You know you've played too much Grepolis when...

  • Thread starter DeletedUser21770
  • Start date


You know you've played too much Grepolis
when you go to get res from a village and find out you used all the res for the day.
when you realise that its 3.45 and you have to pick the kids up at 3.15 i did that and claimed i feel asleep lol


You know you've played FAR too much Grepolis when you are almost too late to get to your job in time, because you wanted to get that extra demand.
*runs to his bike*


you know you have played too much grep when you have 250 consecutive log in days :eek:


you "dodge" a meeting at work so you can be at your computer to time an attack :eek:


you know you've played too much grepo when you act like u are sick just to skip school and defend ur cities


you know you have played too much grepo when you are filling out a change of address form and you put your new address as Troy


You know you've played too much Grepolis when you spend hours making a paper army to reconstruct your favourite attacks.


You know you have played too much grepolis when someone asks you how you day is and you accuse them of espionage.


You know you've played too much Grepolis when you go to the supermarket and want to pay with wood.
You know you've played too much Grepolis when you ask your little brother to spy your neigbhours for 2001 silver coins
You know you've played too much Grepolis when you ask your teachers for a NAP
You know you've played too much Grepolis when you divide your town in oceans and keep record of the location, attacks and amount of units of all your friends in your agenda.


You know you have played too much Grepolis when you ask a fisherman what is his ships defensive stats
You know you have played too much Grepolis when you go the Olympic Games looking for a culture point.
You know you have played too much Grepolis when a farmer tells you he was attacked and you tell him to enlist militia
You know you have played too much Grepolis when you name your dog Cerberus
You know you have played too much Grepolis when you sail to a city on a island with a few friends and say it is being conquered
You know you have played too much Grepolis when you try to trade eggs in the store for rewards
You know you have played too much Grepolis when you claim and reserve another city in real life


You know you have played too much Grepolis when you go to sleep and start dreaming about it, this has actually happened 4 times already :p


You know you've played too much Grepolis when you go to the supermarket and want to pay with wood.

You know you've played too much Grepolis when you ask your teachers for a NAP

I really like these two. They are easily imagined. :p


....when you take the laptop out when your cleaning cars because your under attack or there's an important discussion in the forum.
....when you sit down to eat your dinner but something happens in grepo and you forget about dinner and it's cold when you resume eating.
....when your girlfriend calls you and you say you can only talk for 5 mins because you have to snipe a c.s
....when you go to a wedding and your phone vibrates telling you your under attack and you say you have to go to the bathroom