Theta Alliances


They are too secret for me to know much, but they have a habit of disrupting alliances.


Off topic - kewl, rep is back. I joined just before it got taken away, so never really got much =/


Not a lot to know really - but willing to answer questions - and I only eat black olives never green ones.....:)


theirs not much to tell about just for laughs, its a good alliance kicking butt all around on avarage and haveing a good old laugh about anything and eveything that is slitely amusing, no plans. no wars. just jokes all around,

id like to here about,

empire of kings


Alright, since that is such a generic name, there are several alliances with Spartan in their name. I chose Spartan Elite Army to report on:

Founded by: Tim Fury
Defensive BP: 10,428 points
Offensive BP: 36,730 points
Originality of Name: -1/10

They have lost their #5 slot 12 days ago. But based on their formation, it looks like they are turtling. I think they have more ambitions than skills, which is typical in my experience.

I would like to hear about:
In Control (Only negative please :D )

I was actually talking about Spartan Elite Militia. That's their name. There is only one of them on this server that I am aware of.

But, they are a spin-off of The Spartan Elite Army.


theirs not much to tell about just for laughs, its a good alliance kicking butt all around on avarage and haveing a good old laugh about anything and eveything that is slitely amusing, no plans. no wars. just jokes all around,

id like to here about,

empire of kings

You forgot the bit about the mods. :p


I choose The Spartan Elite Militia, or The Spartan Elite Initiative, what one do you guys think is better? I honestly like the Militia has a good leader at the helm.(D)


I choose The Spartan Elite Militia, or The Spartan Elite Initiative, what one do you guys think is better? I honestly like the Militia has a good leader at the helm.(D)

they both suck.
just becouse your on the 1st paige of the leader board meaans wot?? not a thing,

so alliances with 240 members that mass mail everyone saying WE NEED MORE MEN, are just Daft.

lets talk about ALPHA and the recent war on zero teh 1 man army


Man, Alpha is at war with everybody, they tried to get my alliance to "merge" with them, but they have attacked at least half of our members, and I don't think we lost even one city after a month of attacks.


Man, Alpha is at war with everybody, they tried to get my alliance to "merge" with them, but they have attacked at least half of our members, and I don't think we lost even one city after a month of attacks.

If we want one of your cities, you'll know about it.

We've been mainly hitting to farm and for BP, but we have conquered 5 or so EoK/Immortals cities.


I remember when Alpha was a small, promising, up-and-coming alliance...the good ol' days

Anyway, tell me about...hmmm....Imperial Guard, I like their avg points.


I wish I could be the one to tell you about Imperial Guard (I am the Co-Founder) but Ill leave that to someone else


odd the tribes in this game seem so less organized than the ones from Tribal Wars.


This is a new game, because there are no people with good experience that bother to play in such a new world, people resort to numbers :p