LWN Lambda Weekly News


:p im not saying im tired of fighting, lol im just tired of trying to keep an alliance in buisness in a world where theres people losing cities everyday i need to start out fresh... i need to find grass thats greener... and im not one whos fighting other people may be but im stuck in my little ocean until someone arrives to fight... peace can be a good thing but hey war does make people work. And right now im unemployed or undeployed :p


Aragorn, we already caught one of your members attacking our member, and we have your alliance marked as red. Everything you have at ocean34 needs to go at some point. You can start shipping ur birs towards bloody ocean 34 :D


Oh well it seems as if sooner or later we will get dragged into this war sooner or later. :p I hope to see me trying to fight with 8 different bombs lol well dont get me wrong but i learned how to fight a little later then i expected :p


Interesting news and topic to cover. The only part missing is whats going on in the northeast. I see a bunch of stuff about the war with IS and IoH and Imperium, but nothing at all on Myriad.


Interesting news and topic to cover. The only part missing is whats going on in the northeast. I see a bunch of stuff about the war with IS and IoH and Imperium, but nothing at all on Myriad.

Myriad is not important :p


Lol,so we got luck,we're fighting against top 3 alliances,and we're in LWN,like it... :D


But before Myriad came into the war, KOF was jumping up. Now they've fallen huge points and OOC might just do the same soon.


And think wisely my friend,after OoC fail,who'll leave here? You think that south alliances will look at Myriad like friends? I don't think so.


after all the south alliance has been clean out, who will be IS next target??,,At last Myriad also will be infected too i guess..


After all the north alliance has been clean out who will be IS next target??,,At last Myriad also will be infected too i guess...try to find your medicine quickly my friend before the disease came to you..;)


why are you all going on and on about this Infection as if it's not the point of the whole game... it's a war game at the end of the day it doesnt matter who's with who this world isn't going to end anytime soon even if alliances do fall - look at half of you here look at the ones running the alliances in the north how many of you were original founding members or even original leadership?

Myriads war's are their own choices, We had some problems with KOF that escelated without any outside pressure, those inside KOF know this to be true just like those inside Myriad, while i respect everyone is allowed their own opinion don't be fooled in thinking it's all black and white.

This is a game at the end of the day and the point is to have fun, i can't speak for everyone else but i know myriad players are having fun and enjoying the game and i am too, i have a great deal of respect for all of the major alliances in this world and infact all the alliances in general cause i know what it takes to run them, I don't post much on these forums i do read them though and i think alot of people really need to just take a step back and look at the world as a whole - there is only one ultimate goal, be the best :)


look at half of you here look at the ones running the alliances in the north how many of you were original founding members or even original leadership?

As you know,a lot of good leaders left this game,for one one or another reason. But I must say that OoC still have founding members playing,except Koz who had to leave. I'm only side leader there,but I deserved that with hard work that I put in this game. I joined OoC in May I think,when Rim Rulers merged to them,but I look at them like I played whole life with that guys. I don't see what's problem if someone take over leadership??? :pro:


lol am not saying it's a problem, far from it thats my point... the game is ever evolving alliances build up and crumble and new alliances are made from suvivors etc etc it doesnt matter whats happening now the world is far from over and i'm sure more than once we've all seen old enemies become friends it's all just about having a laugh and enjoying it


Yeah,a lot of alliances were rising and falling last few months,but I'm proud to say that OoC is here for a long time,and still kicking. Not sure how ling will stay there,but it's all about fun,and I'll be proud to see rim alliance made it with hard work and good crew. Maybe new factions will rise then? Or diplomacy will change? No one knows.


Its been a fun fight so far. Earlier we were located in a way that we were left out of best action, but caught up later on and doing our best at western part of the world.

Active players seem not to go anywhere and fun continues in a way or another.


The fun part about this war is just well it feels like a long lasting and perhaps a war that will ring through the ages of Lambda... I don't know how 2.0 will affect Lambda but perhaps i'll make an article on that about next week. About Is 2.0 changing Lambda?: lol or something like that.


LWN Special edition News Report!

Lambda's Weekly News!

a.k.a LWN

Main Headline is 2.0 changing Lambda?:

Most of us would say yes, 2.0 will change Lambda, in many ways it will affect the top alliances and how Lambda will run... the 1.0 version will soon be replaced by the new high tech 2.0 version. World wonders, a new farming system, new gods many more! I will cover each topic that will make a huge change on Lambda such as the World Wonders, the new farming system and the other small parts that are included that will greatly improve and destroy Lambda.

World Wonders:

With the new upbringing of world wonders. It will cause the downbringing of old alliances. World wonders will greatly affect the competition of Lambda, in the end only 1 will rise to the top. Alliance will change againest alliances new pacts will be formed againest alliances and suddenly points count and battle points don't no more. World wonders will bring into the Hero world but how can it be fair for people for 1.0 and suddenly turn to a 2.0 world. It wouldn't be fair the top alliances have already been made and you might as well be fighting for your life or quitting and waiting for the next world to come out. This greatly improves the top alliances chance of winning they now have two options they can become like a turtle and make the world wonders or they could continue taking over a world and still have the world wonders. Noone would be safe in a world where conquest is the only thing that reigns.

The new farming interface:

A new ordeal comes into play the improved farming interface. This allows players to donate money to the farms, raid or ask for "tribute" instead of sending horsemen to get resources you can now recruit troops from the very farm you loot! The benefits would be if your extreamly addicted to Grepolis you could get resources every five minutes, or if your a play that is being attacked you can always get that little support from your farms. Now the disadvantages, this gives players unlimtied resoures every five mintues or so and then they could just do it over and over, how bout an example to illustrate the idea. Say that a farm would give you 100 resources every five mintues. Now 60/5=12 now 12x100 that would equal 1,200 resources every 1 hour. That's a major advantage for players to gain the upperhand while we active but at the same time can't be on all the time get the short end of the stick. It would give alot of people an advantage yet at the same time prove alot of disadvantages.

Other changes:

Other issues such as the new graphics, different interface may make it extreamly confusing and the new graphics would slow many computers down losing good valued players of the grepolis community. Also the Phionecian trader, it may seem like a good idea at first but when i saw the prices of those troops it made a new impression. Troops are probably even more than their weight in gold i think its like 5000 silvers for about 20 horsemen. New gods might make it diffucult too, i mean people in 1.0 have been used to the four gods, Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, and Hera. Now you have Hades and Artimis that are coming up, this will change the battlefield entirely now suddenly the harpies or minotaur you had will not matter to Cerebus or a griffon. The new god powers also bring in some trouble such as Hades plague for example now players have the option of cutting other player's resource production in half for 2 hours. They can also bring soldiers back from the dead. This would be exteamly diffucult for players to get resourcesespecially if an alliance gots a good timing system of setting the next plague. It might of taken you 12 hours to get your resources full but now it could take a day before your resources even get half full.

The question:

The question that is asked is Will 2.0 greatly affect the gameplay of Lambda? the answer would be yes. All alliances have been set in 1.0 getting used to the terrain in 1.0 and their world. When 2.0 comes it will change many alliance's destinies. Lambda would certainly be the same without the players it has now and the system they set up in a 1.0 world not a 2.0 world. Now ask yourselves, would you rather be in a 1.0 world or a 2.0 world?

Author's note

From going off the top of my mind this is what i think would change Lambda i suppose if i did a little research i would have greatly improved this article. Still time is short, so again as always if my articles have offended you in any way please tell me and i will make the proper changes. I wonder what the forums look like if they changed it lol ;)
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2.0 gonna be a big hit and I dont think most are ready for it...