
  • Thread starter DeletedUser4577
  • Start date


LN, your tone is strange but whatever, believe what you want, in any case it will soon be just us and you and yes we will see. You seem to forget you have your own academy? I'd be worried about the treacherous elements plotting from within your own alliance if I were you.


I just got to put my two cents worth in here as I look over these stats.

I got to love how SR has thrown how much LS at olympus sieges we've taken plus the ones we've taken from SR and have walked away empty handed.

I think if memory serves me right they got lucky and broke the one phantom city siege out of all the ones we've taken so far.

Break down the stats within everything done so far and where does SR stand? not looking very good if you ask me.

By the way, has the bounty been raised on my head even more now? *LOL*

If I have the time to dwell upon things, I will show no mercy, beware of what can be, what may be and what will be, that being me as your worse nightmare



BP.VS.SR..........BP..VS..Olympus.......BP..VS..Olympus.Empire...BF..VS..Olympus.....BF..VS..Olympus Empire

This was the best i could make it come out. There is no error in The Third Olympus but the forum splits the word for some reason. BP has 48 conquests vs enemies not counting BF, thought this would make blue sails happy adding BF to the charts
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In case you were wondering, I was going for the nice round number of 5 posts today to bring the forums back to life and to make up for my lack of activity recently. I chose this one for last as I simply do not have the time to update the top 12 BP rankings.

WAR, go war! Oh how I miss war.... :(


In case you were wondering, I was going for the nice round number of 5 posts today to bring the forums back to life and to make up for my lack of activity recently. I chose this one for last as I simply do not have the time to update the top 12 BP rankings.

WAR, go war! Oh how I miss war.... :(

You got what you wished for then. I don't like the way you did it, expected more from you judging from some of your posts, but no hard feelings.


Technically we killed a CS of yours on accident at the same time you guys attacked one of ours, but you followed up with multiple attacks AFTER you knew we had a CS in there and also killed multiple others. So what I did personally was in retaliation to those attacks. - Drained that players caves, sent an attack and spies on others in the area. But of course it is going to lead to war, I know that.

My plans were shot because of this. I have more honor than to take action without cause. If we wanted to ambush you, you would have seen a large serious of attacks.

Go luck to you.

What the hell is with the grepo servers lately? All I can do is snoop on the forums because I cannot even log in.


Yay, I can get on the servers once again.

For those of you unaware. As of today STEAMROLLERS and Wine Dark Sea are now at war.


For those of you unaware of the timeline of events. Here is our account. I would love to hear a different side if I missed something.

NAP ended at 2012-07-26 at 1:12am.

A take over of a previous WDS member that got attacked.
Maximinus X (Alexander Maximinus) is attacking your support in Aadi I O63 04 on 2012-07-26 at 11:41am

He then attacked the same city again 9 hours later from a city that is less than 3 hours travel time away after receiving the report that his attack hit the city which is occupied by one of our members. - Purposefully destroying our CS. - Act of war

At around the same time (11:30am) one of our members killed one of your CS's in a city on accident.

Our first attacks as a result of your deliberate CS killing of ours was on 2012-07-27 at 05:14

Yes, WDS ended the NAP. But it was the actions of a member of STEAMROLLERS that escalated it to war so quickly. It was not planned by us to go to war with you when we did. Please ask anyone in our alliance, I told them not to attack any of your cities. So do not try and play it off as if we did. The same thing happened to us with Wolf Pack. One member (Blaz911) decided to attack 30 of our cities after we dropped the NAP with them. Your member Alexander Maximinus attacked all of the cities of our former member that he knew we were conquesting.

If you want to blame anyone for your alliance being unprepared for war and therefore losing cities that you would have otherwise not lost. Look to your own member.


You got everything right there i guess :D
We just didnt really want you to take those Aadi´s ghosts.


Almost 1 week of war.

So far WDS has taken 15 STEAMROLLERS cities.


Wow, we think alike. Nice posting time. Well you got what you wanted. We didn't take some of them. But we took some other cities instead.


For those of you unaware of the timeline of events. Here is our account. I would love to hear a different side if I missed something.

NAP ended at 2012-07-26 at 1:12am.

A take over of a previous WDS member that got attacked.
Maximinus X (Alexander Maximinus) is attacking your support in Aadi I O63 04 on 2012-07-26 at 11:41am

He then attacked the same city again 9 hours later from a city that is less than 3 hours travel time away after receiving the report that his attack hit the city which is occupied by one of our members. - Purposefully destroying our CS. - Act of war

At around the same time (11:30am) one of our members killed one of your CS's in a city on accident.

Our first attacks as a result of your deliberate CS killing of ours was on 2012-07-27 at 05:14

Yes, WDS ended the NAP. But it was the actions of a member of STEAMROLLERS that escalated it to war so quickly. It was not planned by us to go to war with you when we did. Please ask anyone in our alliance, I told them not to attack any of your cities. So do not try and play it off as if we did. The same thing happened to us with Wolf Pack. One member (Blaz911) decided to attack 30 of our cities after we dropped the NAP with them. Your member Alexander Maximinus attacked all of the cities of our former member that he knew we were conquesting.

If you want to blame anyone for your alliance being unprepared for war and therefore losing cities that you would have otherwise not lost. Look to your own member.

So attacking a ghost is now an act of war? Yeah right. One CS killed by each side except according to you the one your member killed was an accident :)
Look its not a problem, everyone on this server knew you were going to attack us at some point, you don't need to try and justify it (probably to your own members but I'm sure they're not as stupid as that anyway).


So attacking a ghost is now an act of war? Yeah right. One CS killed by each side except according to you the one your member killed was an accident :)
Look its not a problem, everyone on this server knew you were going to attack us at some point, you don't need to try and justify it (probably to your own members but I'm sure they're not as stupid as that anyway).

It isn't the killing of a CS, it is the DELIBERATE killing of a CS. Meaning that he attacked the city, got a report saying, you are attacking X city that is occupied by WDS member. Oh, hmmm ok. Let's send more attacks to kill them. That is different then farming and killing a CS on the first go.

I am not defending attacking you guys. War with every alliance in this world is inevitable. I am not trying to justify anything. My post was to point out that your alliance thinks we are/were playing dirty by attacking you guys so shortly after dropping the NAP. It is not us/me that does not have honor. We did not start the fighting nor did we plan to attack you within a week after dropping the NAP, let alone within 24 hours. Our members do not need convincing to go to war.


It isn't the killing of a CS, it is the DELIBERATE killing of a CS. Meaning that he attacked the city, got a report saying, you are attacking X city that is occupied by WDS member. Oh, hmmm ok. Let's send more attacks to kill them. That is different then farming and killing a CS on the first go.

I am not defending attacking you guys. War with every alliance in this world is inevitable. I am not trying to justify anything. My post was to point out that your alliance thinks we are/were playing dirty by attacking you guys so shortly after dropping the NAP. It is not us/me that does not have honor. We did not start the fighting nor did we plan to attack you within a week after dropping the NAP, let alone within 24 hours. Our members do not need convincing to go to war.

Ok, but why would you not talk to me or any other of our leaders about this (usual protocol if you felt one of someone's members was behaving oddly) nope no discussion, just a full out attack from a surprisingly well prepared and loaded frontline? Hmm, ok not planned ;)


Fair enough. But it was easier to let people attack than to try and settle them down. But to be honest, I have never had someone's member behave so outwardly aggressive without have a distinct purpose for war. So even if I were to approach you... I am not sure what the repercussions or talk about such would have been.

"Hey listen, one of your guys blatantly attacked our member's conquest. It was a former member of ours and I understand it is just over the border into one of your territories and you don't want us to have these cities. These cities used to be owned by us before our member quit. We want these cities and that is part of the reason we dropped our NAP. So listen, repay everything that was killed and back off all of these cities or we go to war..."

Your response?

Loaded front line? It's Mcdon... look at his stats. Any given day he is "loaded" and he has more cities in that ocean than everyone else combined.


We have had a serious problem with inactivity for months, and it is really hurting us! But no worries we´ll get through and catch you one day :D


Yeah, I noticed the inactivity. That is harsh. That will kill you more than anything. It is a major setback for sure. If you can pull it off, even more props deserved by you.


Interesting to observe this thread as well whats going on within this war. Gotta love ItsOliver charm.
WDS gains have been more off inactive players than active players if one looks over the stats. Its easy to feed off the helpless when no one is home to fight back *LOL*.


Thank god that big alliances are at war with each other. It give change to small ones lol.