Passed Farming Villages in 2.0

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Sorry, no, I meant just owning all 8 FVs. The reward to loot all of them should be enough, irrespective of the level of the FVs.

8 FVs show more dedication than the level of FVs IMO, because it is an individual effort and at the end you really only use FVs as a resource dump anyway.


1. you must own all 8 farms
2. You can only demand all (not loot all)
3. You must do it per island (active city per island)

1. I disagree. Utterly and completely. :p Owning all 8 might show dedication to the game, but with that setting the game will still be a pain until a decent amount of time into it. By that time we'll be at one town per island yet again. There's also some tactical benefits in not taking the last town which I for one wouldn't want to lose.

2. Agreed.

3. Definitely agree.


I'm going to push this into development, Even if the other idea is there it helps to have both

Threads have been merged together

Please lets start agreeing on the boundaries of this idea

I will start

you must own all 8 farms
You can only demand all (not loot all)
You must do it per island (active city per island)

I agree with all 3 of these. I would add a fourth thing. I believe this should be an option for all available times. It frankly wouldn't make sense not to.
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I like this idea. (all three points) with alot of cities, it becomes really tiresome to demand. It feels like a penalty for doing well at the game. I usually only get 7 farms on an island and this will motivate me to get all 8!


great idea....would love to spend less time farming and more time warring...the demanding is 'demanding' in itself !!


This sounds like an excellent premium account feature, something folks would actually pay for. So, to amend the original idea...


A premium feature, under either Administrator or Merchant, which would allow demanding resources from all villages, for all of your cities, at once. This would add a link to the right of Miscellaneous on the menu you get with Administrator.

The time it takes to administer resource gathering over your villages, especially once you have multiple cities, is intense. This would provide a way to minimize the number of clicks it would take. The trade off would be that it would only be for demanding resources, and you would have to choose the same option for all cities.

Additionally, the current method of demanding resources does not work with certain devices, such as Droid, for example. A different menu structure from demanding resources that supported such technology would be a positive addition.

A link to the right of Miscellaneous called "Demand" would open up with the correct premium feature. Clicking this link would open up a window similar to the current demand window for a village. This window would have either three or six options, depending on if you have booty researched. Only the three or six time options would be displayed, not the resources. Clicking on a time option would globally make that time demand on all of your villages, irregardless of what city they belong to. Number of resources would depend on the individual villages. Villages for which demand is not yet available would be unaffected. Resources would be credited to their city as currently.


Premium feature. You would only be able to select one time option, globally. You could only do demand, not loot or demand troops.

Save premium players the time clicking on all of their villages to demand resources. Help those players with carpal tunnel syndrome.

I like the original idea by Shadowkillr as in the original thread header, much more than this 're-proposed' idea. Please scrap this premium idea off. :(

I agreed absolutely that premium users have way too much advantages already. If the admin went way overboard to the sake of profit-making, this game makes no sense to its' motto of 'free-to-play' philosophy. It will end up a bully game instead. When i agree that there should be advantages for premium users who are paying money for, there should also be some balance in that is is still of reasonable sense for an usual player to be engaged in the game. Beyond that, i see no point in playing anymore.

Really hope this idea of 'demand/loot' all when 8 farms have been conquered be adopted soon! It's just make so much sense that it advocates 'more cities conquest by less time to harvest, and also gives a strong incentive to be committed by the game through conquering all 8 farms. :cool:



What about if you want to distribute the resources I would suggest that there would be a button where you can set how much of what goes to where.(This means that lets say 10% of the resources will go to city A and the 90% to City B this will make distributing easier)


Has there been any progress on this idea? What if anything needs to be done by us players to move it along to the next step? Every single person I've talked to about it has thought it was a brilliant idea and really wants to see it implemented.


haha good luck guys :) good idea but it wont be implemented if it is it will most certainly be a premium feature


I would pay for this to be a premium feature... I dont like the idea of owning all 8 villages though... I have never gotten all 8 villages and probably never will... But I think it is silly not to allow it as a loot option as well... Demand all/ Loot all... Especially once you get to even 5-6 cities it starts to become a real pain to demand/loot villages... This would probably be the best thing to ever happen to grepolis... And would bring a lot of players back to 2.0 who have left simply because they hate the farming method... So sum it all up... Demand/Loot all, no matter how many villages you have... And make it on a per city basis...


the idea is very good............but it should not be a premium only feature.....everyone should get it after conquering all farming villages

well for premium user you do not need to conquer all the villages would be fair
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I love the idea. This farming thing is starting to bore me. It's a pain in the butt.
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Completely agree

The farming thing is so tedious I'm thinking about playing something more fun. If I could automate the process, even if it was a premium feature it would vastly improve the game experience.


I quit one world for just this reason and if it does not get better I will most likely quit and consider other games as well.

There are two very time consuming issues in Grepolis:

1. The farming/looting experience is absolutely awful (as has been described in detail).

2. Timing attacks from multiple cities is also incredibly time consuming. You should be able to set the time of the attack or support, walk away or go to sleep and the system knows to automatically send the support or the attack.
You shouldn't have to wait over the course of hours to time all of the attacks/supports.

Obviously if you still wanted to tighten the timings, you could still do it manually, but many times this would not be necessary. You could schedule the attacks for 15 seconds before the CS, or supports 15 seconds after the CS (in a conquest world) and then walk away.

The biggest problem with 2.0 is how time consuming it can become, and quitting is currently the only viable solution.

The farming thing is so tedious I'm thinking about playing something more fun. If I could automate the process, even if it was a premium feature it would vastly improve the game experience.


Please look at the Original Post, it has been updated, and that is wat is going to vote.
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What are the arguments against this suggestion?
There must be some since a discussion about implementing is needed.
Could someone please enlighten me about the cons since I only see the pros?


I would pay for this to be a premium feature... I dont like the idea of owning all 8 villages though... I have never gotten all 8 villages and probably never will... But I think it is silly not to allow it as a loot option as well... Demand all/ Loot all... Especially once you get to even 5-6 cities it starts to become a real pain to demand/loot villages... This would probably be the best thing to ever happen to grepolis... And would bring a lot of players back to 2.0 who have left simply because they hate the farming method... So sum it all up... Demand/Loot all, no matter how many villages you have... And make it on a per city basis...

the only thing wrong with a loot all is that you might loot a vill that has low mood already and it'll revolt.


whos fault is that though, youd have to check the moods before clicking loot all wouldnt be that hard really
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