The Upcoming World


So after some digging around and going through lots of threads and reading, I have figured out the next world will be a fast conquest world, but does anyone know roughly how fast ? Speed 6 ? Speed 5 ? Speed 4 ? Speed 3 ? Because all them speeds are deemed as fast. Did anyone see the poll numbers that most people voting for ? Thanks

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
As I mentioned in a previous thread you created the settings will be announced next week at some point once we have them confirmed. Before then there isn't a way to know what the settings will be. Players can certainly guess based on previous worlds but until a world is announced there's not really a way to know what the settings for it will be. The poll sent out ingame doesn't show the ongoing vote totals for the various options, it just allows a player to choose from among the settings and submit their vote.


Players are making threads saying fast conquest world, do they have insight ? Maybe they are admins too or something

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Those types of pre-made threads are just players setting up a group of players for the next world that meets their criteria for joining. It might be the next world it might not be. Players don't have any additional insight on the settings until they are announced, which will be next week in all likelihood. Once I have the settings confirmed we'll make an announcement with all the details.


I can not help myself, I am having serious Grepolis withdrawals lmao I just want to be sitting on 10 ls nukes then I will be in my happy place...


Anyway, I was just saying I was looking forward to it, you should see some people's comments on thread's, I am not being nasty or hostile


just chill mate, you creating 10 threads is not going to speed it up
It doesn't matter the setting how much time the next world will be speed 4+ conquest


I hope not, if the speed is a little slower for the US server I'll go there instead, the US servers player numbers are about a half of the EN numbers, hopefully it's no higher than 4 here


BT said it will be announced this week earlier on this thread is all..

he doesnt really know the exact date, he just gets a msg from hq telling him the details, and he doesnt need to post it on the same day, could be later today, could be tomorrow, could be monday.


To be honest I do not even really care anymore, it looks like it is going to be a really fast conquest world so eh whatever lol