The Prophet

Puppy Cuddle

Do we remember when PuppyCuddle came to externals almost a year ago talking about how his alliance was going to win?? And guess what, not only did they win, but they beat out ov and tf who were working together and only had a couple of wonders to work on. Hold on... so that means Cuddles was able to build all 7 wonders before they could even just focus on 1 for spoilers??
So if you see someone from tf be sure to comfort them because they got cuddled right out of a win.
Let us know when you want to do it again ;)


Do we remember when PuppyCuddle came to externals almost a year ago talking about how his alliance was going to win?? And guess what, not only did they win, but they beat out ov and tf who were working together and only had a couple of wonders to work on. Hold on... so that means Cuddles was able to build all 7 wonders before they could even just focus on 1 for spoilers??
So if you see someone from tf be sure to comfort them because they got cuddled right out of a win.
Let us know when you want to do it again ;)
Congrats and credit where credit is due. Small fact though, TF and OV never worked together, from what i hear there was some talk about who was pushing what but there was never any pact and resources etc were never involved. TF thought they were way better and organised than they really were and have paid for that over confidence...a very poor showing from them.

Very impressed by the Storm alliance group given their losses just before WW time and relatively inexperienced group. A slightly more active leadership group and 2-3 big time experienced players could lift this alliance onto the next level.

OV played way above their weight from day 1 and WW period was no difference. The fact that you had to block them before TF confirms both this and how poor TF were. For a group that from what i told have little revolt experience and were only here initially to 'pass time' together waiting for a new world I think only positive things can be said about them.

So, in summary; a win is a win. Congrats to Cuddles for being the largest and most organised and prepared alliance for WW's. It is a pity that they had to hug so much to get there, but if that's what the game allows now instead of rewarding 'fighting' ability in a war game, hats off to them for playing the system.


First of all congrats to everyone! For showing committed and dedication until last minute! Good Effort everyone, My first world after 12 years!!! I'm glad I ended up in Cuddles and not somewhere else - Full with fun, quality people and most important great teamwork!

Now lets get back to talk about this world with facts .... We've been trashed away, insulted on externals or PM's in game ( some of TF members ) but can you imagine being a True Fear Member and spending as an alliance 2/3 times more gold than cuddles for absolute no achievements !?!?!

- or having 6-7 alliances at one point and to be left in 3 ?
- what can we say about the big coalition entire Pylos vs Cuddles and Cuddles vs Pylos ( for absolute no achievement ?? ) Yes you heard right,
November was a huge/important month for True Fear managed to bring all alliances in Pylos vs Cuddles - True Fear, Errors ( x2 ) Naturals ( 3 alliances ), Storm's ( 3 Alliances ) Ocean Veterans ( + 2 sister alliances ) - we've been fighting and holding our ground for months! and they still haven't achieve nothing lmao
- think about being a " True Fear Golder " that got cuddled by spending 10 months wasting money and time for absolute no achievements :D

I mean lets see some stats:
  • Cuddles ( Less players in all alliances ) Vs True Fear - and we had entire Pylos chasing us :)) :DDD
  • Cuddles More players top 15 fighters
  • Cuddles More players in top 15 raking
  • Cuddles only 3 alliances during the Pylos World vs TF ( 7-8 maybe all together ? ) To be honest I can't even remember all of them :)) :D
  • Alliance ISLAND DOMINATION - 1st Cuddles 27% , 2nd True Fear 24%, 3rd The Dark Storm 13%

In a short order is Cuddles World - Everyone Got Cuddled Congrats!
True Fear ended up being True Cuddles - Thank you for the training ground!
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- or having 6-7 alliances at one point and to be left in 3 ?
- what can we say about the big coalition entire Pylos vs Cuddles and Cuddles vs Pylos ( for absolute no achievement ?? ) Yes you heard right,
November was a huge/important month for True Fear managed to bring all alliances in Pylos vs Cuddles - True Fear, Errors ( x2 ) Naturals ( 3 alliances ), Storm's ( 3 Alliances ) Ocean Veterans ( + 2 sister alliances ) - we've been fighting and holding our ground for months! and they still haven't achieve nothing lmao
This is why I dont agree with you. Just because lets say OV was fighting Cuddles, doesn't mean we were in a coalition with TF, Errors or others. What was OV supposed to do, fight TF from O53 to O55? You were in the middle, OV couldnt fight someone else even if they wanted to lol.
You need to check all the facts and then come to a conclusion that the alliances you mentioned were in a Coalition.

However, congratulations to Cuddles, wonders were very well done, I didnt believe that the gap between the first and the second would be so huge but you played it good, and one other team played it awful lol. See you on other worlds then.


Do we remember when PuppyCuddle came to externals almost a year ago talking about how his alliance was going to win?? And guess what, not only did they win, but they beat out ov and tf who were working together and only had a couple of wonders to work on. Hold on... so that means Cuddles was able to build all 7 wonders before they could even just focus on 1 for spoilers??
So if you see someone from tf be sure to comfort them because they got cuddled right out of a win.
Let us know when you want to do it again ;)

As I had said previously, Congrats to the Cuddle crew. A deserved win.

However, the assumption that we (OV) were working with TF is incorrect.
First of all congrats to everyone! For showing committed and dedication until last minute! Good Effort everyone, My first world after 12 years!!! I'm glad I ended up in Cuddles and not somewhere else - Full with fun, quality people and most important great teamwork!

Now lets get back to talk about this world with facts .... We've been trashed away, insulted on externals or PM's in game ( some of TF members ) but can you imagine being a True Fear Member and spending as an alliance 2/3 times more gold than cuddles for absolute no achievements !?!?!

- or having 6-7 alliances at one point and to be left in 3 ?
- what can we say about the big coalition entire Pylos vs Cuddles and Cuddles vs Pylos ( for absolute no achievement ?? ) Yes you heard right,
November was a huge/important month for True Fear managed to bring all alliances in Pylos vs Cuddles - True Fear, Errors ( x2 ) Naturals ( 3 alliances ), Storm's ( 3 Alliances ) Ocean Veterans ( + 2 sister alliances ) - we've been fighting and holding our ground for months! and they still haven't achieve nothing lmao
- think about being a " True Fear Golder " that got cuddled by spending 10 months wasting money and time for absolute no achievements :D

I mean lets see some stats:
  • Cuddles ( Less players in all alliances ) Vs True Fear - and we had entire Pylos chasing us :)) :DDD
  • Cuddles More players top 15 fighters
  • Cuddles More players in top 15 raking
  • Cuddles only 3 alliances during the Pylos World vs TF ( 7-8 maybe all together ? ) To be honest I can't even remember all of them :)) :D
  • Alliance ISLAND DOMINATION - 1st Cuddles 27% , 2nd True Fear 24%, 3rd The Dark Storm 13%

In a short order is Cuddles World - Everyone Got Cuddled Congrats!
True Fear ended up being True Cuddles - Thank you for the training ground!
We took lots more cities from you guys than you ever took from us.
You can wank over the stats all you like but those are the facts.

Were we prepared for WW as well as you guys? Clearly not.

Did you sim and found like crazy with your turtle and cannibalised BPs? Probably.

Should you be proud of what you've achieved? Well your biggest player is a known botter and a cheat so maybe not


We took lots more cities from you guys than you ever took from us.
You can wank over the stats all you like but those are the facts.

Were we prepared for WW as well as you guys? Clearly not.

Did you sim and found like crazy with your turtle and cannibalised BPs? Probably.

Should you be proud of what you've achieved? Well your biggest player is a known botter and a cheat so maybe not

This is where you are again low minded person and arrogant for no reason. You took more cities for nothing :)
you played like amateurs Wonders World :), it wasn't dom world it was wonder world ;)

If you can't make the difference " As pro player and arrogant you consider yourself you can be " well all I can say is I enjoyed my training ground with you guys :) by the way read the messages BELOW - Your own People are shitting on you as a leader ( I can't post all of the players as I promise them not, but some of them didn't said I can't ) So below is a feedback about how s*** person you are with your own people ;)





I got more and more of this, your own players asking me to report you :) and how bad TF leadership managed everything ahaha and you have the balls to come here and talk about " meaningless stats " when you wasted everyone's time ...10 months for nothing lol