MRA Discussions


Alright, instead of turning every other thread into a discussion about MRA's, I am going to designate this thread for it.

From now on, any and all posts about MRA or not MRA will be moved here. The Top 12 Alliance thread will be for rating alliances and giving opinions (yes this includes calling them MRA's, but not for arguing over it) on them.

For starters, and please correct me if im wrong, The Brotherhood has been accused of being "just another MRA" by their fellow forum goers.
The Brotherhood representatives have tried to assure everyone that they are not recruiting randomly, just a lot.

Opinions, GO

~ Iced


Recruiting a lot, to me, means exactly the same as mass recruiting.


Recruiting a lot? Yes, but we recruit those that meet us, and can actually help us. What is the use of an alliance with no army and experienced players? We have experienced players and are able to support ourselves and have fun. I believe some of you call us a MRA, and that is okay. We accept it. But I can't stand people who completely insult us because of that.


MRA's are awesome, especially if they serve punch and pie.


MRA's are awesome, especially if they serve punch and die.

Sorry, misquote! :D

Actually, I'm unsure where I stand on MRA's. I have been in an alliance which is happy to take on green players, and has offered invaluable education, but the amount of players within who repeatedly ignore the most basic advice or simply don't seem to visit the forums at all alarm me.

In previous threads, I noticed that one of the arguments contained words to the effect of 'we have players in the top 25, so we're not recruiting just anyone'. Surely in these early stages, it would be difficult to tell whether or not these are adept players, or simply people using up their christmas gold? I could chose to spend my gold on fast tracking buildings and completely ignore the need for troops for when BP runs out, I'd make a wonderful top 25 farm!


Aha, it all depends. You can't see our forums, so basically no one knows yet. We have only a few more hours before we see who really is elite...


There's always that one alliance that wants to have three sister alliances and a couple academies for good measure haha :p


We actually don't. Most of the members disagree, but our founders wish for this, and we all hope it will come out for the better.


If most of your members don't want to be apart of this group, they should just leave, why join an alliance without the same ideas


Well, as an aside, Project Venom on Xi, was considered an MRA by quite a few ere the real batteling began. :)



Well, as an aside, Project Venom on Xi, was considered an MRA by quite a few ere the real batteling began. :)

But Project Venom didnt go over the member cap or make branches,

lol @ attempting to compare Tbh with PV.


There is an alliance cap of 50 in this world so how can you have MRA's? You can't! It is impossible for anybody to mass recruit as all alliances have got to be small by the very nature of the parameters of this world.

You can have good alliances and bad alliances but not MRA's.

At this point all alliances will have a mixture of good players, bad players, new players, highly active players, low activity players and players who will soon quit. The only way for an alliance to be stuffed with great players, at this point, is if they are an alliance prearranged on another world that has moved across.


You must not pay attention then :p

you can have an MRA when you create say 3 alliances under the same banner expanding your member cap to 150 players.

This is what the brotherhood is doing making them an MRA


Lol exactly. But i'm still trying to get the point out, that the only thing that really matters is the quality of players ._. What's so bad about having a lot of good, and slightly new players together? It makes us stronger.


3 Separate alliances joined by name under the same banner and "allied" with each other with joint forums are still 3 separate alliances at the end of the day. Alliances banding together is called good war strategy and good politics. I agree with kylelli. I have seen many so called "Elite" alliances fall to so called MRA's simply because of overwhelming numbers.

At the end of the day many strategies can work if the strategy is well executed. Small alliances have strengths and big alliances have strengths. Also both can be naff under the wrong leadership.