Fixed The maximum daily amount of resources for this village has been reached.


I have manged to reach the maximum daily amount of resources from three of my villages so far today. I am not sure if this is a bug or if it is "working as intended" but I do not like it!


Yes, it is possible to reach your maximum daily amount of resources. This is especially likely to happen if you farm every 5 minutes.

Not a bug, can be moved to Questions.


The daily maximum you can loot a farming village for is around 12,500 resources per village, per day.


I have manged to reach the maximum daily amount of resources from three of my villages so far today. I am not sure if this is a bug or if it is "working as intended" but I do not like it!

and how exactly did you reach that maximum,when i just calculated that with 2nd level farming village, you could demand 6912 resourses per day if you farm it every 5 minutes.
Is there a maximum for all the villages or ?


Don't forget a farming village can be upgraded to 6th Level which will give you 80 resources under demand, and 160 under loot every 5 minutes. Which equals 960/hour, so you will reach the maximum in 13 hours with demand


I am a bit confused. Is the 12500 for a speed 1 world, a speed 2 world, or independent of world speed?
Also doesn't the maximum go up as you upgrade the villages?

The reason I think that it does is that my level 2 and level 3 mines seem to run out at the same time, and I farm them at the same rate.

Also does the bonus from loot count against the 12500 daily cap or is it in addition to?


statement from the coma in the german bugtracker:

ress you can demand from one farm = 12.500 * worldspeed
world pi for instance: 12.500 * 3.14 = 39.250 ress/farm
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The maximum does not increase with farming levels. Yes, the resources gathered with the Booty technology counts.


The maximum does not increase with farming levels. Yes, the resources gathered with the Booty technology counts.

on the note of the booty technology, I have found that when I researched it the mood didn't actually double, however the amount of mood used doubled, so did the time, and the resources you get. The mood in the village stayed the same. It seems this research is infact bad and not good to have!?


on the note of the booty technology, I have found that when I researched it the mood didn't actually double, however the amount of mood used doubled, so did the time, and the resources you get. The mood in the village stayed the same. It seems this research is infact bad and not good to have!?

Booty is AWESOME. I have explained in the questions forum and the Rho forum, it allows for improved efficiency and less lost resources for taking longer breaks. What it does not do is allow you to collect more resources in a day than you would be able to without, assuming you are playing constantly.


and how exactly did you reach that maximum,when i just calculated that with 2nd level farming village, you could demand 6912 resourses per day if you farm it every 5 minutes.
Is there a maximum for all the villages or ?

24x3 (24 of each type for a level 2 village X 3 types of resources) = 72
72*12 (twelve demands per hour) = 864
864*24 (twenty-four hours per day) = 20736

And this doesn't even include doing any looting, assuming 2 mood per hour (World Rho) that is one loot per 3 hours, or 8 per day, so add 576 for that.
Not sure what calculations you did, but they don't appear to be the right ones.


It does not include any trades made with Farming Villages, as you are not Demanding/Looting when you trade, you are giving something back.


This daily limit looks buggish. Managed to reach a few hours ago, and nothing changes. There are some signs showing this is not normal.
- I always demand ALL the farming villages. And there remained 3, and 2, and 1 to demand after each round. The last one let me to demand for 4 hours. That difference is impossible compared to the other villages.
- I started yesterday at about 2, and farmed continuously until midnight. Pushed the 10 hours button then, went to sleep and continued after. Reached the limit at about 2 and can not farm the villages since then. The question is if there is a daybreak. If not, this is not normal, because the period from 2 to 6 was active yesterday, should have been substracted from my output until now but was't. If there is a daybreak, then when is it? Time is passing, if the daybreak is at 7, then it is only 9 hours gameplay that reached the limit. With 7 farms, at level 3-4? Impossible with the values you sayed. And as time is going, the amount is reducing. Most likely was it that the daybreak was around 2 pm, and my whole 24 hour production was over the limit. Ok, but then it's another day now! Why am I not switched back? Is it a punishment or something? Should not I have to be noted about? Either way, this thing is not working correctly.


I'm wondering if the daily reset didn't happen. I have been getting told I'm at maximum for well over 12 hours now.

If the reset time was indeed 5pm CST (GMT-6), then I don't see how it could be possible that I hit the cap for every single one of my farms by the time 10:30pm came around. You can't tell me I managed to do that in 5.5 hours. That would make it somewhere around 13-14 hours ago that I have been capped out, and still am.
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And another sign of the problem. I have level 3 and 4 farms. Some of them have been on that level for days. The difference is 64/56 which is about 14%. I pushed the 10 hours demand so it is 14 hours gameplay which may have caused the problem. If everything worked correctly the difference between the appearance of the problem on the level 3 and 4 farms should have been MORE THAN TWO HOURS. Not ten minutes.

So, will we be stuck in this state for ages or there is a GM around who can solve the problem?


Is there a bug?

Me and the guy in a nearby town are both getting the "max resources" for hours. I personally have been offline for 11 hours of the last 24, so I fail to see how I could have maxed it. Level 3 farms mostly, a few loots, but not on top of farming yesterday. This makes no sense. And now I have not been able to farm them for about 3 hours, so 14 out of last 24 hours I now have had no farming. There is no way I did 12,500 in just 10 hours.