Best/Worst Alliance Leaders


Losing Def troops ,who are doing their job, is way ahead of losing your CS and troops


I was pointing out that talking about beta leaders is completely off topic of this thread. I forgot to include my sarcasm sign


I was pointing out that talking about beta leaders is completely off topic of this thread. I forgot to include my sarcasm sign

Im the most on topic here i was talking about leaders yes it was on another world but are any of youse talking about leaders


Can't believe I didn't answer this earlier, probably ETW's leader.


I'm absent from the forums a wee while and look what comes crawling out, MAP with their slander, yet again. What's this, 3rd no 4th time I leave the forums for a couple of weeks and you think it's safe to stick your snout out to belch your pitiful propaganda once more.

wow haven't checked the forums in awhile, and then op informed me of this piece of work. looks like you are still living in fantasy land Coco. You've gone to all this trouble to make your maps, and to analyze the stats, and prove to yourself that the reason we have taken more Orthia cities then Orthia have taken from us is that we attack your inactive players. I find it extremely hilarious that you of all people would have the guts to bring that tactic up, as its your favorite.

how are those SwordMaden cities you guys jumped on when you found out she was quitting before we did, because she told you? how about your latest cowardly tactic, where you scout around and find inactive players, and then try to land a siege in the 6hours they sleep (because you have such a NON-LIFE that you can sit around online 24hours a day and figure out when everybody sleeps).

The facts are as follows:
1. MAP have taken more Orthia cities then Orthia have taken from us.
2. MAP have taken cities from you Cocotte; the great self-proclaimed master strategist who is having such fun fighting all of us so-called 'noobs' right?
3. MAP have a beachhead in O43-N, which I believe is an ocean controlled primarily by Orthia. How many cities do Orthia have in O42, MAP's stronghold? TWO. TWO CITIES.

and what do you have to show for all of that Cocotte? some BP? oh lets not forget our butchering of Guppy, the poor sap you convinced to help you out by attacking us from within O42 - 16 of his cities in a week, and he has conveniently relocated down to O43/O52, out of our reach. interesting. But oh yeah, because you got some BP, that makes you somehow coming out on top, in your head? are you joking me? you ain't nothing man; and just because we are smart enough to realize that attacking down into O43 takes careful and long term planning doesn't mean we will not eventually get down there. What I am waiting for, if you want to claim ANY sort of victory, is for you to come on up to O42; because taking cities in O43-N that we took from you guys a few months ago does NOT qualify as any sort of strategic victory; that is the ebb and flow of war and does not represent anything. we are sitting in YOUR territory; you are not anywhere near ours.

keep dreaming though; about everything else. I will say you bring me very much entertainment in this game, because of your warped crazy outlook on what it means to "win" and be "elite" in this game... anyways, I'll drop in again from time to time and make sure I *CHECK* you back to reality; because you are a habitual bounds-stepper man; you are always just stepping out of bounds and trying to redefine things based on your own little warped perception of everything. but the cold hard fact is, you ain't nothing special boy

* complete garbage continues for a page *


Oh Ana, how you make me laugh.
You still haven't got a clue have you? Cute.

I did like how you started off. Some how nostalgic...oh yeah, it's the same thing I said last summer. Well, intimation is the greatest form of flattery.
It's a love-hate relationship, he loves, yet hates me and I'm, well, a little creeped out about his obsession.
Seriously, you were on quite frequently until the last few days of March, then you decide to re-read all my posts to find some from months before? I'd hate to see what you'd do with a lock of hair.

I'm going to try and not get over anal about all the details, this time. Key word, TRY.
So, let's say your portrayal of what happened with Swordmaden was true (and save the proof you're talking out your arsé once again, for a later datet).
You, in your attack on me, just stated that your own alliance has no loyalty or affection towards its own. But isn't that what what an alliance is suppose to be? I'd have to be treated pretty damn badly by an alliance to want to quit AND give those cities away.
Then again what would you expect from the alliance which kicked half of its members because they suspected a spy, from an alliance that has had no dealings or interest of them.

The facts are as follows:
1. MAP have taken more Orthia cities then Orthia have taken from us.
2. MAP have taken cities from you Cocotte; the great self-proclaimed master strategist who is having such fun fighting all of us so-called 'noobs' right?
3. MAP have a beachhead in O43-N, which I believe is an ocean controlled primarily by Orthia. How many cities do Orthia have in O42, MAP's stronghold? TWO. TWO CITIES.
Facts is it?
Yours are very precise yet taken with no context.
It's like a homeless man with $100 gold nugget in hand is richer than a business man because all the business man has is paper in his wallet and plastic (cheap) and copper (fairly cheap) gadgets on him.
There is no value of context.

1. Orthia 6:13 MAP
But your point was a little short.
Between December 14-17 you took seven cities from Chronus, as you yourself have stated, was an inactive. I have no issues about taking cities from low activity or even inactive players, it's not a big deal, simply a cheap accusation of a high value target for little cost. BUT boasting about it makes you a cheap scummy person, who is so pathetic that they gloat over beating an opponent who isn't there. That's the only problem I have with it.

2. MAP have taken cities from you Cocotte; the great self-proclaimed master strategist who is having such fun fighting all of us so-called 'noobs' right?
2. First of all, "master strategist"? What have you been taking? I honestly hope those of your alliance who care what you a founder has to say know to take everything with a ton of salt. Other than referring to you, personally, Anarqy, as "noob", I have not said that about any of your other members. However if that is how you believe others see your alliance, as a founder, you should be careful about self forfilling prophesies.

MAP have taken 2 cities from me during the worst of the bombardment from EOW. The first on the 14th Nov, was their first volley with 5 conquest attempts, at the same time as earlier conquest attempts from EOW. Conquests ended Nov 15th, 1 city lost to Hawkesy (EOW), 1 lost to sasaloff (MAP). That was MAP's first appearance into the Orthia/EOW war.
10 days later, I come back from work, CS just landed in my city. "As if" there may have been my online times gathered and put on a joint forum.
So stop the hypocrisy. You do it first, and boast, I do it better, you cry.

I have taken,(still ignoring Maden) 2 from highly active and aggressive MAP players.
Cocotte 2:2 MAP

3. MAP have a beachhead in O43-N, which I believe is an ocean controlled primarily by Orthia. How many cities do Orthia have in O42, MAP's stronghold? TWO. TWO CITIES.
1 of which has been there for 6 months and withstood EVERY attack you have ever thrown at it, even when surrounded on all sides.
I wasn't going to start a MAP ENDING thread until we had pushed well past the 42 border, only then would it have been worth talking about.

And in 43 Orthia was recently ranked 3rd in o43 never first, behind AlphaBeta (still 1st) and Death Angels (currently disbanding).

To put this simply, since the Orthia/EOW war ended, MAP have taken ZERO cities from Orthia during that period they have lost 6 unarguable cities to Orthia.
Once again proving my point, without their large and powerful neighbours to do all the work for them, MAP are nowhere near as great as they make themselves out to be.

They prey on easy targets like Poecilia reticulata, with their one decent member, Guppy, to bulk up their stats, then accuse others of conquering only grey cities.
Cocotte 30% grey conquests, Ana 25%, Ivy 20% (allow a 2% range of inaccuracy).
That's not including the shocking rates of cannibalism in MAP.

That's not even to mention the number of participants in this skirmish!
3 from Orthia are on the front lines (sensible conquest distance), with TEN MAP (Anarqy, Fanforlife,Dragon keeper,Sasoloff,Noobie1,Spartus The First, Dyrill,Edward Newgate,Apshai Templar,IenaMN) with the remaining 5 inside reasonable striking distance.

The only thing I find shocking about this alliance is the high regard EOW holds them in. MAP/EOW war was back when MAP was larger, and EOW was a hell of a lot smaller.
This was before the EOW/Orthia war, and being fair, EOW were, on the whole, terrible at the start of that war, then progressively improving to the point were they could pull off very impressive conquests.
EOW hold them in the same high regard as they did in the days many of them attacked MAP using "Pegasus nukes".
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The facts are as follows:
3. MAP have a beachhead in O43-N, which I believe is an ocean controlled primarily by Orthia. How many cities do Orthia have in O42, MAP's stronghold? TWO. TWO CITIES.

now i would never take sides in this matter i just want to point out a little fact that some people may have missed. Orthia does not control O43, Alpha Beta does. and MAP has not created a beachhead in the north, you have like 7 cities. The only reason you have thos cities is because AB is focused on moving south, not north. now if you are going to insult others please do it with the right facts, or be prepared to lose that little colony in OUR ocean

oh how could i miss this
And in 43 Orthia was recently ranked 3rd in o43 never first, behind AlphaBeta (still 1st) and Death Angels (currently disbanding).

it seems at least one of you knows you facts (even though DA didnt disband we simply completed a long planned merger) thank you Cocotte for knowing what you are talking about
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now i would never take sides in this matter i just want to point out a little fact that some people may have missed. Orthia does not control O43, Alpha Beta does. and MAP has not created a beachhead in the north, you have like 7 cities. The only reason you have thos cities is because AB is focused on moving south, not north. now if you are going to insult others please do it with the right facts, or be prepared to lose that little colony in OUR ocean

wow, should I know who you are? since you decided to butt into this conversation and post some outright lies, let me correct you on a few things:

1. Orthia has over 100 cities in O43 (and had many holdings in the North where we are now); I don't care if it is AB's ocean overall, 100+ cities of one alliance in an ocean makes that ocean a stronghold ocean.
2. MAP has 32 cities in O43, not 7; so next time when you hit 'reply', take the time to go research your facts if you are going to quote concrete numbers.
3. regarding your little pi$$-ant threat about taking those 32 cities, you want to puff out your chest tough guy? come on up; otherwise, shut your mouth. seriously, should I care anything about who you are when you post such utter garbage and misrepresent simple numbers that anyone can look up?

next time, keep your mouth shut, or don't post lies. thanks and have a bad day =)


the reply pt I

Oh Ana, how you make me laugh.
You still haven't got a clue have you? Cute.

I can only hope I provide you a fraction of the entertainment that your ridiculous outlook on reality provides me.

I did like how you started off. Some how nostalgic...oh yeah, it's the same thing I said last summer. Well, intimation is the greatest form of flattery.

yeah hadn't been on in awhile and saw you spouting garbage so I had to give you a little course-correction

It's a love-hate relationship, he loves, yet hates me and I'm, well, a little creeped out about his obsession.

no you are wrong on both counts; I definitely do not love you. but I don't hate you either; because I've never met you. this is a ridiculous game. I will say that based on what I have seen here, I would very likely hate you if I were to meet you. but as it stands, a strong dislike mixed with curiosity best sums up my feelings towards you and your mentality

Seriously, you were on quite frequently until the last few days of March, then you decide to re-read all my posts to find some from months before? I'd hate to see what you'd do with a lock of hair.

let me get this straight, you are ridiculing me for replying to an old post of yours, in which YOU reply to an old post of op.ivy's. If I'm obsessed with you, then you are obsessed w/ op.ivy and MAP as a whole (and therefore me).

I'm going to try and not get over anal about all the details, this time. Key word, TRY.
So, let's say your portrayal of what happened with Swordmaden was true (and save the proof you're talking out your arsé once again, for a later datet).
You, in your attack on me, just stated that your own alliance has no loyalty or affection towards its own.
But isn't that what what an alliance is suppose to be? I'd have to be treated pretty damn badly by an alliance to want to quit AND give those cities away.

right, because we are just a horrible alliance that brainwashes our members and takes their cities (at least, the weekly emails you send our members assert as much). in reality, Sword was a selfish whiny little girl who screwed over her teammates in a final temper tantrum that she threw on her way out after we had taken her back not once, but TWO different times. she left us the first time to go to EOW, whom after a short while, she stormed off away from throwing a temper tantrum and coming back to us. so you can try to draw some greater parallel between that and our horrible leadership styles if you want coco, go ahead and spin your wheels; I really don't care.

Then again what would you expect from the alliance which kicked half of its members because they suspected a spy, from an alliance that has had no dealings or interest of them.

oh you mean your little 'plant' bledsoe? I bet you were pretty when we figured him out. and those players we kicked out were not our members; they were TTT and it was a merge between two small alliances that did not work out for many factors, with the discovery of bledsoe being the icing on the cake. did you really think I would forget the little pack of dogs who helped you shout me down in the forums and run me out of Mibsnoobs back in the beginning (did I ever thank you for that, by the way? leaving that noobish worthless alliance was the best thing that ever happened to me in this game)...

Facts is it?
Yours are very precise yet taken with no context.
It's like a homeless man with $100 gold nugget in hand is richer than a business man because all the business man has is paper in his wallet and plastic (cheap) and copper (fairly cheap) gadgets on him.
There is no value of context.

and you are like the statistician who can prove any false statement by throwing a mass of numbers that don't really apply to the statement at people so they don't realize that you are just full of it.

1. Orthia 6:13 MAP
But your point was a little short.
Between December 14-17 you took seven cities from Chronus, as you yourself have stated, was an inactive. I have no issues about taking cities from low activity or even inactive players, it's not a big deal, simply a cheap accusation of a high value target for little cost. BUT boasting about it makes you a cheap scummy person, who is so pathetic that they gloat over beating an opponent who isn't there. That's the only problem I have with it.

see, when I read the above, all I see is the simple fact that MAP have taken more Orthia cities then Orthia have taken from MAP. you want to try arguing that cities we took from inactive players don't count, or we shouldn't boast about them... who is boasting? you are the one who keeps trying to claim you are 'winning' against us which is ridiculous; everyone knows that this war will be a slow affair. but there is NO WAY at this interim state that you get to claim ANY sort of victory when you haven't even taken HALF as many cities from us as we have from you, and when we are sitting in O43 N now w/ 32 cities in what used to be a heavily Orthia-populated area. and that isn't even counting poecillia reticulata, which I will get to down below, who we have EVERY right to count because YOU enlisted their help in attacking us from within O42, and then YOU left them high and dry when we gutted them - those stats, therefore, count against YOU.

2. First of all, "master strategist"? What have you been taking? I honestly hope those of your alliance who care what you a founder has to say know to take everything with a ton of salt. Other than referring to you, personally, Anarqy, as "noob", I have not said that about any of your other members. However if that is how you believe others see your alliance, as a founder, you should be careful about self forfilling prophesies.

yeah, you come across as the most arrogant pig-headed player on these forums; you think because you traded 20-30 cities for a bunch of BP that makes you some 'pro' or 'elite' player in this game. but you know what? this isn't tribal wars, where nobody had any past experience. most everyone here has played TW before, and the fact is, ANY GOOD PLAYER CAN CLEAN UP ON BP IF THEY ARE WELL SUPPORTED. there is nothing special about you; other then the fact that you spend $$ on premium and devote your entire life to being online 24hours a day so you cannot be attacked, and so you can attack us at night, and that's just fine coco; you can spend all that time and effort losing to us, and we will continue to put in part time effort and beating you and your lot.

MAP have taken 2 cities from me during the worst of the bombardment from EOW. The first on the 14th Nov, was their first volley with 5 conquest attempts, at the same time as earlier conquest attempts from EOW. Conquests ended Nov 15th, 1 city lost to Hawkesy (EOW), 1 lost to sasaloff (MAP). That was MAP's first appearance into the Orthia/EOW war.
10 days later, I come back from work, CS just landed in my city. "As if" there may have been my online times gathered and put on a joint forum.
So stop the hypocrisy. You do it first, and boast, I do it better, you cry.

you are a straight up liar; attacks were being exchanged between MAP and Orthia well prior to the mass attacks on you by EOW + MAP. and seriously, are we supposed to be 'ashamed' of attacking you while EOW were? we play this game as a team; not as a bunch of inactive large individual players. we work as a team; and we attack as a team. get used to it, and stop whining about it

(continued in next post)