Well this is awkward (Blatant Propaganda)


Keith and Prabha welcome to the forums, now get back in your cages with all that double posting =P Like eGod said if your going to make accusations about "your MIGHTY alliance" please post a few screen captures or otherwise your full of crap. And terrible time for the server to be updating when I have clearing wavers going out.....Guess I should have read more.


The fearless keithandmitzi.

Alrite seeing as you want the leader of Molon Labe to battle you, and he is to far to do just that, ( o63) I the co-leader of Molon Labe, shall make you my target, be ready for war.


Devynsire has stepped up! will keithandmitzi back down or accept the challenge?


lets look at the stats.

Alliance- Molon Labe
attack points- 93,323
defense points- 19,373
rank- 318 over all

Alliance- The Great Spartan Army
cities- 32
Attack Points- 49,682
Defense Points-13,050
Rank- 71 over all

I think it should be a fair battle between me and him., he has 16 more cities then me, he could just mass and kill me easy.

So do you accept the challenge?


Last PvP battle i remember seeing is the Ryche vs Remorce, that was kool i hope we gt another one of those :)


best of luck, both of you.. i will be looking forward to the updates of this war..


Still waiting for him to accept my challenge... I will not advance attack before he agree to let it be Fair and Equal.

so I await


Question, how do you get 32 cities with so few BP's?

I have the same amount of cites but with 3-4 times as many BP's.


I've got about the same about of BP, maybe a little less until I get my troops back, and far less cities, let alone points.


Good to see eGod and ML still going strong :) May have to spam you some mail eGod mate ;)


No no, just getting playing again, so slow. Can't wait to get back to strength though. Lots of points from my BP for expanding though, getting lots of support from Bowzer as well. Love him


good to see you're back Lennox.. but if youre joining in 66, its gonna be boring.. the action left our ocean not long after you went grey..


I think people just don't use the forums often or have little to talk about. Maybe it's the lack of truly good PnP. Maybe if we "borrowed" a few topics from other worlds we may get some more activity :)


Beta is an old world, and a speed 1 world, therefore things don't tend to happen as fast.

It's normally better to have someone do something completely random and extreme to keep a world going.

However, I also seem to notice that most wars started in Beta are "Half hearted". (This is judging by the forums) They seem to start, and end, or they're like poking each other.

Am I wrong?

E.g. The war at the start of this topic.


Now my cheeky response to you Devils would be please stay on topic (my propoganda), but I will also respond to you here because I think discussing things in a continued thread is only natural.

Yeah you are wrong about beta though i see how you get that impression from the forums. There are many wars going on right now and a lot of BP and city change overs to show for it. The initial dynamic of the wars ML are fighting has changed a lot since the OP. SC now fight along side ML and co against TeA. In the last 10 or so days a bit over 80 TeA cities have been taken by SC, PoC, ML and DJ with nearly none taken from us.

Then there is Phenomen, who without SYNERGY to fight has started focusing on two new wars. One against SC, and one against TTK. These wars should prove interesting.

Then there is Xmortis, another ML fight. Xmortis and SES seems to be quite tense and I would not be surprised if war broke out there.

The world since the fall of SYNERGY has changed a lot and I expect a lot of shifting in allies to happen in the coming weeks as it has already been happening in the last few weeks.


Now my cheeky response to you Devils would be please stay on topic (my propoganda), but I will also respond to you here because I think discussing things in a continued thread is only natural.

Well I did refer to your War prop in my reply just to keep things going :)

Thanks for the update, i'll try not to be so critical of Beta in the future.