Harbingers Declaration of Support


The issues surrounding the rapidly changing diplomacy of EoTD have been on the forefront of most discussions in Delta lately, and I have taken offense at being painted as the one at fault in all of this. Unfortunately, what is in fact happening is a power play by a member of DoA who is, quite successfully, trying to sieze control of doA and eoTD and steal the server.
to that effect I applaud the members of EoTd that are wise enough to see through the ruse and are willing to stand for what is right and return to their roots and become allied to Harbingers once again.
To start I welcome Nick to our longstanding friendship and I sincerely hope that more of you will follow, seeing through the facade that was presented to you and refusing to hand the server over to DoA in an act of mindless contrition and rather STAND AND FIGHT FOR WHAT IS OURS!!!

furthermore, I will add that I will personally guarantee not only my approval and a warm hand, but unquestioning friendship and unrelenting suppor tto all members of the new alliance Dreadnaughts.


I for one, refuse to uphold a pact with an alliance, who refuses to uphold their end of the bargain. I refuse to play protector for DoA while, over the course of a month, they take 15 cities from OTC while losing 8. And for Ionian Legions, who believe they are godsend and have only taken 1 city from OTC while losing 3.

While I could into details, I find I have little need. All EotD members know the score. I would wager all Honey Badger and Harbingers know the score as well.

I was faced with a difficult decision. Either allow DoA to take complete and total control over EotD - and live with it. Or attempt to do something about it. I choose the later. As the leader of LoC, who trusted EotD to do the right thing regarding our future safety I am appalled by how things were handled. I am further appalled that the terms of our agreements with DoA were never published for all to read.

At the end of the day - I am not ready to hand the server over to a DoA/Huns coalition. I would rather have a chance to make it to the Hero world and fight my friends in a fun and reasonable fashion. A Harbs/HB v. EotD member showdown would be just what the doctor ordered.

That is my goal. I stand by my choices - and I will do everything in my power to make that goal come to life.


WOW nwhiner, I congratulate you. You opened your eyes and now you see and speak the truth about DoA. I give my hand out to you.


This is a disgraceful stab in the back by Nwinder.

He has winged and whined for so long that everybody is glad to see the back of him. EOTD is stronger without him.

His new alliance will be short lived and few, if any, will join.

His pathetic attempt to wrestle power from Dysen has spectacularly failed. Now it is time for him to rot; and loose 1 or 50 cities of course.

Oh, and by the way, EOTD also offers its hand in friendship to all who want to leave the Harbingers.
You are not getting it all your own way philney. We can play that game too.
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His pathetic attempt to wrestle power from Dysen has spectacularly failed. Now it is time for him to rot; and loose 1 or 50 cities of course.

you mean mwilliams.... at least know who your alliance leader is..... damn.....


This is a disgraceful stab in the back by Nwinder.

He has winged and whined for so long that everybody is glad to see the back of him. EOTD is stronger without him.

His new alliance will be short lived and few, if any, will join.

His pathetic attempt to wrestle power from Dysen has spectacularly failed. Now it is time for him to rot; and loose 1 or 50 cities of course.

Oh, and by the way, EOTD also offers its hand in friendship to all who want to leave the Harbingers.
You are not getting it all your own way philney. We can play that game too.

Hey Imperica, Are you going to do all the attacking on Nwhiner. I love how a man so far away can speak of rimming one player. When He who speaks went hiding when His war with Doa was a flop. Keep going after inactives and small players. You are a mighty warrior.


danie, i know im the leader of eotd, im curious..are one of your 2 or 3 accounts a leader as well lol, phil I like how you like to put the blame elsewhere, dude you gave me an exact time on when you were going to begin your effort to rim nick..told me their was nothing we could do about it except let him go or the harbingers would go to war with us. What the heck were we suppose to do coming from a founder...we made friends with doa in case you were telling the truth..you waited a bit and then started attacking us useing doa for the excuse. I see that is was ok and we were suppose to trust you guys when you were pacted with two of our enemies..well we did, we asked you guys to do the same in return (mind we are only pacted with one of your enemies) because we wanted to stay friends and have nothing change between eachother. A member of your own council cant even believe that what is ok for you guys isnt ok for your allies....


danie, i know im the leader of eotd, im curious..are one of your 2 or 3 accounts a leader as well lol, phil I like how you like to put the blame elsewhere, dude you gave me an exact time on when you were going to begin your effort to rim nick..told me their was nothing we could do about it except let him go or the harbingers would go to war with us. What the heck were we suppose to do coming from a founder...we made friends with doa in case you were telling the truth..you waited a bit and then started attacking us useing doa for the excuse. I see that is was ok and we were suppose to trust you guys when you were pacted with two of our enemies..well we did, we asked you guys to do the same in return (mind we are only pacted with one of your enemies) because we wanted to stay friends and have nothing change between eachother. A member of your own council cant even believe that what is ok for you guys isnt ok for your allies....

I have 300 accounts mate, and everyone knows that you got told by mwilliams to accept the pact, several people have stated they were on phone with you and she was basically screaming at you while you were trying to talk to them.....

Do you deny it and call them people liars?


wow Lies after lies... Now these are new excuses, the story changes daily.
Just speak the truth and say it that you pacted HB and within an hours merry threaten to leave and you drop the pact and pact DOA within mins. You even admitted that you made a mistake on joining Doa. now you are trying to spin it to blame phil. What a load of crap. Say what you want about sparky's lead skills, You take the prize as the ultimate sell out to any alliance. You choose a female over your alliance.
Side note She isnt Helen of troy.


danie, i know im the leader of eotd, im curious..are one of your 2 or 3 accounts a leader as well lol, phil I like how you like to put the blame elsewhere, dude you gave me an exact time on when you were going to begin your effort to rim nick..told me their was nothing we could do about it except let him go or the harbingers would go to war with us. What the heck were we suppose to do coming from a founder...we made friends with doa in case you were telling the truth..you waited a bit and then started attacking us useing doa for the excuse. I see that is was ok and we were suppose to trust you guys when you were pacted with two of our enemies..well we did, we asked you guys to do the same in return (mind we are only pacted with one of your enemies) because we wanted to stay friends and have nothing change between eachother. A member of your own council cant even believe that what is ok for you guys isnt ok for your allies....

OK then, lets test the mental power of the players of Delta...

1. Absolutely no one thinks you are still in control of EoTD, you wouldnt have sold out to the other side and you wouldnt have tried to force your players into a losing spot.
2. You keep saying I told you I was going to war with EoTD over nick, yet when this first started your excuse for not telling anyone was that you had no way to talk to me for weeks and couldnt wait to make a move....so which is it. When you pick a lie you should stick to it.
3. WE pacted your enemy (IoA) before we had ever even talked to any of you about anything and if I am not mistaken then it was before EoTD even existed so its irrelevant. We pacted HB under your directions and it was a great move by the way.
4. Your little freak out and propaganda moves are so weak and underhanded that I cannot imagine anyone privy to them could possibly imagine you are still in control or in your right mind.

@ Imperica, being that Harbingers didnt betray EoTD I dont think you should hold out your hand with too much expectation. I am glad to see you here though, its about time you tried to participate in something.


What is with you people saying Dysen is no longer in control of EotD. He has more leadership qualities then you all of you potato muffins put together:/


phil. dysen is not a total dictator. he is the greatest kind of leader. he makes decisions by how the alliance members respond to things. that kind of leader must have these qualities, understanding,caring, and being awesome and putting smiley faces after each sentence. he reads the alliance in a sense he can figure out which way the alliance will go. he devotes so much time to US and the alliance im not sure how he has a job lol. that is the BEST kind of leader. with that kind of leadership EOTD will never fall. dysen you are the reason we are here and we are the reason you are here.


WOW nwhiner, I congratulate you. You opened your eyes and now you see and speak the truth about DoA. I give my hand out to you.

Your hand is rejected you fowl mouth rabble monger. The day I do anything with you, is the day I die. You can take your warped since of this world and flush it down the toilet.

My actions were done out of honor - unlike a single action you've ever undertaken.

Dysen agreed this decision would be mine to make - he went back on his word to me.

Mwilliams is leading DoA. Kristo has told me he is not leading any more. If they are really looking out for EotD's best interest, they would be at war with the huns. Which they are not.

I will no longer stand on the sidelines and watch EotD trashed to the point of non-existence.

Proof of the fowl play by DoA is evident:

I spoke to Kristo about trying to find peace with the Harbs. I went over to Harbs to discuss this and Philney came over to EotD as a guest to try to fix our relationship.

I wake up to the tenth degree from MWilliams.

The fact is DoA does not have a clear leader at the moment.

DoA invalidated our pact with them, by not declaring war on the huns. Had DoA declared on the huns, we would have never had a problem with Harbs. If Dysen cannot see it, that is not my problem any longer. It is his alliance, not mine. He has made it clear, there is no room for me in EotD. Kristo even acknowledged these problems and wanted to fix them. Instead of negotiating to get the terms appropriate of the DoA/EotD pact - Dysen chooses to blindly follow DoA.

The only party at fault is DoA - those who cannot see it, are welcome to do whatever they want.

I will not fight any of my friends in this game. I am tired of fighting harbs, and I am tired of fighting Honey Badgers.

I just want to fight the huns. That is it. That is all I want. My message in this game has been simple, since day one. I want the huns to do die. As diplomacy was and is, that can't happen.


It is simple, of all major alliances - EotD is in the worst position. Why would EotD fight to protect DoA?

the more we fight the harbs, the more of a chance of never fixing the problem. Same with honey badgers.

The goal has always been to kill the huns...that's it.
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Ignoring Philney's wittering and getting right to the point.

Dreadnoughts still has only one member. Nwinder ruling over himself.

Nice to see you have pacted with such a great alliance there philney.

Be careful though. I hear that even though Dreadnoughts is a one member alliance, it is already suffering from bickering and infighting. Apparently Nwinder vociferously disagreed with his own decision and had an argument with himself. A little birdy told me that Nwinder is already plotting to betray himself as he can no longer cope with Dreadnoughts terrible leadership.


Ignoring Philney's wittering and getting right to the point.

Dreadnoughts still has only one member. Nwinder ruling over himself.

Nice to see you have pacted with such a great alliance there philney.

Be careful though. I hear that even though Dreadnoughts is a one member alliance, it is already suffering from bickering and infighting. Apparently Nwinder vociferously disagreed with his own decision and had an argument with himself. A little birdy told me that Nwinder is already plotting to betray himself as he can no longer cope with Dreadnoughts terrible leadership.

Great job addressing a single point brought up Imperica. And last I checked Imperica, I have not extended an invite to a single person. I would most like to see EotD fix their issues. I would like to see EotD renegotiate its pact with DoA, in such a way that it can find peace with Harbs and Honey Badgers - and it can continue fighting The Huns.

If you noticed in my message, I asked no one to join me. I merely said, "I hope to see you on the other side". I hope, more than anything - that people realize that this relationship with DoA - which is being followed blindly, is not in the best interest of EotD. And I hope, more than anything, that EotD can realize this and can move forward with old friends unified.

I have no ill-will towards EotD, nor shall I ever. But the fact remains in an incredibly simple fashion - things are broken and need to be fixed. I had things fixed - and Dysen's executive order to stick by DoA blindly, despite DoA not following our pact seems foolish to me. Break a pact with Honey Badgers because of one player invalidating the agreement, but not when an entire alliance does not do what it is says, three weeks+ later.
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Wow guys, you two really do deserve eachother, two peas in a pod lol First off, i had told you both that i wasnt going to betray doa for a bunch of reasons, now i will say the whole thing, we had talked on the phone and messages and if you remember correctly(which you probably dont) i had told you my girl(and I) have worked so hard to bring everything together and now that it is. If i just up and betray them she will kill me, nick i even told you that my girl would never leave me over a game lol she would just give me hell for betraying them. You guys act like she wouldnt have had the right lol your kidding right, is betrayal getting to be that common now that its spoken and done like its easier than ordering a movie lol thankyou everybody who has a sense of reasoning and understands that every action has an equal or greater reaction ;) and in the real world, i dont let others do certain things and it be ok and then turn around and tell me that i cant...its a joke


and nick i did say i was stepping back and letting you take the lead but that didnt mean i said go ahead and betray doa because the harbs tend to think that everything they do is ok and if we do something remotely close we are traitors...hmmmmm, some people need to step outside the box and say WOW, if we are calling them traitors, then we must be traitors ourselves


O and the pact with the honeybadgers was broken bc you yourself had told me, "O i know they are going to betray us as soon as we help them fight doa" which we both thought was true considering we were lied to withing 24hrs..another thing you agreed with me on but all that changes bc you new best friends.... im done with this thread and the endless babble about things that make no sense and talking about peoples personal lives bc players dont have one theirselves..o and it doesnt matter how many times you say something BS is BS lol o and danie, so what your saying is if you pacted with somebody and hear their friend talking about betraying you..you wouldnt say anything..yeah ok lmao bc thats exactly what she did..whenever she got pist it was for a normal reason..like how your friends talking about betraying you tends to upset you..then again, the lies and betrayal are getting so common you dont even think about it anymore k i have a life, sorry guys gotta go, its comforting knowing that nomatter what, you guys will be here and if your not, just wait 15 min and you will be lol
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