Instant Buy Feedback


The part about anything under 5 minutes being free is nice. The part that benefits gold users sucks. On US 41 the top alliance had a guy with over 6k points into day 2 of BP. Can't tell me he didn't use gold. The game has lost its luster.


I rarely comment on anything as evidenced by my stellar posting numbers but I am going to chime in here. The direction Inno is taking the future of this game is apparent based on the updates and features implemented over the last year. Events are more plentiful, gold driven, and always accompanied with a ten percent gold bonus sale. The top row of the main menu in my phone app reads Overview, Inventory, Premium. Why is Premium on the top row instead of reports, messages, or forum? Now we are kicking around Instant Buy.

I can't really fault Inno for any of this because they see the financial bottom line every month and users are obviously digging deep into their pockets to play this game. Like any "for profit" corporation they will take advantage of this and exploit. The gold users are the demographic they are now targeting. What Inno needs to decide is how far do they want to go with this and do they want to do so at the expense of long time players and the general integrity of the game.


I will quit playing if this feature goes through. paying for resources was bad enough.

there was nothing wrong with the game to begin with, and the heroes and implementing hero world features into it, and now all this gold stuff. you are going to eliminate the players that dont use gold to a high degree, and that is your biggest chunk of players.

if you want to change something, how about implementing the re balancing inno has been throwing around for 3-4 years, or an event that doesnt involve gold, to give everyone an even playing field... something actually fun, that doesnt make u feel like u have to spend to keep up.

dont fix it, if it aint broke.. my two cents.
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The part about anything under 5 minutes being free is nice. The part that benefits gold users sucks. On US 41 the top alliance had a guy with over 6k points into day 2 of BP. Can't tell me he didn't use gold. The game has lost its luster.

ive played other browsers with last five free features and it was good ive also played games with instant finnish and it was not so bad

as we stand you may have to spend aprox 175 gold to reduce a 10hr build to 5 mins but only 25 gold to reduce by 5 hrs

if inno charge 200 gold to reduce a 10hr build to zero then there is no diferance to game mechanics just a price hike to golders.


We seem to be getting a lot of announcements lately all relating to gold but I haven't seen any new feature that I much like for quite a long time now.

Meanwhile I'm about ready for a new server but there's no sign of one.

It's looking to me like my years with Inno (been here since Alpha) are approaching an end.


sure there will be a server out soon iz will you be joining with joe?


If the settings work I'll be giving it a go but I'm getting close to quitting - Byllis is on life support and there isn't an alternative atm.

Good location btw - poit!


Ok so now gold users can buy all the resources they want and instantly construct buildings. You basically just handed the game over to all the gold users. Next I guess you plan on having people buy favor. In fact why not just let alliances pool all their gold together and buy wonder levels instantly.


exactly my point!
With the gold trading getting implemented too gold users can buy resources and build nukes in a day if they want


Ok so now gold users can buy all the resources they want and instantly construct buildings. You basically just handed the game over to all the gold users. Next I guess you plan on having people buy favor. In fact why not just let alliances pool all their gold together and buy wonder levels instantly.

cheater im surprised at you jumping to conclusions, time will tell if this is an improvment and brings more balance and ive already proven i could reduce times by half to almost zero already the only diferance this feature will make is i bet it costs more !


cheater im surprised at you jumping to conclusions, time will tell if this is an improvment and brings more balance and ive already proven i could reduce times by half to almost zero already the only diferance this feature will make is i bet it costs more !

They clearly said that halving it down to zero is very expensive, so they are making it cheaper. You need to read their announcement clearly!


zero read BT's thread carefully the aim of this is to cut the high cost gold users pay when cutting times in half
so this would be cheaper...

question though will both these features(cutting constructions in half AND instant buy) run at the same time?


lol i read that , but ive been in buisness a long time and id bet my last pound this will be a price hike.

while the overall cost reducing times to zero can be very expensive cutting the time once or twice is cheap, effective and what most people do.

2 halves equals 50 gold bet an instant build costs more than 50 gold

if it does then overall grepo will increase its gold sales

but also there is an interesting balancing factor

big gold whores who just abuse gold regardless of cost have an advantage over moderate gold users the instant build feature will level the feild more between gold users and gold abusers


No, I think it's likely to be the opposite result. At the moment you can halve a build time for 25 or quarter it for 50. So for someone like me that might occasionally gold up a wall the question is: will golding to instant complete from 50% done still cost 25 gold, or will it be more or less? Will 25% done to complete be more or less than 50 gold? If it's less it will indeed help to level the field, but it's my bet that it will be a lot more.


No, I think it's likely to be the opposite result. At the moment you can halve a build time for 25 or quarter it for 50. So for someone like me that might occasionally gold up a wall the question is: will golding to instant complete from 50% done still cost 25 gold, or will it be more or less? Will 25% done to complete be more or less than 50 gold? If it's less it will indeed help to level the field, but it's my bet that it will be a lot more.

that kind of what im saying if implimented properly it could reduce extremes of gold abuse and be no more derisive to the game than the existing system
i use gold and am happy to do so it funds the game but blatant gold abuse is ugly and detrimental


As long as the features are balanced and fair it should be fine, but we will see.


This is enough already.

Add my name to the list of people who will leave if this makes it into a real server.


The Fundamentals of Grepolis:
  • Gold Users will constantly buy gold. So virtually they would have infinite amount of gold to spend. This is the Law of Infinity.
  • In order to keep gold users from getting a huge advantage, limit them with the currency called resources. This is the Law of Balance.
  • Here is a proof:
    Scenario 1:
    Construction time: 6 hours
    After spending 25 gold: 3 hours
    After spending 25 more gold: 1.5 hours
    After spending 25 more gold: 0.75 hours
    After spending 25 more gold: 0.375 hours=22.5 minutes
    After spending 25 more gold: 11.25 minutes
    After spending 25 more gold: 5.125 minutes

    Assuming the player stops there, he has spent 150 gold.


Bad Bad idea - so no doubts it will get implemented


I have already made my points on the gold trading thread; that being said this is not as bad as many are making out if its done with proper balance to the resource trading; admittedly done wrong it will create a mess.

The other week I "golded" over 80 Light ships in under an hour from a mass spell drop of resources from my alliance when I had a CS incoming; so its perfectly possible to do what many of you fear right now this simplifies the usage and adding in the under 5 minute free part is pretty good especially early in game as everyone can get through early levels of things quickly.

The biggest issue this will cause on top of buying resources is an even larger imbalance between certain players willing to spend large sums of gold and the rest. A solo player can do an aweful lot when combined with extremely high gold usage but it still takes a well organised alliance to win a world or a well organised team to dominate a couple of oceans what this does as I said on the other thread is make it almost impossible to take a city off players who are willing to spend the gold unless part of a large scale operation on multiple cities.

If the gold trading thread is implemented with solid safeguards this will have minimal effect in fact in my opinion it will be for the better. I have spent some days and I know others who do sending resources to que up 6-7 full builds of biremes or Light ship combined with a call of ocean I will then use gold once or twice to cut que in half again still taking a day or two to build 200+ biremes which on a speed 1 world would of taken over a week now I will only have the option of either purchasing them all or letting them build as normal.

Alot of this is on how its all put together that being said the fact inno would rather put all this gold usage matters into the game before the rebalance and such is extremely poor service not that I was expecting anything else.