Open Daily Quickfire Debates!


The problem with anything you can't get out of, or have to use, is that the wrong sort of people will seek power in those places purely because they know they will get a good supply of people they can bully, misuse, and abuse, because those people have no choice but to be there.
You see it in most things which are provided by the state, which are difficult or prohibitively expensive to get by other means, eg state education, National Health Service (both hospital and Drs surgery). In state schooling we even have a situation where most employees believe and will tell you it is against the law for you to not be there under their rules and personal jurisdiction.

The potential for harm in a live-in situaton is many times greater, where institutional bullying can and does lead to suicides and violence against others.

I don't have the figures, but I am certain a large proportion of bullied people do not "get over it" in a short time period, and undoubtedly there are those who never do, and the cycle of abuse which results is far more than the loss of one person's happiness and potential.

If there were to be one training experience every young person would have to undergo I would suggest dealing directly with the public in a service role. It would be hugely eye-opening for many imo.


or they may, die. being bullied get over it, being killed not so much.
True but I am talking about things which affect them more because they are younger all field soldiers have a high risk of death.


I feel it is only right as a patriot, a person, and a man to sacrifice my life for those I love.

But not everyone is a patriot like you. You can't expect for everyone to have the same values and feel the same way you do.


Mandatory military service for a short period (1-2 years) would benefit young people.

Going around training to kill people wouldnt benefit most people. In the long run it would probably harm society.


Military service is not for everyone, but I feel every able bodied person should perform some type of national service. There are many ways to give back to your country that do not include "training to kill people."

BTW, I doubt that most of the people who sign up for military service look at is a chance to kill people, but rather as a way to help serve their country.


Going around training to kill people wouldnt benefit most people. In the long run it would probably harm society.

if people were trained to kill people they'd presumably be trained when and why, maybe it would be an improvement in that respect.
there are countries that do this, and have lower crime rates than we do.


Mandatory military service for a short period (1-2 years) would benefit young people.

Young people join the military to fight for something. This should be up to them and shouldnt be mandatory. They know the risks of joining the military.


But not everyone is a patriot like you. You can't expect for everyone to have the same values and feel the same way you do.

Troll said:
Yes he can...
To the troll who replied this in a -rep, no he can't, because not everyone thinks the same way, nor should. People have the right to their own opinion, and everyone should decide for themselves if they should join the army or not, and weigh all the risks and benefits first.


if people were trained to kill people they'd presumably be trained when and why, maybe it would be an improvement in that respect.
Teaching people right from wrong should come way before late teens to be effective.
There will always be different types of people, but traditionally the hardest thing for the military has been to get soldiers etc to kill anyone, particularly face to face. Most adults have their morals pretty well sorted out that way.
The methods that have been used to cure this problem - drugs, hate training, and others - are unlikely to make a better civilian, and really likely to do the opposite.


Try to remove your opinions from this for a moment, look at it purely from a pros and cons point of view.
This isn't a debate about whether you're anti-military, its a debate about whether or not a short, but mandatory, term of military service would have more benefits or more drawbacks for young people.

If anyone has any stats, backing up arguments with them always helps ;)


Hmm, this is a tough one. I'd have to say that a short, mandatory military term for all 'young' people would be beneficial overall. It would teach them discipline, improve their physical state, decrease the chance of being invaded, if invaded you have a country of people trained to defend, and much more.

The cons of it would be: rebels, riots, people refusing to serve, resulting in a lot of arrests, etc, people fleeing across borders to evade service, more money spent for equipment, abuse of military power, and some more. On a personal note, if I were one day told I would have to serve a mandatory military term, I wouldn't like it, but I still think it would be beneficial.


as in the ones you won't get thrown in jail for?
as in soldiers are not supposed to kill civilians :rolleyes:

also i've thought some about this.

military training/weapons training = good
enforced combat deployment except in cases of national defense (ie in your home country) would cause more harm than good, due to deserters, low morale, and those who don't want to be there turning sides possibly, or getting captured and easily giving info.


Well I live in a country with a mandatory military service for every male citizen (voulantary for women). The service lasts either 8 or 11 months, depending on your education level, middle school/high school education will get you 8 months of service, anything beyond that (undergrad/grad degree or even just being enrolled in a college) will get you 11 months of service. The lenght difference comes from the fact that people with a higher education levels will become NCO's or skilled specialists in their field, whereas people with lower education will just become ordinary soldiers.
There is a pretty thorugh physical and mental screening done before though to find out who is fit for military duty, about 30-35% are considered to be unfit and are exempt from service. There is also an option to apply for "exchange service" instead of military service if you find military service going against your religious or other kinds of beliefs, which means you spend 12 months (exchange service is longer) doing some socially benefitial work for state-sanctioned pay.
As our military system is based on reserve-forces it's kinda the only way, a country this small can't hold much of an active military, but thanks to this system there is a "sleeping army" of several hundred thousand on stand-by at all times with specific orders where to be and what to do should a situation arise. Everyone has had military training, the units have been formed and the units have trained together, everyone knows the men they are supposed to work with one day, despite the fact that might not see eachother for years on end and live in compeltely different parts of the country.
So from a small country's perspective the system is worth it's value.

From a single person's point of view I find it be a double-sided coin. On one hand every little boy gets to live out his boywood wet dream of running around with an actual gun, playing with explosives and all the "butch man stuff". You get valuable knowledge on both military aspects bqut also for other fields of life. You learn how to survive in the wild on your own without any food, water or shelter, you learn how to find you way in the wild and not get lost and first and foremost the buddies you will make there are for life.
On the other hand it's still military training in essence, which means the physically and mentally weaker people will face some sort of abuse one way or the other, people might break-down from the mental and physical strain and of course You have to spend alot of time away from Your loved ones.

All in all, I belong in the group of old-school people who still think every man should be able to use a gun when needed (despite the fact that in my country it's almost impossible to buy or own a personal gun of any sorts) and that the bigger picture of serving your country should become ahead of everything else.


Ya probably. They don't even need much of an army to be able to defend themselves, only a complete idiot would try and invade them.