Top 12 Most promising Alliances

  • Thread starter Sappho of Eressos
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I'm not gonna waste anymore time here with him. When the world first started, I was invited to join Seraphim, why did I decline? Because The Empire is better in all ways. We already declare war on you since day 1.


I don't speak unless I can back it up, and he ignored I said it so he is obviously aware god is double accounting. I sent a ticket to the support, watch him get banned in a few days, then what good does he do you :)

C'mon dont snitch on him


You just made yourself look bad, anyone that has to cheat to gain the lead on someone isnt "better in all ways" and if you are better in all ways then why are we farming you huh? Nobody is gonna like you after reading this lol


I don't care if hes cheating, I dont even want him to get banned. I'd rather he just build cities for me to take later on


reality is hes better so back off ichimaru don't start another thing you can't finish


Are you on your period what did I do to you buddy... I told my players to stay out of your fight...Then your upset, are you feelings hurt? You must be scared of Legend so you change the subject to me...I also never said anything about rakatos or arshark or godslayers. I just said dont snitch on him because I hate to see a grepo player leave. We mostly have people playing and reaching 500 points and going ghost. We need everybody


Geez kid. What's got your knickers in a twist? I'm a happily married man now but when I was 16 I was out f***ing everything I could, you should try it, it may relieve some of that pent up aggression. You need to find something to do other than fill my inbox with messages like "I'm going to make pnp's about you and make everyone hate you" or "I know you're spying, my spy told me so".

Send the tickets, see where it gets you. Do you not realise how stupid you are making yourself look to the only people you spend any time with in this life? I'll unblock you if you promise that the only PM you send is one asking me how to be a better person in life and in Grepolis.



Obviously from gods reply he is cheating but just gave up on the game. And god I just made you guys look really stupid i forwarded this forum to everyone in my alliance and they are laughing at you and arshark. Another point how can you be a happily married man and only sleep a max of 2hrs per day? are you an unemployed bum with a rich wife. And whos to say you know a thing about my life
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Heh heh, are you serious? Please tell me Rakatos is the only idiot on here who misinterpreted my last comment.

This conversation is redundant kid. You need to do something else with your life. 16 is supposed to be fun, not stuck screaming and raging at a computer screen.


Okay so your married but on this game all the time??Spending silly amounts of money on gold to just get to revolt/conquest, isnt that just as sad??
Also you do realise your own player arshark is 16 so you pritty much insulted him there too ironically, plus not all countries is it legal at 16 to sleep around.
Secondly why would anyone wanna be like you, your married kids maybe and you spend your time in a game based for kids or young adults.
You spend your time calling them stupid yet here you are an adult arguein with what 16 year olds


Omg just stop now this is going to get real personal, rakatos you dont know his life, and godslayer you dont know his. You guys say you were going to fight so just do it...Also my personal opinion rakatos your comments are real immature. He isnt arguing with you, he told you go get some (cat). I also dont like when people make fun of gold users. They are the reason we play for free...Maybe he has money like that were he can buy gold. We shouldn't discourage anyone for it


Cheers to one of the most brilliant comments anyone has said so far :D


I'm done with this conversation. From now on seraphim will speak with our fighting ability not our words. If any of you ever message me asking for mercy ingame like so many of our enemies have so far I will only laugh haha :) thanks for making anyone on the empires side look under 12


Rakatos i wouldnt do that if i were you they have power in pacts and in experience D:


Who says we don't either I have confidence we can come out on top, I know a lot they don't. People are gonna regret underestimating us I've already got many begging to join because they realized we are almost all veterans.
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