Top 12 Alliances of Zancle


Top 12 Allliances

This is my take on ‘Top 12 Alliances’ combined with rumours I’ve heard along the way & my personal opinion on some alliances & players. Enjoy ;)

1. Imperial Order

Cannot deny they've got some pretty decent players and they scooped up some more after DGoW & LL collapsed. They’ve got a decent core in North044/054, but some of their players are branching into central O55 and unlikely to get any support if they’re attacked so far away from the core – easy targets. They might have a war with Triad, but nothing substantial has come of it yet; cities are lost and won daily, so it’s far to early to comment on any ‘war’. Rumours also abound about leadership and how they treat players + with whispers of player poaching attempts – although this is nothing shocking, all alliances try it, so cannot be held against them.
- Swim.

2. Triad

Anyone who’s got in Triads way so far has been completely obliterated. With a solid core and a majority of their players having played together for several worlds these guys are a well oiled machine. Some alliances have gotten lucky & taken cities off them, but any loss has quickly been minimalized when Triad turn their attention towards a particular alliance, no matter how briefly – just ask EE. A new Anti-Triad coalition is on the horizon, but in similar style to the previous one is unlikely to result in anything substantial other than total embarrassment for the alliances involved. Constantly dominating the ‘Top 20 players in DBP/ABP gain’ on ‘The Oracle’ – the facts speak for themselves, these guys are aggressive and don’t take prisoners.
- Swim

3. Prometheus

Technically a ‘rim’ alliance but they again have a strong core. Several players are old hats and it will be interesting to see whether they gravitate over to an alliance with stronger players a bit further down the line. They are completely dominating ‘PHALANX’ – although that is no surprise. The only question for them now is do they head south to a proper battle, stop taking candy from children and prove they’re any sort of threat? Unlikely in my opinion. But we shall see.
- Float


Oh where to start. They merged with Deus Ex Machina, who were the result of three failed mergers before hand (there’s a pattern emerging here). Over half of their players don’t have attack alarms & taking a city from them is hardly a challenge. They’re 70K behind Triad in ABP and 35K behind in DBP and that is simply because they face obliteration so their DBP ought to be high. Between Triad & the other alliances taking cities off them daily they won’t last another week. Essentially I can’t find a good word to say about this alliance – except they’re perfect farming material.
- Sink.

5. Seal Team One

A strong alliance and far from a MRA – these guys are good although their ABP/DBP are small, this is unsurprising considering how few members they have. But size isn’t everything and these guys work well together. A good core in North/East 055, South O54. One of their players suffered an embarrassing defeat at the hands of Triad a few weeks ago and has been licking his wounds in VM ever since; is this a sign of things to come? On the whole, I quite like these guys, although I do wish they’d stop trying to convince every alliance going to attack Triad; you want something done – do it yourself.
- Float

6. Ravens Republic

I don’t have a single positive thing to say about this alliance. What seems to be half their players are in/out of VM as often as Lindsay Lohan is in/out of rehab – perhaps this is a new survival tactic of there’s? They’re serious ostriches, burying their heads in the sand in total denial and quite honestly aren’t even worth serious discussion.

7. Hydra

Considering these guys are number 7 in terms of points their ABP/DBP are shocking. Whilst the majority of their players were late starting this world, they have yet to seriously prove themselves and if any of the stronger alliances turn their attentions to them I doubt they stand much of a chance. Quite honestly, only one of these players is worth anything right now – these guys need to prove themselves and fast before they get swallowed.
- Float.

8. Evil Empire

Oh these guys. They were so proud of themselves for taking a city off Triad which has since come back to bite them. They had a leader banned just over a week ago and since then their situation has gone from bad to worse. I look forward to seeing how their relationship with ‘The Underground’ progresses as these two alliances work together against Triad. Quite honestly if Triad ever officially turn their attention to EE, I give it less than a week, especially considering EE are suffering against Avernus too. They have one or two good players, but the attitude of some of their players is quite frankly atrocious. Most of their city gains recently have been internal takeovers – which says it all.

9. Shadow Elite

These guys are interesting. Several of them are old ‘Retribution’ players, several of them are from Envenom in Taras – it’s a good, strong mix. In many respects they are similar to ST1, small and compact with a decent core. Their relationship with Imperial Order is interesting; doing city swaps so both alliances can consolidate their respective cores – it’s very trusting of both sides. Is this trust misplaced? Maybe. Knowing some of these players I predict an upheaval in coming weeks as they try and find themselves in this world in an alliance that so far has gained little attention and has little in the way of ABP/DBP, although they are good fighters when they need to be, so watch this space.

10. Avernus

I actually quite like some of these guys – they’ve got spunk. They have a few players I personally would rather eat glass than work with, but on the whole most of them are decent. However their ABP/DBP is low and for an alliance that size which is a bit worrying despite how well they have handled themselves so far. Nevertheless they’ve done an admirable job thus far against EE; so maybe there is some hope for them despite their low ABP/DBP gain?
- Float

11. Night Train

The old ‘Retribution’ without all the rubbish. Generally a strong alliance who, mostly, came together from Rhammus – they’re good and they’re usually aggressive. A couple of their members make my eyebrows raise – and not in a good way. Furthermore, considering how many of their members are in the Top 50, their ABP/DBP isn’t anything spectacular. Size isn’t everything unless you’ve got the ABP/DBP to back it up; and right now they are, individually, sorely lacking.
- Float

12. Rhinovirus

I’m undecided about these guys. Again some of their players are a cause for concern (and not in a ‘they’re really good players’ sort of way), but they have a couple who are decent. However, considering these guys are a top 12 alliance, they fail to make it into the ‘Top 20’ for fighters. I think that says everything it needs to. Either these guys are seriously passive and just use quests to get the BP, or they’re simming to a whole new level – do I detect the new ‘Ravens Republic’?
- Sink.


this is pretty much what I would have wrote for the current top 12 though I think too much credit is given to ST1 the alliance does boast good bp numbers however they have only been in two hypothetical wars that I know of one against The Empire which was on the verge of collapse when they started to attack them and one against RR who was already devastated by Triad. One of the biggest reasons I think so poorly of these guys is basically what you said they wont do it themselves, they seem much more interested on going in for clean up bp and cities then actually taking on an alliance that hasn't already been weakened from what I can tell anyways.

Just for an example Hydra in Eastern O64 was conquesting a 2.6k city from a player with no alliance, he then contacted ST1 for help and they sent 3 flyer nukes to break the siege with over 10 hour travel times, the best part however is that those flyer attacks were sent with 74% moral each. They did manage to break the siege with the last Manti nuke lossing 38/44 manti but in all honesty the accumulated bp that multiple players gained from 74% moral attacks was far more valuable than the 2.6k city.

I was also surprised that you didn't mention the SiM Nation Shadow Elite merger at all when talking about the number 9 alliance.
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One of the biggest reasons I think so poorly of these guys is basically what you said they wont do it themselves, they seem much more interested on going in for clean up bp and cities then actually taking on an alliance that hasn't already been weakened from what I can tell anyways.

I was also surprised that you didn't mention the SiM Nation Shadow Elite merger at all when talking about the number 9 alliance.

Yeah. ST1 can't really do much either with the amount of pacts/ NAPs they currently have - they're only option is really to target Triad if they want a war, which so far they've avoided doing. Hence why they're trying to get everyone to do their dirty work for them.

Regarding the SiM Nation/ Shadow Elite Merger; it's not really worthy of discussing - SiM Nation was bound to end up merging eventually with someone and these guys have played together before, so it was always on the table. They'll probably have another merger in a week or so/ lose their top hitters, that'll be when the real fun begins. I still stand by what I said about being disappointed with them DBP/ABP though - I would expect better from them but then again a few of their players are heavily involved on Taras; and playing two worlds is never a good idea.


Bee, in your comparison you forgot to mention all the Triad players in IO's core that you guys scooped up recently. They are in worse position than the "easy targets" you mentioned in O55. I wonder if you are thinking the same thing about your allies considering their location.


Bee, in your comparison you forgot to mention all the Triad players in IO's core that you guys scooped up recently. They are in worse position than the "easy targets" you mentioned in O55. I wonder if you are thinking the same thing about your allies considering their location.

I imagine our thoughts regarding people outside the core are along similar lines. And in reality there aren't that many players too far from our core.


this is pretty much what I would have wrote for the current top 12 though I think too much credit is given to ST1 the alliance does boast good bp numbers however they have only been in two hypothetical wars that I know of one against The Empire which was on the verge of collapse when they started to attack them and one against RR who was already devastated by Triad. One of the biggest reasons I think so poorly of these guys is basically what you said they wont do it themselves, they seem much more interested on going in for clean up bp and cities then actually taking on an alliance that hasn't already been weakened from what I can tell anyways.

Just for an example Hydra in Eastern O64 was conquesting a 2.6k city from a player with no alliance, he then contacted ST1 for help and they sent 3 flyer nukes to break the siege with over 10 hour travel times, the best part however is that those flyer attacks were sent with 74% moral each. They did manage to break the siege with the last Manti nuke lossing 38/44 manti but in all honesty the accumulated bp that multiple players gained from 74% moral attacks was far more valuable than the 2.6k city.

I was also surprised that you didn't mention the SiM Nation Shadow Elite merger at all when talking about the number 9 alliance.

im almost certain when a city is in siege morale is set to 100% regardless of player size


its set to the morale you have on the player conquering the city
thanks for clearing that up
i knew it changes when a city in siege
normally always 100% for me i noticed
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Top 12 Allliances

8. Evil Empire

Oh these guys. They were so proud of themselves for taking a city off Triad which has since come back to bite them. They had a leader banned just over a week ago and since then their situation has gone from bad to worse. I look forward to seeing how their relationship with ‘The Underground’ progresses as these two alliances work together against Triad. Quite honestly if Triad ever officially turn their attention to EE, I give it less than a week, especially considering EE are suffering against Avernus too. They have one or two good players, but the attitude of some of their players is quite frankly atrocious. Most of their city gains recently have been internal takeovers – which says it all.

- Sink.

im yet to see what you see as from bad to worse bee? another city taken from you guys again and speaking about players getting banned, whats happened to ignisa? oh yeah hes banned. EE holding there own and it really bugs you dont it sir. nevermind go have a beer with the lads and youll be ok


OK, I understand that anyone sees things from his own perspective and provides his/her own interpretation of facts, rumors etc.. therefore it is expected to include some inaccuracies but what I don't understand is where on earth did Bee found that Triad players dominate the ABP in oracle? No matter if you select last 12 hours or 24 or a week Triad players have lower participation (and in the lower ranks), than other alliances, like IO and ST1.


OK, I understand that anyone sees things from his own perspective and provides his/her own interpretation of facts, rumors etc.. therefore it is expected to include some inaccuracies but what I don't understand is where on earth did Bee found that Triad players dominate the ABP in oracle? No matter if you select last 12 hours or 24 or a week Triad players have lower participation (and in the lower ranks), than other alliances, like IO and ST1.

This was done a few days ago before you guys started going for Dutchball; before then they were dominating.

Thanks for not denying the attempts at player poaching & handoffs to SE though.


This was done a few days ago before you guys started going for Dutchball; before then they were dominating.
Nope they weren't. We started on DB the last 3 days, if what you claim was the case (i.e dominating) they would at least reflect the weekly stats, were you have a presence of 2 members while IO has 6 and ST1 has 5. Also, ST1 and IO Average ABP is higher that Triad's for the past week :p

Thanks for not denying the attempts at player poaching & handoffs to SE though.
LoL. I simply do not even bother to comment on the rest. What ever makes you and your team mates happy.


Yep, no point in responding to the propaganda. Here is some information though.

Current score

IO: 6
Triad: 3


I didn't even say we were "winning" anything yet.

Triad said it first...


Yep, no point in responding to the propaganda. Here is some information though.

Current score

IO: 6
Triad: 3

I could do some propaganda job for IO ... free of charge :)
Excellent job folks, keep hammering in IO style.

edit: just one advice ... if I may.... Dutch is an excellent city builder, so give him some more time before next wave :)
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this is pretty much what I would have wrote for the current top 12 though I think too much credit is given to ST1 the alliance does boast good bp numbers however they have only been in two hypothetical wars that I know of one against The Empire which was on the verge of collapse when they started to attack them and one against RR who was already devastated by Triad. One of the biggest reasons I think so poorly of these guys is basically what you said they wont do it themselves, they seem much more interested on going in for clean up bp and cities then actually taking on an alliance that hasn't already been weakened from what I can tell anyways.

Just for an example Hydra in Eastern O64 was conquesting a 2.6k city from a player with no alliance, he then contacted ST1 for help and they sent 3 flyer nukes to break the siege with over 10 hour travel times, the best part however is that those flyer attacks were sent with 74% moral each. They did manage to break the siege with the last Manti nuke lossing 38/44 manti but in all honesty the accumulated bp that multiple players gained from 74% moral attacks was far more valuable than the 2.6k city.

If an old friend from a previous server mails and asks for help then random events like this can happen and loyalty to freinds is far more important in grepo than a few or even a lot of manti

speed 1 is a long game and a far more tactical game than faster servers, as mistakes are punnished far more harshly.

so i think Mahatma Gandhi said

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. :pro:


Wow. Such wisdom. Which only goes to prove one thing for the far famed Seal Team One...

From here the only way is ....

Down! Sorry Zero :D
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Hoplite nuke 4
Triad 0

he seems to be triads Achilles heal lol :)