Newspaper -= THE PSEIRA CHRONICLE =- Ed.2 : The More Momentum You Have, the Harder You Hit the Ground.


Your full of bull. lol.. you better get Oubay back, hes the only one with any attack intentions. Meanwhile, why dont you show me what its like to have so many attacks ? But you wont because your a turtle.

I think Mel answered that well enough :) . Also please stop triple posting bro, you don't need to post every sentence individually lol.
I think Mel answered that well enough :) . Also please stop triple posting bro, you don't need to post every sentence individually lol.

OK, maybe i have gone over the top trying to troll you all into attacking me. Consider this an apology. Sometimes if we arnt careful, we can get carried away and act in ways we would never act like in real life. So..will take a break from the forum and see if my testosterone levels return to a more normal level. Meanwhile i like and respect Mel very much, and everyone else on here seem a nice bunch. Much Love to all my Grepo 126 brothers and sisters.


so much drama guys.

My take is BP boosting is cheating and i want those who did it to pay. Honestly at this moment if Skud, napoli and kuriants reset fully id happily give the alliance a week or two to find their feet and resume a fun world.

Also not a fan of nemesis breaking the coalition the way they did but also not happy with stooges response but i understand it.

A lot of people want to win and thats what the games about but so many lies and conspiracies.

About the 40 vs 1 i dont think its ever been that much. Id love to know how many unique players hit CM. i reckon less than 100.

Lets all just play and the winner wins.

Anyone can pm me in game and im happy to talk about whatever.


so much drama guys.

My take is BP boosting is cheating and i want those who did it to pay. Honestly at this moment if Skud, napoli and kuriants reset fully id happily give the alliance a week or two to find their feet and resume a fun world.

Also not a fan of nemesis breaking the coalition the way they did but also not happy with stooges response but i understand it.

A lot of people want to win and thats what the games about but so many lies and conspiracies.

About the 40 vs 1 i dont think its ever been that much. Id love to know how many unique players hit CM. i reckon less than 100.

Lets all just play and the winner wins.

Anyone can pm me in game and im happy to talk about whatever.
I personally had attacks from 140 unique players. All good fun though.


so much drama guys.

My take is BP boosting is cheating and i want those who did it to pay. Honestly at this moment if Skud, napoli and kuriants reset fully id happily give the alliance a week or two to find their feet and resume a fun world.

Also not a fan of nemesis breaking the coalition the way they did but also not happy with stooges response but i understand it.

A lot of people want to win and thats what the games about but so many lies and conspiracies.

About the 40 vs 1 i dont think its ever been that much. Id love to know how many unique players hit CM. i reckon less than 100.

Lets all just play and the winner wins.

Anyone can pm me in game and im happy to talk about whatever.
Give the alliance a week or 2 before resuming the coalition,lmao not even worth them resetting.


This will be my last post in this forum,I cant stand the self righteousness anymore. But before I go think about this. Whatever goal you had in punishing the boosting,its been done with extra. At this point you are just pursuing your own crusade of vindication. We have 10 active members now. Against the hoards. Sure maybe only 120 attack us. But lets not forget the hundreds giving you lts so you don't have to worry about any retaliation. I have legit gotten messages from your members saying good job on the snipes. My response is always doesn't matter. Because it doesnt matter if we have better snipes. You can just send another cs,and another cs. Heck eventually just your cs escort will wear us out because you have so many,which has happened to many of us. So keep doing your "righteous" crusader against the 10 players still left in cm.


This will be my last post in this forum,I cant stand the self righteousness anymore. But before I go think about this. Whatever goal you had in punishing the boosting,its been done with extra. At this point you are just pursuing your own crusade of vindication. We have 10 active members now. Against the hoards. Sure maybe only 120 attack us. But lets not forget the hundreds giving you lts so you don't have to worry about any retaliation. I have legit gotten messages from your members saying good job on the snipes. My response is always doesn't matter. Because it doesnt matter if we have better snipes. You can just send another cs,and another cs. Heck eventually just your cs escort will wear us out because you have so many,which has happened to many of us. So keep doing your "righteous" crusader against the 10 players still left in cm.

in my opinion the punishment isnt equivalent until other alliances catch you on bp because until then your alliance still has the potential to take so many more cities with that bp. why cant one CM member admit that the BP boosting is straight up wrong and scummy. Ye the coalition isnt fair on you guys of course its not but at any point you couldve got alliances to be on your side of the war. no one wanted to at that moment because no one wants to team with cheaters.


in my opinion the punishment isnt equivalent until other alliances catch you on bp because until then your alliance still has the potential to take so many more cities with that bp. why cant one CM member admit that the BP boosting is straight up wrong and scummy. Ye the coalition isnt fair on you guys of course its not but at any point you couldve got alliances to be on your side of the war. no one wanted to at that moment because no one wants to team with cheaters.
We wouldn't have had to BP boost if anyone would have attacked us properly before the coalition, the closest we got was from Lykos initially and we all know how that went for the noisy rimlords from afar.
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Van Helsing

Very interesting comments above. Goodie I liked your entry above and Hotstuffs was also good. Suffice to say as a Nemesis player this world has truly been a convoluted diplomatic nightmare, in which we at Nemesis managed to cock it up. Move had diplomacy down to a fine art and then let it all fall away from him. Mercenary's skills at how he involves and manages his team has me in awe (on a par with Ruthie and Nemo). Trist? I dont know - good at propaganda but I dont know enough about his leadership skills (I am sure he will send me a discord copy showing that I said I love him).

The true entry above was from Walrus - as far as I am concerned, all worlds I join, my aim is to win. Boosting is fine but what we saw here was extreme, especially as the team that did it was far out in front anyways. That may have sealed their fate but when a team is way out in front isnt it natural for others to try and take them down? anyways things were done rightly or wrongly because people want to win.

And I must say that some of the defending I have seen from those CM players sticking it out is excellent - but I expect that from some of these great players. However I am disappointed that some of the "top" players went to VM and stayed there.

Stay safe and I will see you in the Lists


5) You keep complaining about how many alliances are set against you, and how the numbers are lopsided. Where was that attitude, when you guys were attacking Lykos months ago, who were much, much smaller than you guys? Further, I doubt very much that you have anything against having lots of pacts given that you yourself have mentioned how you formed pacts with Nemesis and Stooges. There's also the fact that you coordinated plans to hit and destroy Animal Farm. Not to mention how, as soon as you guys noticed that the coalition was really a threat, you reached out separately to Stooges and Nemesis (and, if it had been up to you, to Kleos too I'm sure). Then, when *that* didn't work, you eventually formed a pact with Stooges to try and take out Nemesis. And now that that looks like it isn't going your way, Skud has reached out to Lykos to try and join them, and move to the rim so that at least some of your players would be safe, since Lykos is friends with Kleos and Nemesis (I can't remember, but I think you also suggested that Lykos could eventually hit Kleos too). So it doesn't really look to me like you hate having lots and lots of pacts. It just looks like you don't like the fact that your diplomacy did not work this time around.

6)You also complain about people wanting to rim you guys or make you guys quit the world. You suggest that they should reexamine their motives. But just like in the previous point, where was that attitude when you guys basically caused most of Gone Fusion, Elite Squad Command, and Lykos to quit months ago? It was only a few who either stayed with Lykos, but moved to the rim to escape you guys, or who joined different alliances, that stuck around. Again, I don't think you really have anything against rimming or making others quit. You only have something against someone doing it to you.

To conclude, then. I have nothing against CM really (except for the boosting). As the beginning of the world showed everyone, Check Mate had competent leaders and players and they were dead set on dominating the world. No one else was even close. I got mad respect for you guys as players. I do mind, however, that you guys are now pulling the victim card simply because your tactic to definitively secure your domination backfired on y'all.
I know I joined late so there's not too much I can say. But you're comparing CM attacking Lykos all by themselves to the coalition attacking CM, in no way are those 2 things alike and if you think they are you've gotta be pretty damn stupid. Also, about the pacts, how can you even say CM likes having lots of pacts when from what I understand they never had more than 2 at one point which is perfectly normal. Apparently because CM reached out for pacts with a couple different alliances during the coalition that means they like having lots of pacts too, which to me makes absolutely no sense, when you are outnumbered 15 alliances to 1 alliance don't you think it would be natural to seek out pacts, and if it's only a couple alliances they reached out to, how can you consider that a lot of pacts?

Also when it's a fair 1v1 fight and you rim someone, big deal, it's the name of the game, people will quit, nothing you can do about it. But when you play a pure numbers game and fight the way y'all have been fighting that is as scummy as it gets, I could understand wanting maybe a little revenge but it was definitely taken way too far. And the reason for all this coalition bs is just foolish to me, 6m bp boost between our 3 best players won't even get you many city slots when you're already that big, hate to break it to you, but the culture points required add up the more cities you get, don't know if y'all knew that or not but there ya go. But one major thing that is overlooked in my opinion is the kleos having a sister alliance, because in all reality a sister alliance will get you far more than a dumb little bp boost could ever get you. And I'm by no means a fan of bp boosting but I think a sister alliance is just as shitty, sure it's accepted and very common in this game but in the end, it's no different than boosting, it's cheap, it's scummy, etc etc.

And from my viewpoint there's no problem with pulling a victim card at this point, because what y'all are doing is just a disgrace to the game as far as I'm concerned. How can you feel proud and have no shame when you're only beating an alliance purely on numbers and by no means skill? It's pathetic to say the least.


in my opinion the punishment isnt equivalent until other alliances catch you on bp because until then your alliance still has the potential to take so many more cities with that bp. why cant one CM member admit that the BP boosting is straight up wrong and scummy. Ye the coalition isnt fair on you guys of course its not but at any point you couldve got alliances to be on your side of the war. no one wanted to at that moment because no one wants to team with cheaters.
If it's cheating why are there no rules against it. Also I don't like the fact that you say so many more cities with 6m bp between our top 3 players at that point we would be lucky if that would get them 100 cities anyways. Like I was saying in my last post, what's more advantageous, having 2 alliances or boosting 3 players, there's no doubt having 2 alliances, you'll probably be able to gain 100+ cities a week with 2 alliances plus you have twice the numbers to attack and defend with anyways, no doubt in my mind that what y'all are doing with having a sister alliance is worse than bp boosting, it's just something you are all accustomed to and that's why it's no big deal. I know nobody will agree with me because everyone uses sisters but in my opinion Kleos is no better than CM. Typically I don't care what people do in this game but when you want to come here and talk **** about people boosting and using unfair advantages then look at yourselves, a sister alliance is by no means fair either.


If it's cheating why are there no rules against it. Also I don't like the fact that you say so many more cities with 6m bp between our top 3 players at that point we would be lucky if that would get them 100 cities anyways. Like I was saying in my last post, what's more advantageous, having 2 alliances or boosting 3 players, there's no doubt having 2 alliances, you'll probably be able to gain 100+ cities a week with 2 alliances plus you have twice the numbers to attack and defend with anyways, no doubt in my mind that what y'all are doing with having a sister alliance is worse than bp boosting, it's just something you are all accustomed to and that's why it's no big deal. I know nobody will agree with me because everyone uses sisters but in my opinion Kleos is no better than CM. Typically I don't care what people do in this game but when you want to come here and talk **** about people boosting and using unfair advantages then look at yourselves, a sister alliance is by no means fair either.

comparing bp boosting to having a sister alliance is a pretty stupid comparison to me. valiant has/had like, what, 3 branches? I could list off the other alliances with multiple sisters and brothers if I wasn't so positive everyone that plays this game knows they exist and have existed - outside of Kleos and within the game for a long time. That is not the same as scummy bp boosting - and im not even gonna bother to respond to the "if its so bad then why isn't it technically cheating" - we all know thats not a serious statement worth responding to


comparing bp boosting to having a sister alliance is a pretty stupid comparison to me. valiant has/had like, what, 3 branches? I could list off the other alliances with multiple sisters and brothers if I wasn't so positive everyone that plays this game knows they exist and have existed - outside of Kleos and within the game for a long time. That is not the same as scummy bp boosting - and im not even gonna bother to respond to the "if its so bad then why isn't it technically cheating" - we all know thats not a serious statement worth responding to
Oh it's definitely a serious question, if it was something frowned upon and dirty enough then why wouldn't the grepo admins make rules against it. And by no means is that a stupid comparison, it's just a fact that having a sister alliance will benefit you sooooo much more in the long run, and so what if those other alliances had brothers or sisters, I think that's just as foolish as well. You and many others are just old timers and don't see it in the same way, having a sister alliance is an unfair strategic boost as far as I'm concerned, no different than bp boosting, which isn't the norm and that is why it's so frowned upon


I'm not going to defend bp boosting. I will say that I hope that it is somehow made against the rules or is somehow made to not be as effective (ex. you can only get credit up to X number of CS in a city). I also don't think it is as bad as it's being made out to be here. I learned about bp boosting from JFL in 124 and it makes sense in a dom world because only one alliance can win.

On sister alliances being cheating, I'll again say I don't think that this is completely cheating. It is a way to get more numbers to go against other alliances and to be fair I'm ok with that. Especially as throughout the game players will leave. I would say that in some ways the inno team has done more to curb the sister alliance thing. If you look at how dom works for example, only one alliance of players can win so essentially any sister alliances don't help you in the endgame. Different from WW where sisters can still help in some ways and in the end you can have people jump out and then in to get credit for the endgame.

To jaja point about Lykos, that's really not a comparison. First, Lykos actually attacked us first. I know this because it was Seth that attacked me in my 2k second city from the same island. It was 1v1 and maybe we had bigger numbers but it was early in the server and we had all been on the server for the same amount of time give or take maybe a day. The Lykos rimming was about as fair as it can possibly get. Don't let the noisy rimlords from afar convince you otherwise with their comical bitterness.


Well i think if you do or dont agree with BP boosting that s just your perspective i think everyone makes their own decisions, but what i also believe in is that your gonna live with the consequences of your decisions.
I am not the guy to say who s right or wrong have enough flaws of my own and after playing 15 grepo worlds or so you know that its rarely a gentleman s game and that right and wrong are often blurred and subjective.
The thing about boosting is that its really bad policy as we could see, i mean ever play a war game like VICTORIA 2 ? If you get to strong to fast you attract attention and the AI makes the whole world your enemy.
You were ahead (well ahead) in every segment, you had a smart diplomacy taking out one enemy with the help of an future enemy (not that you needed help but divide and conquer), you had the most heavy hitters and everyone was admiring you and fearing you at the same time,always half ready that "we" might be next....
Everyone was on their toes who the next thanks giving turkey would be and that would in my opinion have remained the case, would you not have boosted, after the boost there was no question left that if you arent stopped fast and are given the opportunity to capitalise on all the boosted points you would probably be unstoppable !
So again i dont blame what you did, i think it felt super cool to edge ahead as much as you did at the time, and my first impulse was well played you cheeky ones, so i can put myself in your shoes, but i expect you to do the same. If the shoe were on the other foot, would you have waited idly by and let Nemesis, Stooges, Lykos, Cucaracha, Kleos or any other alliance for that matter just make use of those slots and make you sweat ? Or would you join/create a coalition to cut them down to size ?
So i guess whatever anyone says its just about the end Victory an as long as the alliances still saw a path there was not the unity and trust to form a coalition, but after the boosting everyone hoping to make the end game saw that path no more and the alliances had only one choice band together now or give up on this world.

So you decided on boosting (i understand not everyone agreed) and the reaction to boosting was what it was, it was a gamble on your side it might have turned out brilliant and we would be talking about it for worlds to come, but it didnt and now it is what it is, and while im not one to give you s**t about boosting and dont agree with many people who do, i am one to tell you to live with your decisions and not to complain cause the alliances have banded together (and it was ugly in your eyes unfair surely), but that was only the reaction to your action.

I dont usually post world politics cause you only make enemies that way but this squabling was getting on my nerves just a bit to much

All the love to you all, remember its a game and may the best team win
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Well i think if you do or dont agree with BP boosting that s just your perspective i think everyone makes their own decisions, but what i also believe in is that your gonna live with the consequences of your decisions.
I am not the guy to say who s right or wrong have enough flaws of my own and after playing 15 grepo worlds or so you know that its rarely a gentleman s game and that right and wrong are often blurred and subjective.
The thing about boosting is that its really bad policy as we could see, i mean ever play a war game like VICTORIA 2 ? If you get to strong to fast you attract attention and the AI makes the whole world your enemy.
You were ahead (well ahead) in every segment, you had a smart diplomacy taking out one enemy with the help of an future enemy (not that you needed help but divide and conquer), you had the most heavy hitters and everyone was admiring you and fearing you at the same time,always half ready that "we" might be next....
Everyone was on their toes who the next thanks giving turkey would be and that would in my opinion have remained the case, would you not have boosted, after the boost there was no question left that if you arent stopped fast and are given the opportunity to capitalise on all the boosted points you would probably be unstoppable !
So again i dont blame what you did, i think it felt super cool to edge ahead as much as you did at the time, and my first impulse was well played you cheeky ones, so i can put myself in your shoes, but i expect you to do the same. If the shoe were on the other foot, would you have waited idly by and let Nemesis, Stooges, Lykos, Cucaracha, Kleos or any other alliance for that matter just make use of those slots and make you sweat ? Or would you join/create a coalition to cut them down to size ?
So i guess whatever anyone says its just about the end Victory an as long as the alliances still saw a path there was not the unity and trust to form a coalition, but after the boosting everyone hoping to make the end game saw that path no more and the alliances had only one choice band together now or give up on this world.

So you decided on boosting (i understand not everyone agreed) and the reaction to boosting was what it was, it was a gamble on your side it might have turned out brilliant and we would be talking about it for worlds to come, but it didnt and now it is what it is, and while im not one to give you s**t about boosting and dont agree with many people who do, i am one to tell you to live with your decisions and not to complain cause the alliances have banded together (and it was ugly in your eyes unfair surely), but that was only the reaction to your action.

I dont usually post world politics cause you only make enemies that way but this squabling was getting on my nerves just a bit to much

All the love to you all, remember its a game and may the best team win

I get what you're saying regarding the lead that CM had, but really we didn't have that much of a lead and especially given our position in 54 it was always a risky position, we had a dense small core with 360 degrees of fronts. Sure we also boosted and got a few M bp from it, but at the end of the day it's not a ton of slots and it wasn't going to get us that far ahead if at all.

I agree that at the end of the day, we're all here to play to win the world. To me this is the most interesting part of the coalition idea. Lykos, La Cucha and Sinful arguably have a very small chance at winning this server; probably an even smaller chance than the CM remnants still left. That's one issue I have with the coa idea, those alliances that have the least chance to benefit have ended up doing an outsized proportion of the work. There are some good attackers in Kleos/Nemisis (Merc, Momentum a few others) but there are some really sloppy attacking as well. Some of the consistently best attacking and timing I have seen on this server has come from La Cucha/Sinful. I was far more worried about being attacked by Stooges than anyone, really glad that isn't still ongoing. The point that I'm making, Kleos ended up in a really good position out of this, Nemisis is frankly more screwed than CM was a month ago, even if they don't realize it yet and La Cucha/Sinful did a lot of work and are still barely in the dom circle. I will never understand how the alliances with the least benefit, continue to participate. Only 30 players (1 alliance) can win in a dom world. It's basically many alliances supporting one to win with a coalition.

I do think it would be good if there was some kind of way to limit the size/impact of coalitions maybe through morale. Not just on this server but on them all. The same with the many sister alliance idea on a dom world, the players in the child alliances have to realize that they aren't playing to win for themselves they're playing for someone else to win.

Basically it sounds like what you are saying is if there is ever an alliance that appears to be very successful, they should eventually be ganged up on? The thing I don't like about that is that it promotes simming because you're basically saying that if you attack and have a lot of cities you should be ganged up on.

I personally think a slightly more fair war would be more interesting. I'm not sure what that will look like on this server but I hope that it happens. I'm looking forward to see how this server progresses.
Well the people in the sister and rim alliances chose to be in those alliances and make the decisions they made. It was their choice, maybe they are fine with helping others win the world. Sister alliances have been in the game for a very long time and will still be here until the game ends. I mean I haven't seen a coalition this size and magnitude in all my time in grepo but at the same time I've never seen BP boosting to that extent. Both will be looked down upon by those who it hurts, just the way it is. Everyone is biased in the way they see the events on this world depending on what side they are on. I believe the leaders of all the alliances made the choices they made to win the game and probably crossed lines that haven't been crossed before but all we can do is accept the actions and move forward. May the best alliance win


I get what you're saying regarding the lead that CM had, but really we didn't have that much of a lead and especially given our position in 54 it was always a risky position, we had a dense small core with 360 degrees of fronts. Sure we also boosted and got a few M bp from it, but at the end of the day it's not a ton of slots and it wasn't going to get us that far ahead if at all.

I agree that at the end of the day, we're all here to play to win the world. To me this is the most interesting part of the coalition idea. Lykos, La Cucha and Sinful arguably have a very small chance at winning this server; probably an even smaller chance than the CM remnants still left. That's one issue I have with the coa idea, those alliances that have the least chance to benefit have ended up doing an outsized proportion of the work. There are some good attackers in Kleos/Nemisis (Merc, Momentum a few others) but there are some really sloppy attacking as well. Some of the consistently best attacking and timing I have seen on this server has come from La Cucha/Sinful. I was far more worried about being attacked by Stooges than anyone, really glad that isn't still ongoing. The point that I'm making, Kleos ended up in a really good position out of this, Nemisis is frankly more screwed than CM was a month ago, even if they don't realize it yet and La Cucha/Sinful did a lot of work and are still barely in the dom circle. I will never understand how the alliances with the least benefit, continue to participate. Only 30 players (1 alliance) can win in a dom world. It's basically many alliances supporting one to win with a coalition.

I do think it would be good if there was some kind of way to limit the size/impact of coalitions maybe through morale. Not just on this server but on them all. The same with the many sister alliance idea on a dom world, the players in the child alliances have to realize that they aren't playing to win for themselves they're playing for someone else to win.

Basically it sounds like what you are saying is if there is ever an alliance that appears to be very successful, they should eventually be ganged up on? The thing I don't like about that is that it promotes simming because you're basically saying that if you attack and have a lot of cities you should be ganged up on.

I personally think a slightly more fair war would be more interesting. I'm not sure what that will look like on this server but I hope that it happens. I'm looking forward to see how this server progresses.

Ok you can understand it this way as well.
1. what was it a few milion BP ? Helps a bit i reckon but ok lets put this one under inconclusive
2. I might have put that WIN part in wrong....cause we re not all here to win i for one dont care about the crown i started the game with my friend after some years of for fun and a crown sticker isnt important to me.
I would recon many such groups are here and some have other goals altogether (swords and crowns arent the only victory there is)
3. Yeah that would help you this time, should we also cap how much gold one can spend/buy per week, or how many BPs one can get per day ? Im no fan of diplomacy either but it might just be one of the most important elements of the game and one diplomatic mistake can cost you.
4. What im saying when youre on top someone is always out to get you and if you do stuff that makes people feel uneasy, afraid and angry you might be in for more than you can chew ! Youre smart and youre telling me CM never ever considered what boosting might provoke as a reaction.
Im not saying gang up on the strongest im saying the strongest always has a target on their backs and if he also behaves in a way people dont like....well you see where im going
5. Fair is a word often used in this game very rarely practiced though.... im sure CM knows that just as well as anyone on the forum
Fair is a slickery slope cause its almost like you say boosting is fair game allows it ..... Forming a coalition or super coalition is unfair but hey the game allows it.
Not sure how much more fun the server would be for the others if we didnt band together but im sure for your group it would be


I think this world with all ups and downs will be fun and as stated swords arent the only victory you can achieve


Well the people in the sister and rim alliances chose to be in those alliances and make the decisions they made. It was their choice, maybe they are fine with helping others win the world. Sister alliances have been in the game for a very long time and will still be here until the game ends. I mean I haven't seen a coalition this size and magnitude in all my time in grepo but at the same time I've never seen BP boosting to that extent. Both will be looked down upon by those who it hurts, just the way it is. Everyone is biased in the way they see the events on this world depending on what side they are on. I believe the leaders of all the alliances made the choices they made to win the game and probably crossed lines that haven't been crossed before but all we can do is accept the actions and move forward. May the best alliance win
Couldnt have said it better