Top 12 Alliances Discussion


Sir Bucky leads them, he must've hit the kill button. He's not very active anyway though some of his members are.


while cooking potatoes and some fish for lunch will make a quick review of top 12 compared to what I said last time.

Top alliance,probably one of the best in all Grepolis worlds,many active members,working together with each other,attacking and defending like a team,won wars against FATE,KE,now winning against TE(TST),FATE and UOW at the same time..
Cant get any better then that.
I didnt change opinion of this alliance since my last review,still seems like top class alliance,still winning all wars and looks like cant find a real challenge,that happens when you are way ahead of your enemies.

Few amazing fighters in Valor(Pariba-wow,Gipobsk-amazing attacker,Calico Jack-magificent warrior and great guy,Thakur-trully skilled fighter and maybe few more,but not too many) but aside from those few I expected much more from Valor alliance and seen none of that,lately looking like MRA alliance and will recruit anyone,latest additions to valor are people who have ABP like 18 000,then few guys that left,then rejoined,then will leave again to rejoin,and so on,I have nothing against that and not my problem but looks like Valor will recruit anyone,also too many inactives or unskilled players so Valor by my opinion is nothing speciall except of 5-7 amazing fighters.
New grade 3+,looks like Valor became an MRA alliance,they just take everyone in regardless of quality of new members or their skills,still winning against TST so they are worth something,grade would be much lower if they didnt have 2 top class fighters in Pariba and Calico Jack,those 2 are worth 2 grades at least,any alliance would be happy to have those 2..I think CR with those 2 would be 10 of 10.

Dirk does very good,looking like getting a bit better then few months ago and much more activity from TST,by my opinion if the manage to activate few more of their members who certainly have the skills will be nr.2 very soon,all together not nearly perfect but could be worse.
new grade 4,from my point of view TST are doing worse then on my last review,still winning some cities against Valor but still loosing that war and if my opinion is valor is not excellent and they are winning against TST that would mean TST are not much better,just the opposite,still I seen some reports and some coordinated actions so I think they are still better then Valor,especially cause they are not recruiting anyone lately..

one of the worst alliances around the worlds of grepolis,enemy cities taken-poor,if any,very few really skilled players(Testbej for sure one of the best in ETA,Mvxbox top 10 for sure,maybe 3 more skilled and thats about it,certainly too little for nr.4 alliance in ETA.),while others are there just to fill in the numbers,awful.
Nothing new to say then to congratulate Testbej on reaching over 5 million BP-s.

I used to think DH are doing great and have the potential to rise to the top but they are on nr.5 because others are bad and not cause they are very good,as far as I know DH is fighting against UOW only and UOW is not good at all so if DH were anything above the average they would do some major damage to UOW,since they are not doing it I will conclude DH are nothing above the average.
new grade 2+,well if valor alliance is average and i rate them 3 then in no way DH could be better then Valor.

FATE is fighting against the best alliance in ETA so I respect them from that,probably thats the reason they are not doing very much in offense,had no contact with anyone from FATE for many months but by reading what CR members are saying of FATE I got the idea that FATE has improved very much since first war FATE vs. CR happened,yet FATE is only defending by looking at the stats and I cant rate more then 4- any alliance only defending and taking ghosts(I will repeat myself-considering FATE is at war against CR you cant expect much more,it is hard position to be in)
Havent heard a word about FATE last few months but from what I heard from CR people seems FATE has improved since first war against CR and they are still here and improved on rankings to nr.5,although any alliance who is not taking enemy cities by my opinion is not very good,although must admit fighting CR is the hardest task of all,so FATE is worthy grade 3,did not improve since last review.

Nothing special,but much better then many alliances in ETA,I might be a bit subjective regarding that alliance.
new grade 4+,lack of activity from many members got BA in worse shape then they were on last review,if they dont improve a bit or recruit some class players they are doomed.

Are they still around?

Are they at war with someone,where is Fitz?
Still not a word from Fitz,are they still in ETA?

Considering ETA is such old world,considering so many alliances fall and new alliances have risen,THREE STARS is still here which is good,but they didnt improve at all,which is bad,if they didnt reach top 5 by now they will not do it it ever,pretty bad
I was right about them,goodbye TS,members welcome to Valor.

B.o.B 9
Komagos and Adamberr are world class punks,one is maginificent attacker while the other one is magificent defender,it is perfect combination,they only need one more member who would be the mix of both and it would be 10/10.
new grade 8 cause Adamberr is being sloppy last 5 years..

potatoes over,now going to put some fish on barbeque,if you dont hear from me for some time could be I got poisoned by this lunch I tried to do..(yeah I know,I know it will not be a big waste...)
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You are too harsh, if everybody sucks then it means standards are lower, and grades must be better, but grades actual value is decreased...


Sirgaz my friend, No one gets affected with the ratings usual, CR takes the cake. Although I still think they deserve a 10. Now about the grilled fish and potatos....that's different. What kind of fish? :) Yum....


I haven't heard from brlinho... that means it was some very nice fish :D


while cooking potatoes and some fish for lunch will make a quick review of top 12 compared to what I said last time.

Top alliance,probably one of the best in all Grepolis worlds,many active members,working together with each other,attacking and defending like a team,won wars against FATE,KE,now winning against TE(TST),FATE and UOW at the same time..
Cant get any better then that.
I didnt change opinion of this alliance since my last review,still seems like top class alliance,still winning all wars and looks like cant find a real challenge,that happens when you are way ahead of your enemies.

Few amazing fighters in Valor(Pariba-wow,Gipobsk-amazing attacker,Calico Jack-magificent warrior and great guy,Thakur-trully skilled fighter and maybe few more,but not too many) but aside from those few I expected much more from Valor alliance and seen none of that,lately looking like MRA alliance and will recruit anyone,latest additions to valor are people who have ABP like 18 000,then few guys that left,then rejoined,then will leave again to rejoin,and so on,I have nothing against that and not my problem but looks like Valor will recruit anyone,also too many inactives or unskilled players so Valor by my opinion is nothing speciall except of 5-7 amazing fighters.
New grade 3+,looks like Valor became an MRA alliance,they just take everyone in regardless of quality of new members or their skills,still winning against TST so they are worth something,grade would be much lower if they didnt have 2 top class fighters in Pariba and Calico Jack,those 2 are worth 2 grades at least,any alliance would be happy to have those 2..I think CR with those 2 would be 10 of 10.

Dirk does very good,looking like getting a bit better then few months ago and much more activity from TST,by my opinion if the manage to activate few more of their members who certainly have the skills will be nr.2 very soon,all together not nearly perfect but could be worse.
new grade 4,from my point of view TST are doing worse then on my last review,still winning some cities against Valor but still loosing that war and if my opinion is valor is not excellent and they are winning against TST that would mean TST are not much better,just the opposite,still I seen some reports and some coordinated actions so I think they are still better then Valor,especially cause they are not recruiting anyone lately..

one of the worst alliances around the worlds of grepolis,enemy cities taken-poor,if any,very few really skilled players(Testbej for sure one of the best in ETA,Mvxbox top 10 for sure,maybe 3 more skilled and thats about it,certainly too little for nr.4 alliance in ETA.),while others are there just to fill in the numbers,awful.
Nothing new to say then to congratulate Testbej on reaching over 5 million BP-s.

I used to think DH are doing great and have the potential to rise to the top but they are on nr.5 because others are bad and not cause they are very good,as far as I know DH is fighting against UOW only and UOW is not good at all so if DH were anything above the average they would do some major damage to UOW,since they are not doing it I will conclude DH are nothing above the average.
new grade 2+,well if valor alliance is average and i rate them 3 then in no way DH could be better then Valor.

FATE is fighting against the best alliance in ETA so I respect them from that,probably thats the reason they are not doing very much in offense,had no contact with anyone from FATE for many months but by reading what CR members are saying of FATE I got the idea that FATE has improved very much since first war FATE vs. CR happened,yet FATE is only defending by looking at the stats and I cant rate more then 4- any alliance only defending and taking ghosts(I will repeat myself-considering FATE is at war against CR you cant expect much more,it is hard position to be in)
Havent heard a word about FATE last few months but from what I heard from CR people seems FATE has improved since first war against CR and they are still here and improved on rankings to nr.5,although any alliance who is not taking enemy cities by my opinion is not very good,although must admit fighting CR is the hardest task of all,so FATE is worthy grade 3,did not improve since last review.

Nothing special,but much better then many alliances in ETA,I might be a bit subjective regarding that alliance.
new grade 4+,lack of activity from many members got BA in worse shape then they were on last review,if they dont improve a bit or recruit some class players they are doomed.

Are they still around?

Are they at war with someone,where is Fitz?
Still not a word from Fitz,are they still in ETA?

Considering ETA is such old world,considering so many alliances fall and new alliances have risen,THREE STARS is still here which is good,but they didnt improve at all,which is bad,if they didnt reach top 5 by now they will not do it it ever,pretty bad
I was right about them,goodbye TS,members welcome to Valor.

B.o.B 9
Komagos and Adamberr are world class punks,one is maginificent attacker while the other one is magificent defender,it is perfect combination,they only need one more member who would be the mix of both and it would be 10/10.
new grade 8 cause Adamberr is being sloppy last 5 years..

potatoes over,now going to put some fish on barbeque,if you dont hear from me for some time could be I got poisoned by this lunch I tried to do..(yeah I know,I know it will not be a big waste...)

ahahaha :) nice one :)


Nice reviews brlinho. I can see why some would look at us as an MRA. But to us its quite simple. At this stage of the game, with so many people leaving, disbanding alliances (a LOW thing to do!) Valor took in a lot of TS, why? Because everyone deserves to be in an alliance. Especially TS members, my friends and allies for along time. Regardless of there skill level, we have offered them a home in Valor. We in Valor know the value of each and everyone of our members, we all play a valuable roll, regardless of our skills. Maybe that is why we are still growing. We require one thing for you to be in Valor, be active. Yes we do have some inactives, but as we all know RL situations cause the majority of inactivity. We are at a point in ETA where our primary goals should not be to win or loose cities or wars, although winning is one of the major goals, it is not the only goal, but keeping players in the game and having fun is one of our primary goals:).


You couldn't say it better Jack...Probably many grepolis players don't understand this..and tend to transform this game intro a virtual fight of their true personality .
Long live ETA


It is great Calico, but it happens so that you guys are doing right thing when you let nobody in (you are elite) or if happens you recruit everybody, then you simply offer them a home.


Not just a home Sirgaz, an opportunity to continue play the game. And like I said, each member plays a vital role in Valor. Others might not see it, but we certainly do. We have our plans ;)


looks like to me as the reason u recruited them was in the sole purpose to have them attack me. the second they joined valor they started attacking me which is quite funny bc before that i didnt hear a peep out of those players. even when i was attacking there fellow members in TS. sounds like a bunch of cowards that ran to the biggest alliance near them so they could grow some balls. this is no offense to valor btw just the cowards they just recruited.

also this is just my opinion and not that of my alliance.
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I believe that the strongest alliance out there is BA with their mouth running abilities they are just top notch. I mean look at those arguments bruno brought with him in his review? Just killer man. And let's not forget how Elite they are I mean come on guys they are just elite they have Black in their name come on BLACK ARMADA yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AARGG BLLAACK ARMADA YAAAAA. I give you a 1- because you guys have done nothing for the last 2 years :(. Hope you guys pick up the pace and catch up to the mighty alliances such as FATE/UOW or even UK.


Go to where you were, I enjoy empty forum more then your infantile posts
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DAMN!!! I literally LMAO!!! :D Tbro man, you're funny. Anything with the name Black is kinda scary....except for Black Beauty:eek: On another note, CJ very well put others may not get it but we do, the guys we recruited have been a tremendous help ever since.
Sirgaz, where's Brlinho? I'm still craving for grilled fish. Do you have any idea what kind it was? Maybe Rocky's Pub serves grilled fish? Beer match!


Brlinho is in hospital, from various sources I hear that fish was poisoned by some Valor member. He will not be able to drink alcohol for the rest of his life, and when doctor said that he is lucky he is still alive, he simply asked: Am I?


Brlinho is in hospital, from various sources I hear that fish was poisoned by some Valor member. He will not be able to drink alcohol for the rest of his life, and when doctor said that he is lucky he is still alive, he simply asked: Am I?

Did something bad happened to him?:(


Brlinho is in hospital, from various sources I hear that fish was poisoned by some Valor member. He will not be able to drink alcohol for the rest of his life, and when doctor said that he is lucky he is still alive, he simply asked: Am I?

I am sure a healthy dose of alcohol would counter act any poison in his system.
As far as his response to the doctor, well that sounds like brlinho or


I believe that the strongest alliance out there is BA with their mouth running abilities they are just top notch. I mean look at those arguments bruno brought with him in his review? Just killer man. And let's not forget how Elite they are I mean come on guys they are just elite they have Black in their name come on BLACK ARMADA yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AARGG BLLAACK ARMADA YAAAAA. I give you a 1- because you guys have done nothing for the last 2 years :(. Hope you guys pick up the pace and catch up to the mighty alliances such as FATE/UOW or even UK.

5 Fate 20761848 37 561131
6 BLACK A.R.M.A.D.A. 19983075 13 1537160
7 Dark Hunters 19099505 31 616113
8 United Knights 11719138 36 325532

looks to me like black amarda are already bigger then UK and with a 3rd the players! also they almost as big as fate again with a 3rd the players!

they done nothing for the last few years except making the number 1 spot and holding it for a few months destorying loads of small allainces on the way! at one point them and there allys held over half the world and TBH most there players are active and good fighters!
a few months ago they was struggling to stay in top 12 now they in the top 6

that alone deserves respect!!