's 1984... at least try and make it hard.



Cool. Let's move closer so we can do a real comparison. Just for Murt, I'll admit to making an honest mistake on judging your position. I forgot that you are just simply an @$$. Pretty much no one likes you. There is no appealing to your kind. Sorry for the mistake though bud

That is your opinion alone. i don't care if no one likes me.. i am not here for a beauty contest and i am here for a fight. I do what it pleases me. My goals and Evolution's goals are the same and so they have my loyalty and even Murty and Boby knows that. I don't have to prove anything to you. My leaders know exactly what i am capable of and what i can do.

If you want a fight i can give you a damn good fight like i have in the past. Move into O45/O46 thats where i am coming. Mighty Defiled Forest has fallen without Lightfoot to lead on and its only a matter of time before they disband and join its allies.


Evic it was there to be said (or should that be clucked) I had to do it man :) Now as for the T account lets call a spade a spade here, its no secret that Alpha spent a large part of the start of this war watching Grepostats and watching to see who was inactive so they could take a few easy conquest. Which is all fair you guys were looking (and still do look) for every opportunity you guys can get in which you will gain territory and cities. Again this is fair, however do you expect us to believe if you had a chance to steal one of our top accounts away from the alliance, you wouldn't do it?

When you guys take an opportunity its just part of the game but when we do it, its considered low? Some of your men have admitted using different ISP to run different accounts, some have not admitted but we know it to be so due to the fact they were silly enough to give us tell tale signs like using their real name on one of the accounts. Though you don't see that as low or cheating? Yet you'll still crib on about us stealing an account as been unfair months later and will report warms each time you find out he has returned? You call us dishonourable and say we are not noble when you guys find ways to break the rules without been caught and you consider this to be noble?


The debate is not the tactics used but the motive behind using such tactics. The World may use the same tactics that "the Party" does, but The World does it for free will and prosperity for all while the Party uses these tactics to protect Big Brother and keep Big Brother prosperous and in power. The World had no choice and were forced to play down to your level or risk being destroyed by cheap tricks and underhanded bamboozling. I've harped on this since I first ever started posting, but eventually everyone will see Evolution for what it really is. Your power is in your brainwashed goons but when the well on new recruits dries out or better yet when those new recruits begin to doubt your supremacy and turn on you, Evolution will go down in flames. Big absolute dictatorships like those never survive, the people eventually get wise. I wonder where all of the agora dancers will come from if you guys aren't around though, is there a contingency plan in place?


i don't care if no one likes me...

I like you Mr. Bod. Always updating the scores and keeping things interesting. @ Evic, you are one hillarious guy mate. Your humor is not dry and not as offending, which in turn is fun to read. I suggest you keep posting mate. I have seen past debates become too dry and offending where it is not worth reading sometimes.

Please don't mind my posting. I am trying to become unbiased here and direct the convo towards relevance and an intellectual rationale between you all.


The debate is not the tactics used but the motive behind using such tactics. The World may use the same tactics that "the Party" does, but The World does it for free will and prosperity for all while the Party uses these tactics to protect Big Brother and keep Big Brother prosperous and in power. The World had no choice and were forced to play down to your level or risk being destroyed by cheap tricks and underhanded bamboozling. I've harped on this since I first ever started posting, but eventually everyone will see Evolution for what it really is. Your power is in your brainwashed goons but when the well on new recruits dries out or better yet when those new recruits begin to doubt your supremacy and turn on you, Evolution will go down in flames. Big absolute dictatorships like those never survive, the people eventually get wise. I wonder where all of the agora dancers will come from if you guys aren't around though, is there a contingency plan in place?

No contingency required, we'll finish this here shortly.