Naji Premade - Updated


well Hello there, finally the famous daizan in contact :p

I more meant that I expect the world to be announced in 1 month time frame, I expect your world settings to be announced 1~2 month after mine. English is my third language, not one of my strongest points :)


Speed 1 worlds usually take around a month or so to fill.
I'd expect a new world in a couple of weeks, and given the last lot of worlds, it'll probably be speed 3.


better start demonstrations then, maybe an external petition

To ze Shanara embassy !


Well we had a speed 1, two speed 2s and then another speed 1.
We're due a speed 3 which means, if we get it, that that will fill within a week or so and a speed 2 may come up then.


cytheria was speed 3... that was the second last conquest world... which was screwed up by certain events.


cytheria was speed 3... that was the second last conquest world... which was screwed up by certain events.

screwed is an understatement of what happened, golddiggers had 3~4 cities with 10 K BP before BP end !


I didnt name it after myself in first place, curly and jay name it after me and create the picture of an monster tyrant ... hahahaha :D

it was a quite a funny suprise


unfortunately that is why the game has become far less competitive... a large chunk of the real players have quit over balance issues ;)


gold is a part of the game, get over it, or quit.

Yeah but how do you get that many bps before bp ending? There's island quests, but the rate at which island quests appear depends on the amount of points your city is. So if a gold digger builds his city up quick he can have more island quests appearing to him.


excessive usage of a gold is a sign of lack of skills and weakness

no, if a good player gold spams they get an advantage, gold does not show weakness, merely many people attempt to make up for skill with gold, it usually doesn't work. remember ammonjerro?

and davenator. more points = less quests, not the opposite.


excessive usage of a gold is a sign of lack of skills and weakness

I wonder if you realized that before or after you met me.
If you find someone to babysit my kids, I might join to:
a) criticize every leadership decision
b) announce each lack of activity, OPs, working system of LTS
c) delete each thread where last post is more than 6 hours old.


I read this thread first, then dai. I really hope it wont be the same server.

The thing with dai is that he will eventually leave and someone else will have to carry on. And I can not promise to carry on, RL beat me heavily.

I am not sure if you are more reliable to stay with all your miraculous life.