Yeah, I've lost a city so far to Mellowmalt (WoE) and while I was on route on a damn train (Wish I had taken the flight) but no excuses though for he won it hands down.
November? damn, I thought it was earlier by at least 2 months. wuite sure it was september or october latest for I was out of town when I joined DN. Life's so good here with all the activity & lovely folk.
Now to come to my point. I have no interest in WoE bashing because for me, I'd hate to admit it but WoE was WoE and the only reason they merged was because the entire world was fighting them and left them with no option. Otherwise the only alliance which in the beginning nearly got rimmed by WoE but came back so strong that even WoE admitted it had a fight on its hands was because of the SES.
Go to DerekRisen's profile and the only major alliance not killed or rimmed off by WoE was the SES. Now that's the WoE leader saying it clear and simple... what more do I need to say and if you've spent enough time going through the old threads, the answer lies before you my friend. D.N had no official war with the SES anyway.. it was only the WoE lads fighting the then half in VM SES team but it was an awesome comeback by that team
Paras and Ryche had left by then... so it was gimix, Jeba and myself screaming for people to wake up.. who didn't. And, oh, by the way, if you look at most of the alliances who have their players currently in Vm, those would currently happen to be the ex-SES players who are still in VM mode.. hahaha. Alliances accept SES players knowing full well that they're half sleeping.. that's the weight the SES still carries even when it sleeps.
I love that alliance to death and will speak for it when I have to and D.N have accepted a few SES players because they know the value it carries. Yes, I speak for a few friends & myself who are now as loyal to D.N as we were to the SES.
You are right though when you say that the D.N./WoE merger was one of the decisive points in Sigma history !
WoE lost 19 cities to the SES in 4 days at the o65 border region fighting with gimix, neov, I and luhar esob-> (now in Braveheart also in VM) in August. I know for I was looking after the o65 border with gimix311. Also check out my city called 'SES Bragging Rights'. 6 Alliances couldn't take it from WoE in over a month of battle.. we took it in 9 hours when we decided to step in. With that being said, I owe DerekRisen a lot, so again I say: this is not a WoE bashing session.
Oh, and when I left for DN, Braveheart sent that city 7 CSs and failed miserably. Killed off 11 CSs in under 12 hours
Now that's something I hold dear and proud off & that's why I've never changed it and left it as it was when I first got the city and changed its name
P.S Where are the D.N Assassins? No sight of those lads.