Top 12 Alliances


This should be interesting! Does anyone want to do another Top 12?


This should be interesting! Does anyone want to do another Top 12?

i would do it but i dont know enough about everyone to do it very well
but who ever does do one please do one for each alliance. cause with alliances like ROD/EOD they are both good alliances but they are worlds apart so to say same as above is not very accurate? and right something about your own alliance for a change lets look at like were trying to tell someone in one of the other worlds what is going on here


Matt, first off gaining Alb is like gaining gold.

Second off, ROD/EOD is no where off each other. Don't even try. Thirdly, you can't really talk about your alliance. Its a prejudiced view, even you know this.


Matt, first off gaining Alb is like gaining gold.

Second off, ROD/EOD is no where off each other. Don't even try. Thirdly, you can't really talk about your alliance. Its a prejudiced view, even you know this.

first off there are a lot of things that look like gold that are worth nothing

second i dont mean you dont work together just that you EOD is a bit more on top of things than ROD and thats just my opinion


1. EOD= good leaders although a little too intense sometimes. players seem to understand and are willing to do what the alliances is trying to do. plus have been on to for months. will be interesting to see if they can keep it up while pumping resources into WW

2. FE = they are a good strong group i dont really know a lot about them excpet that if they got the support of another alliance to keep them safe their location makes them a contender for sure. i just dont hear much of a voice from leadership so i wonder if they can be more than just a pain in the azz to EOD.

3. LOD = all around fundamentally sound group but like all have been plagued by inactivity. they remain strong none the less and also have good location should they choose to build any WW not to mentiontheir diplomacy skills are better than EOD giving them access to more help in time of need

4. LOB = dont know a thing about thm my self other than that they used to pact with EOD but are testing new waters. it will be interesting to see what role they will play cause on there own i cant really see them lasting

5. GT = another good group strong on the attack but their location would make it really hard to make any kind of run at WW. good thing they can give a pounding and defend whats theirs. Diplomacy is good for them too they will always have friends here

6. HB = i bet you never thought 800 cities could hurt so bad many call us turtles. well were the snapping turtle variety and we do bite. Not afraid to fight with anyone but play the game smart. started very late in the world and despite inactivity problems in past still continue to threaten those we attack.

7. ROD = they have good players but not 24 of them not to mention they are academy so there status is day to day. while some alliances stand to lose a city they stand to lose a whole player when one of theirs gets noticed and called up to the big leagues of EOD.

8. LOD 2 = dont know them as well but they are active and loyal but in the end are just like ROD Expendable day to day players that may get called up if needed but may not although IMO one of the better academies out there

9. Chaos = not really making the best of what they have and i fear will not be around much longer. although since they can actually defend their own cities now and not just alb it woulbd be nice to see what they do.

10. greek alliance = they are just there they dont matter they dont affect anything.

and i cant do the last two as i tire of explaining how day to day academies are


ABP #1 DBP #1

EoD has been at the top spot for months now and do not look to be going anywhere soon. The coalition (FE, Chaos, LoD, GT, and HB) have been gaining ground lately. At first it was all smooth sailing but now they have become more organized defensively and attack as one, they are now taking cities from us. Right now I would say our current war is a stalemate as we take cities and lose cities, nobody is making significant gains. However, the recent addition of Alb anian to our ranks will certainly help. He is a great fighter and hopefully he can shake things up.

2) Fully Equipped
ABP #2 DBP #5

Probably EoD’s biggest competition of WW. With their core out in 65 we will have trouble launching CS at your cities. They have been doing well for a while, taking the strategy of revolting a few cities and then mass attacking one or two of them. Currently internalizing the traitor Vinschat, it will be a big loss to them as he was one of there bigger and more active players. They are doing very well but I still do not understand how they have not started a war with GT yet. Yes I know you two have a pact and it is all rainbows and butterflies between you, but it makes no sense why you leave them alone. They are a very offensive rim alliance, that you are letting grow right in your backyard, They are growing fast and eventually I think they will stab you in the back, it may happen in the next couple months or during WW, but it will have to happen eventually.

3) Legion of Death
ABP #3 DBP #4

As of late LoD have been doing really really well. They have changed roles in the war. From being totally defensive and looking ready to disband, they are now active and taking back cities from EoD. Obviously there is help from the rest of the coalition alliances but it is impressive what they have done. Beer Wench has turned things around after Sir H went on extended VM and left them leaderless. LoD seems like they are going to stick around for a long time, with a strong core in 46 and a big presence in 35/45. Having a few problems with inactivity and bans, but are refilling their ranks with new players from Chaos. I can see them being a tough enemy for a long time, unless there is a major change soon within the top alliances.

4) Legion of Basterds
ABP #8 DBP #3

Were just another rim alliance but after a few disgruntled players from FE left and joined, they shot straight up to the top. It seemed like they were going to do well but their growth has really slowed down and they are just a defensive alliance. Only 2 players in the top 50 attackers (rank 25 and 45). I had respect for them as an ally but towards the end of our pact, their “help” seemed non exisistent. Obviously due to distance we had trouble supporting one another and rarely did it. But they were never ready to run coops with us. Always excuses and never action. So instead of having just a name on our pact list EoD dropped the pact and moved on. Right now I am not sure if they are on their own or joined the coalition. Would be nice if somebody could fill me in.

5) Grumpy Trolls
ABP #4 DBP #13

To say the least they are killing it out in the rim. Managed to take out all of the other competition and now have a lot of overlapping territory with FE in 76, 75, and 66. In my opinion they have been running everything perfectly due to good diplomacy. If FE had half a brain they would have attacked them already. But GT has kept the pact and keep on growing. Eventually they will be big enough to take FE on 1 v 1 and I think it will be a great battle. They are mostly offensive and are keeping LoB firmly on their heels.

6) Honey Badgers
ABP #7 DBP #8

Still sitting out in 35, all bark no bite. Yes, great work taking out Maelstrom. That was impressive but now you are just sitting there doing nothing. Your leaders say all this about not being afraid of anybody. Well then why do you have a pact with LoD and the rest of the coalition? Could it be possible that you are scared of EoD? Anyway, they are just laying around cleaning up O35 and trying to find underhanded ways of sneaking into 44. Somehow they got DW and Kilon banned for co-playing, love to know the story they told the mods to do it.

ABP #6 DBP #6

Same as EoD. All I can say is that they are a great group of players, I’m glad to play with them to the end.

8) Legion of Death II
ABP #10 DBP #9

Same as LoD, have a few inactive players along with Firewolf currently banned.

9) Chaos
ABP# 5 DBP 2

The ship be sinkin! LOL
I have to say they fought really well for the past few months and I think they will stay around for a bit longer, but are nowhere near as strong as they were earlier. Very well organized defensively while their attacking leaves something to be desired. For the past few weeks they have been sending a player here and there to LoD. Kind of like a slow merge. I guess Alb anian wasn’t happy with it and now he has joined the good guys :D Maybe they will disband soon or just merge with their academy and prolong their slow decline, who knows? Haha

10) *Greek Alliance*
ABP #15 DBP #21

Set up shop in northwestern 54. Have a few strong players but are mostly noobs IMO. They do attack sometimes but seem to also be happy founding their way to the top lol. Don’t know much about them other than they have a pact with Chaos, which is really the only thing keeping them alive. Sooner or later they will have to fight one of the big boys 1 v 1 and will probably get swallowed up.

11) Fully Equipped 2
ABP #9 DBP #12

Same as FE…

12) Chaos 2
ABP #11 DBP #5

Same as Chaos…


1. EVOLUTION OF D3TH - Great alliance, I have total faith in the playerS and leaderS.

2. Fully Equipped - Played their cards right and now they are positioned well with several WW islands of their own as backup in case the super alliance fails:p - They have some good players, they have good ABP and their backup WW islands are in safe locations (so they think), will be a final player in the WW's-hopefully as solo players and not hand-holders:D Banter and "PROPAGANDA" aside, good set of players, it would have been nice to engage you guys/gals one on one....maybe in another world.

3. Legion of Death - Good players, good WW locations, and have done well under BW. Thought after recruiting several of the Chaos players you guys would have felt confident enough to go at it without the cover of several other alliances but that's not going to happen. Will also be a final player in the WW's, I tend to think this bunch will actually have the testosterone to go at it alone soon as I see no reason why they need to downgrade themselves by being under the umbrella of the all mighty coalition any longer.

4. Legion of Basterds - Due to TT's and lack of co-op participation on both our parts I decided to end the pact (and not too mention the banter by the almighty Boop against our members). Thought highly of them but thats gone now that they have ran for cover and become the newest addition of the coalition. I guess this will give them enough time to build their WWs without having to worry about being attacked. Must be nice to have all green flags all around you now? Guess since FE's shield (Chaos) is slowly coming to an end they needed a new one...

5. Grumpy Trolls - Can't comment much because you are a non factor to us because of distance. You must have done something right since you sent LOB running with their tails in between their legs. So now that you are all green all around, and have had plenty of time to secure WW islands, what will u do now? I suppose the same LOB plans to do?

6. Honey Badgers - Small, compact, and a pain in our behind. Great at banter talk and good at defending. They also have one of the best banter talking players around but a cool cat down the road. tell Duck it is not all about coordination:p


8. Legion of Death II - Same as LOD I suppose and maybe part of the team that will provide resources to the super, how does it feel being told this close to the end that you will be resource providers?

9. ChAoS - Slowly fading away, can't say I didnt see this coming....they were used by the coalition and although Besmar may call it "Propaganda"......I mean banter from one evil guy with no morale named avera562 :p it is not banter or is the truth. Chaos was used by the coalition mainly LOD/FE as cover fire. Being in the middle of all the alliances Chaos did not stand a chance when it came to the WW if they stayed in the coalition. Unfortunately leadership in Chaos either is blind and does not see what has happened or is part of the long term plan to use Chaos until they are of no use and then jump to LOD/FE.

10. *Greek Alliance* - Guys are small but have heart, remind me of a less effective Honey Badgers....but should not be underestimated. Although I have no doubt they are part of the coalition (its pretty evident), frankly I dont know why they would cheapen their grepo experience.

Coalition as a whole - Stop complaining about Alb joining us.....Both FE & LOD recruited several Chaos players before us, they jumped shipped way before and at the FIRST SIGN of trouble. Alb had the courtesy and testosterone to stay behind until the near end. He directly and indirectly contributed to a lot of city gains for you guys against us, so its pathetic that you guys call him names and talk about him...give it a rest gents, show some respect for the guy. He did good by the coalition side and as such does not deserve to be called names. Think of it as baseball, futbol, basketball, he requested free agency and was signed by a different team, nothing more.


you can deny all you want Boop. but we know whats going to happen.


I hate to say it, but why is it you guys only say 4 words? Come on, do a top 12!


mm, I would love to do a top 10, but I feel that I would not do it justice. I do not know enough about some of the other alliances. I was late getting here, 2 or 3 months. If you really want me to try, just say so and I will give it my best effort


just do one defense, nothing bad can happen.. you can only give your opinion, your opinion can't be wrong