Instant Buy Feedback

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
If the input from testing the feature isn't extensive enough like it was for the gold trading feature I'd imagine they'd do the same thing they are doing with gold trading which is having it go live on one of the smaller servers to get a better idea of how it'll work in more varied conditions.


BT the biggest issue with having it go live on a small server is it still does not give a full view of how it will end up a on a a large international server with say 30k+ players initially.

I repeat I have already seen a player on Oropos gold an entire manticore nuke in a matter of hours using the Merchant.

I still feel this is actually a change for the better as I doubt even I will purchase 5-6 stacks of units unless it serves a larger purpose that being said when combined with the ability to purchase resources as well this will allow a player to literally build a max pop force in a matter of hours if their willing to sit there purchasing a stack of units every time their warehouse is full from the traded resources. The two of these changes combined could quite possibly create a large imbalance in the game for the worse especially early on in a world.


How much did Inno pay you to talk this feature up? Lol jk
Really though, the fundemental theory behind the change is clearly stated as gold required will be proportional to time left in queue. This introduces an issue at the base level, not the mechanic level. As mentioned this is not something that can be tested in beta unless more servers are released.
Would love some purple input.
dare I say the envoy (does he still exist?)

the point is that inno say this will be cheaper to use , the fact everyone seems to miss is that is impossible to happen across the board.

compare the extrems of the halving system and compare it to a single payment and it wont be the same and it wont be possible to directly corelate one to the other price wise

so that leaves room for one extreame to be cheaper against the other exteam being more exspencive

inno have already said that max halving will be cheaper so we know that initial costs will rise as in this type of system it would be impossible not to.
so inno has cleaverly pass of a reduction as a price hike with cleaver wording happens all the time in buisness


know what implement this :D
360 gold for almost 6 hours of recruiting(82 swords)....well that's amazing :D


After seeing this feature On the Beta, I am in 100% agreement with it being implemented. I support the Hell out of this idea :p

Here's a screenshot of it:

Screenshot-Grepolis-Google Chrome.png

Paying 450 Gold for 18 biremes :D

That's 25 Gold a piece.

If they don't get more expensive/cheaper if you buy more at once, you're paying a pretty hefty price of 6,000 Gold for a 240 Bireme nuke.


exactly my point too,best part is halving times won't be there :D
although those building construction ones should be increased too,walls could be upgraded pretty easy


I shall support this if they hike the price by another 25 %


Grepolis is the award winning game in the Inno games stable. If you introduce this feature I think that it will detract from that qualitative reputation of the game because you will have given it a "pay to win" label.


let them implement this :p
who in their right mind would pay 360 gold for 81 swords or 450 gold for 18 birs??? :D


And who would burn 600 gold just to get to 688 points ( the new beta world starts with 175 points )


After seeing this feature On the Beta, I am in 100% agreement with it being implemented. I support the Hell out of this idea :p

Here's a screenshot of it:

View attachment 10803

Paying 450 Gold for 18 biremes :D

That's 25 Gold a piece.

If they don't get more expensive/cheaper if you buy more at once, you're paying a pretty hefty price of 6,000 Gold for a 240 Bireme nuke.
Ok sounds fair to me lol.

And who would burn 600 gold just to get to 688 points ( the new beta world starts with 175 points )

You would be surprised how much some people love their gold.
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That's technically 6 dollars right there if you buy the least expensive ones


omg im sooooooo loving this loged in and saw the costs and what can i say :p


A 6:30 hour long construction requires like 360 gold

Compared to a 150 gold if by halving

Me likey


So basically if they implement it as is, it's the end of gold except for advisors :cool:

I think we can be pretty sure they're going to do some tuning then...


So basically if they implement it as is, it's the end of gold except for advisors :cool:

I think we can be pretty sure they're going to do some tuning then...

if they dont then it will be a nice return to the older style of game play where high baracks and harber were essential
also the focus of gold use will be on changing quests to gain bufffs to reduce times cost effectivly
not tested this part yet but if last 5 is free there is a massive gain for players online allday as they can build troops one at a time and save 5 mins on each where as multiple troop buys only have one 5 min reduction?


you cannot make troops for free under 5 mins
only buildings


I am impressed... INNO devs managed to dream up a fix for the part of teh game that WASN'T broken. A fix that no one likes and could ruin their game.

Let us do a little math

210 LS nuke - assume it takes 8 hrs per unit in ten units of 21
that is a total of 80 hrs to rebuild the nuke - yep... that is 3.3 days to wait
the current 1/2 build system lets a gold user cut that in half for 25 x 10 = 250 gold
thats not bad - I do it all the time
if combat is hot and heavy - i might cut in half again 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4
500 gold to get the nuke rebuilt in 20 hrs instead of 3.3 days
i wont spend anymore - that would be crazy

now INNO "offers" an instant build for 30 gold per LS? that is 6300 gold for one 210 LS nuke!
do you think I am nuts??

here is the consequence... combat slows down to a crawl
gold players like me say so long to this greedy game
instead of more gold -- INNO revenue bottoms out
no revenue... game closes... everyone loses ---- gold users, freeloaders, and INNO

this has got to be one of the more stupid "improvements" I have ever seen

the current system works - it is flexible, it has limits, it is attractive to paying customers, it only gives a modest edge, and has diminished returns to prevent abuse

INNO - have you thought this through?
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