Theta Alliances


Alpha has forced zero into hiding and has scatered The Imortals and is taking their city's at its leasure. They tried to run to Alpha's ally As Athens Burns, but that didnt work out so well as they are still considered fair game and are being taken down at will.


I remember when Alpha was a small, promising, up-and-coming alliance...the good ol' days

Anyway, tell me about...hmmm....Imperial Guard, I like their avg points.

Seems like Imperial Guard is a good, non-MRA, alliance, although their profile needs work, my eyes hurt when I read it :(

Someone tell me about...I dunno, how about The Republic?


The Republic is Ranked 20 in Battle Points. Their profile looks good and they appear to have many active members. They are not near me so I don't pay much attention to them yet.

I am interested in Spartan Elite Army, they are ranked #1 in ocean 66 which is where I reside.


for an mra they have a decent average. they are way too spread out. there are even a few in o36 and o46 where i reside.

i want to hear about in control. we've been at war with them for two weeks.


They're completely out of control, they've been picking wars with every single smaller alliance in their area.


People have to remember to say someone they want to hear about. ^_^
IMO, I don't like In Control, they look too much like an MRA. And I absolutely hate their profile. Shows ambitions and cockiness. But they have a good leader, and that I like.

Someone tell me about The Company. Rank 29.
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the imperial guard is powerful and organized but it took them 5 days of constant attacks to take my 6000 point city and that was with outside help from aap and some random guy. they made me 76 in defence bp
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Island Raiders

Tell me about Island Raiders. Rank 54. Mostly based in southern O33.


Someone tell me about The Company. Rank 29.

The company was born when the GOOD players from Lords Of War (gone) got tired of LoWKeY's garbage, inefficiency and stupidity, not to mention his absolute lack of support for other alliance mates.

This squadron of good players had had enough of the mismanagement of the war by LoWKeY and decided to go off on their own when LoW disbanded (or was absorbed by an MRA, who cares).

These are some guys to keep an eye on.


Since Mr. Whats-it did not request the information of another alliance, tell me about Black Tear Rebellion.


Too close to an MRA for my liking, but are focused in one ocean, which is great :)
I suppose they have good potential, but need to changed from open to limited ;)

Calambragoras, where did you get your information?

btw, someone tell me about The War Academy, I'm curious to what would be thought about it.


they have bout 10 players of 10k plus points

and one 40k player they seem to be pretending to be an training alliance but they have limited recruitment

they are 50 in bp so not to bad


Spartan Elite Vanguard 762971 points vs Bananasqwe 2152 points

So far an alliance with 147 players has been unable to take the city of that single player in over two weeks of attacks:

How do they respond:

Nikiel 21.08.2010 22:13
I am posting a 10,000 Silver reward for anyone who conquers bananasqwe
so pathetic.


MRA all the way!

Steve Ballard today at 3:01 AM
I am not sure if you all have noticed but over the last week or so we have been at war with WoG and a little bit with the RULERS. We have destroyed half of the WoG cities and troops and some of those have merged leaving them helpless and hopeless. I then was able to bring some of the RULERS in and they are still arriving. We have grown to 150+ members and are part of an EMPIRE. The Spartan Elite Empire. Within the last couple of days the AAB have been doing rogue attacks against us and we have failed to defend these cities. Now we will have to stand together for they have started to attack our fellow alliances. If we do not help them now we will not be strong enough to do it later. I have heard a lot of complaining about not being ready or we should stay out of it. Well this time we cannot stay out of it the whole alliance is taking it to them along with some of our pact members. Ready or not the AAB has brought this upon us and we must make a stand. We are not in this alone and the AAB has no idea of our strength in the Empire. Do not message me telling me this is crazy or anything of the sort. It is not my fault they attacked us. Do not lay down like dogs arise with the birds and show them our strength. The little attacks on these nobodies we are doing will have to wait. The only attacks I want is on Bananasqwe and faaq. Get that done and get ready for a war.


the soceity for the deseased got the name wrong

sorry never seen the night wolves


I can tell about light in the night. Its an alliane that I made about equality and democracy. Its new and needs help, but has a bright future. Can someon tell me about knights templar?